Dear God,
Please help me to be strong. Give me courage and wisdom to do my job well. I pray that I will be able to make the right decisions and perform in a way that honors you. Please give me the strength to care for my patients with compassion, integrity, and expertise. May the patients who come through my operating room heal quickly and with no complications. Thank you for blessing me with this opportunity to serve as a surgeon today. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen
Praying for a successful surgery can help calm anxiety and nerves before the operation. May these prayers for surgery give you peace and help you trust in God for protection and health. Details of; Rosary prayer for surgery, Catholic Prayer for Successful Surgery and Recovery.

Prayer For Surgery And Healing For A Friend
Most loving Heavenly Father, I commit my physical body to You today as I undergo a delicate surgery. Guide the hands of the surgeons as well. Thank You, Father, for giving them the skills and talents that can heal the sick and bring hope to the dying. Thank You for giving them sharp minds and calm hearts so that they can perform the operation without causing harm to my body.
Father God, as I fall into unconsciousness under the anesthetic, and as parts of my body are put under the surgeons’ knives, continue to touch me with Your healing hand. I trust, God, that You are my Healer. You alone have the power to take away this affliction I have. I believe that there is no disease more powerful than Your Name, God. In Jesus’ name, I rebuke this illness inside my body. Begone, in the name of Jesus.
After the surgery is done, thank You, God, for You will grant me restored health. Thank You for another chance at life that I may continue to serve You and give glory to Your Name. As I go on with my life after surgery, I ask You to always enable me to be salt and light to those around me. Help me to live my life in accordance with Your will.
Once again, I commit my body to You, as well as my soul. Be with me in this operation, and be with the doctors especially. In Your Name, I ask all these things, Amen.
Rosary prayer for surgery
Think, O’ God, of our friend who is ill, whom we now commend to Your compassionate regard. that no healing is too hard if it be Your will. We therefore pray that You bless our friend with Your loving care, renew his/her strength, and heal what ails him/her in Your loving name.
Our Lady, Star of the Sea, pray for us.
Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
The rosary is a Roman Catholic prayer and meditation tool that has been used for centuries. It consists of several sets of beads, usually with five decades (decades are groups of 10 beads) and one large bead between them. When praying the rosary, you pray one decade at a time, then meditate on each mystery of life as it relates to the current set of beads.
The prayers are typically recited from memory. The rosary is often said in groups, but it can be prayed by yourself as well.
The rosary beads are also called a chaplet or string of beads, which is another way to refer to them. There are many different types of rosaries available today, including wooden ones and those made out of other materials such as leather or metal.
Some people believe that saying the rosary can help improve your health and bring you closer to God through prayer. Others believe it helps them cope with grief or sadness during difficult times in their lives.
Short Prayer For Successful Surgery And Recovery
Dearest Lord, my friend is about to undergo a very delicate surgery. Just thinking about the operation makes me very worried for his well-being. But Lord, I trust that You are sovereign. You are in control of this situation. My friend’s life is in Your hands. I ask that You surround me with Your peace that I may not worry and that You also touch my friend with Your powerful healing hands.
Bless the surgeons as well, God. Give them steady, dexterous hands as they operate on my friend. Keep their minds sharp all throughout the operation, so that every move they make will serve to help my friend’s ailing body.
At the end of it all, thank You, Lord, for the healing you will impart to my friend. Thank You for giving him an additional opportunity to live his life. Thank You for the extra time I will be able to spend with him and thank You that he will be able to spend time with me again soon. All these I ask in Your Name, Amen.
Catholic Prayer for Successful Surgery and Recovery
Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of life. Please bless this surgery and help my doctor to perform it flawlessly. Please give me strength and courage during this difficult time. I know that you are with me and that your will shall be done. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you in prayer for my husband, who is scheduled for surgery tomorrow. I ask that the surgeons be blessed with wisdom and skill as they perform their duties. I pray that all will go well and that my husband will recover quickly from this surgery.
Lord, please give us strength to endure the time of waiting and healing ahead. Give us patience and understanding as we care for one another during this time of trial. We give you thanks in advance for your grace and mercy upon our family. Amen
Prayer for Someone having Surgery
Dearest God, I am deeply concerned now about my loved one who is on the operating table. As the surgeon performs the procedures on her, I cannot help but be worried. There are a lot of questions in my mind that come up about how she is doing. I know, God, that this surgery is out of my hands now, which is why I’m coming to You today.
I commit the life of my loved one to You, Father. You are the author of life, and You are the ultimate healer. Take good care of her, God, as she is going under the surgeon’s knife. Take away whatever it is that is negatively affecting her body.
Be with the surgeon, too, Lord, as he performs this delicate operation. Enable him to do no harm to my loved one’s body. Direct his hands during the entire course of the surgery. Allow him to locate the site of disease and remove it. As he cuts the flesh open and patches it back up afterward, let his hands be gentle as a feather. Let no damage be done on my loved one’s body.
I also ask, God, that through this surgery, You will show Yourself in a very personal way to my loved one. Let her experience Your love firsthand. Reveal to her Your purpose in allowing this circumstance in her life. May she know You more deeply through this situation, God. Let her experience Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I trust that You are watching over her through the entire operation. She needs You now more than ever, so I thank You for being there for her at this time. Hold her in Your loving arms, God. Be her comfort while she is on the operating table.
Continue to be with her, God, as she recovers after the surgery. Let her experience Your love even further through the blessing of having another chance at life. Enable her, Lord, to live her life for Your glory as well as to be a channel of blessing to the ones she loves. All these I pray in Your Name, Amen.

prayer for healing
Here are the 25 most encouraging prayers for healing for a friend.
Prayer to Our Unchangeable God
Heavenly Father, we intercede for our friend, [name of friend], who is in need of healing. Please reach down to our brother/sister who is in distress and set them at liberty from ill-health. In the Name of Your Holy Son Jesus, we declare that this sickness is temporary, and we focus our gaze on You, our Unchangeable God. This sickness is under the feet of Jesus, and it is leaving now. Amen.
Illness is Extinguished Prayer
Dear Lord, come to the aid of [name of friend] who has been violently attacked by this evil disease. Surround him/her in Your arms of protection. In the Name of Jesus, this illness is extinguished and cut off from [name of friend]’s body. Thank You, our Healer and Deliverer, that we will soon hear the sound of joyful singing in the home of our loved one as Your divine healing comes. Amen.
Set Free from Disability Prayer
Oh Lord, we urgently and fervently ask You, in the Name of Jesus, to set our friend [name of friend] free from this disability. Send strength and full mobility and prosperous health through his/her entire body. We give thanks to You Lord, that You have answered our prayers, and You have become [name of friend]’s deliverance and healing. Your right hand does valiantly; we will dance and rejoice in this day of freedom that You have brought to our friend. Amen.
Prayer to the One Who Took Our Sicknesses
Lord Jesus Christ, our most gracious Savior, we are humbled and awestruck that You took our sicknesses and calamities on Your body, and You carried our pain and anguish and affliction. What love, and what compassion; it is beyond our comprehension. And now, precious Healer, we ask that You touch our friend [name of friend], cast out this sickness with Your Word, and heal his/her illness so he/she can rise up and serve You once again. Amen.
Prayer to Jesus Who Purchased Our Healing
Lord Jesus, our hearts melt when we remember that You took the punishment that brought us completeness, that restored soundness to our souls and bodies, and flooded us with abundant health. By the scourging which You received, we are healed, we are cured of all disorders and diseases and disabilities. We claim this healing which You purchased at such an awful price for our precious [name of friend]. Raise her/him up to full health, we pray. Amen.
Prayer for Divine Healing
Loving Father, we ask for divine healing for [name of friend], who is desperately in need of a miracle. We thank You that healing is provided for the believer through the atonement of Your Son Jesus. You are the same yesterday, today, and into infinity, and Your Holy Spirit is still performing healing and miracles today in and through Your body of believers. We need a miracle now. May [name of friend] rise up today and reclaim full health all through his/her body. Thank You! Amen.
Prayer of Spiritual Authority over Cancer
Holy Father, thank You that we have an inheritance in Christ and the right to exercise spiritual authority. In the mighty Name of Jesus, that Name under which everything in heaven and earth and below the earth must bow, we exercise authority over cancer and command all malignancies to leave our brother/sister [name of friend]. All problems caused by cancer or by chemotherapy and radiation, leave now! Thank You, God, for restoring health to this dear one. Amen.
Prayer for Deliverance in the Power of the Ascended Lord
Heavenly Father, we take up the power of the Ascended Lord Jesus, and as co-rulers with Him, we assert our authority over the powers of the air. We thank You that demonic forces must recognize and obey you as Creator. We command you, evil forces, to release your hold over our friend, [name of friend]. God is his/her defender, so you have no power or authority to harass him/her with illness any longer. In union with Jesus, we exercise our authority and command you to give way. Leave our loved one and never return. Amen.
Prayer for Infection
Holy Spirit, enlighten the eyes of our understanding to fully comprehend that the Father has made us sharers of His authority. We exercise this authority now over snakes and scorpions for our brother/sister, [name of friend]. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, we command all infection to leave our friend, for all affected organs to be restored, and for robust health to flow from the top of his/her head to the soles of his/her feet. Amen.
Prayer for Healing to Body and Mind
Dear Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, all power, both earthly and spiritual, is under Your feet. In the authority of Your Holy Name, Jesus, we come against this evil energy that is afflicting the body and mind of [name of friend], and we bind it and command it to go, now! And even though we are seeing an apparent setback, we declare that this is not defeat – it is a pending victory, as we stand firmly on Your Word and trust Your truth to come to pass. Amen.
Strengthen from Within Prayer
Heavenly Father, as our brother/sister, [name of friend], spends time with You in his/her time of sickness, may he/she be strengthened from within. Help him/her remember that You are the God that still performs miracles, just as You did in Biblical times. Help our brother/sister to not give up their faith in Your healing miracle, and to be confident of victory over this sickness. Lord, we pray that Your miracle-working power would be manifested today. Amen.
Prayer to Strengthen Faith
Jehovah-Rapha, our Great Healer, we pray that You will strengthen the faith of our brother/sister, [name of friend], in Your healing power. May he/she realize that what they are hoping for is not just a wish, but it is a reality through Your promises and Your power. May they put their confidence in You, Lord, who formed the entire universe with Your command. May their faith reach that next level where they put their full trust in You. May they walk free of all disease and disability. Amen.
Prayer to Take Pain Away
Loving Father, we intercede for [name of friend], who is enduring great pain and suffering. Help our dear brother/sister be strong in You and in the power of Your might. Help them remember that all things are possible for the one who believes in You. And now, in the Name of Jesus, that Name above all names, we ask You to take this pain away, heal all disorders or disease or injuries contributing to this pain, and bless them with abundant life. Amen.
Prayer for a Chronic Disorder
Heavenly Father, I come to You on behalf of [name of friend], who has been suffering from this chronic disorder for some time now. May Your loving-kindness rest on him/her, O Lord, and may You touch him/her with deliverance, according to Your Word. We know that [name of friend] has turned to You for rescue and is trusting You, confident and sure in Your Word, for healing from this painful and disabling condition. May their hope be realized as they are liberated into wonderful health. Amen.
Glorify Your Name Prayer
Lord, You are all-powerful and full of compassion. We ask You to look down on [name of friend] with Your tender mercies, for he/she is seeking healing from You from this grave illness that has stripped him/her of quality of life. We plead with You to touch [name of friend], so he/she will be able to share their wonderful testimony of Your healing power, and so others will know how great You are. Glorify Your Name, O Lord, through healing our friend. Amen.

Comfort in Affliction Prayer
Gracious Father, remember Your servant [name of friend], who is enduring such suffering, patiently hoping and waiting for Your touch. I thank You, God, that You have been his/her comfort in affliction, and that Your Word has revived him/her. O Lord, I speak out the authority of Your Name against this adversity, that it will melt away, and that [name of friend] will be released from this suffering and enjoy life to its fullest. May this come to pass, for You, God, are with us. Amen.
Standing on God’s Word Prayer
Heavenly Father, You have promised that Your Word will not return void, but it will accomplish what You desire, and it will succeed in accomplishing what You sent it to do. So today, we stand on Your Word, as we intercede for our friend [name of friend]. Your Word says that Jesus took our diseases and carried our affliction and that we are healed by His wounds. Jesus, we thank You that You purchased our healing 2000 years ago, and we claim healing for [name of friend] in faith. Amen.
Raise Our Love One up Prayer
Merciful Lord, we thank You for Your promise that the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and that You will raise that person up. Standing on that promise, we lift the dire condition of our dear one to You, that You will hear our prayer offered in confident expectation, and that You will act on behalf of our loved one, and raise him/her up from this dreaded disease, and restore his/her body to health and wholeness. Amen.
Prayer While Laying Hands on the Sick
Jesus, You taught us that those who believe in You will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover from their illnesses. I lay hands on [name of friend] right now, and in the Name of Jesus, I ask that You tread down this sickness under Your feet. I thank You, Father, that You graciously give us all things. I thank You that [name of friend] is more than victorious through You who love us. Amen.
Prayer against Epilepsy
Compassionate God, we bring before You [name of friend], who has been suffering life-threatening seizures. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we command epilepsy to leave and never come back. All neurons and neuronal networks must function with order and control, and we banish hyper-excitability. We speak healing to any part of this brain that has been damaged by seizures and restoration of full cognitive ability. Thank You, Gracious Healer. Amen.
Prayer against Autism
O God of Infinite Mercy, You said that if we have faith like a grain of a mustard seed, we could move mountains. So in the Name of Your Son Jesus, we speak to the mountain of autism that is imprisoning [name of friend] and tell it to be uprooted and cast into the sea. Problems with speech and knowing how to interact with others must leave. Hypersensitivity to sound and lights must go, along with any aggression, agitation, inability to focus, sleep disruption and stimming behaviors. All symptoms of Autism are gone and must never come back. Amen.
Prayer for Victory over Health Condition
Heavenly Father, I rejoice in Your Word, for it is a storehouse of great treasure. And I claim the promises of Your Word for my dear friend, [name of friend], who needs victory over this health condition. Please bless my friend with abundant peace, with health, with completeness, and with soundness. May nothing cause his/her body to be weak or incapacitated in any way. I expectantly look for Your deliverance and healing. Amen.
Confessing God’s Word Prayer
Oh God Who Never Changes, we intervene in prayer for our brother/sister, [name of friend]. We confess Your Word over these symptoms and this diagnosis, and we stand on what Your Word says about the outcome, and we stand in faith believing Your Word until all these symptoms ease off of [name of friend]. We pray that You give [name of friend] endurance through this trial, and that he/she does not lose confidence in You, but that they will receive the healing You have promised. Amen.
Prayer According to God’s Will
Father, I thank You that if I ask anything in the Name of Jesus, according to Your will, that You will do it! I know that prayer for healing is Your will because You command us to pray for the sick and to lay hands on the sick and they will be well. Jesus, thank You that by Your wounds, You have purchased [name of friend]’s healing. Now, in the mighty Name of Jesus, I speak to defect and disease and evict you from [name of friend]’s body. Every problem in this body must leave now in submission to Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for a Work of Reformation
Heavenly Father, we thank You for accomplishing a work of reformation in [name of friend]’s body. We ask that the power of Your Holy Spirit, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, flow into [name of friend], bringing abundant life and deliverance and healing, accomplishing the will of the Father and bringing honor to the Name of Jesus. Thank You that You created [name of friend] with a destiny and that You are sovereign over this situation. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for interceding for us, and guiding our prayers and even praying for us. We praise You, God, for Your overflowing blessings. Amen.