So you’ve learned the basics of the Bible and decided to attend Catholic Bible study at your local parish. But what book should the class be using? There are dozens of versions of the Bible.
The article about how to read the Bible is probably the best place to start. It teaches a simple method that you can use to master essential Catholic Scripture study skills.
The line between Scripture study and prayer is fuzzy. Good Bible study should really lead you into prayer, and fruitful prayer will always teach you more about Christ.
So although this section focuses on Catholic Bible study, you should also see the section on how to pray, especially the article about Christian meditation (mental prayer). The skills there are also very useful for Bible study.

Catholic Bible Study Guide
Bible study doesn’t have to be hard or take a lot of time. You can easily print these free printable Catholic Bible study lessons and take them with you during your daily commute, on lunch breaks, etc. These worksheet are perfect for individuals, small groups, retreats and more! If you’ve been looking for effective and easy-to-print study material, look no further!
Choose either the Revised Standard Edition or the New Revised Standard Edition if you want a scholarly treatment of the Bible. The Jerusalem Bible, New Jerusalem Bible, and Good News Bible are three of the most readable and understandable versions of the Bible. The CTS Catholic Bible is an excellent option for those who wish to use a Bible during Mass.
Catholic Bible Study Group
This Catholic worksheet uses Romans 12:12 as its base text.
The lesson uses Romans 12:12 as its base text (“Be joyful in hope; patient in affliction…”). This lesson will teach you how being a good friend means accepting and loving others for who they are instead of seeking out their faults to criticize them for it later on down the line during your daily life experiences together with yourself as well as others like yourself who share similar interests with themselves over time when interacting with one another regularly.”
This Catholic worksheet uses Romans 12:9–10 as its base text.
This Catholic worksheet uses Romans 12:9–10 as its base text. The bible study lessons are designed to be used in a group, at home, and by children and adults of all ages. They can be used by people of any faith background or no religious affiliation at all.
This Catholic worksheet uses Romans 12:3-8 as its base text.
The first step is to read the passage. The second step is to read the passage. The third step is to read the passage….
This Catholic worksheet uses Colossians 3:12-17 as its base text.
- The importance of family relationships
- The importance of forgiveness
- The importance of the body (the physical body) as well as other bodies – like a company, a country or even God’s body (the Church)
This Catholic worksheet focuses on John 13:1–15, the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.
This Catholic worksheet focuses on John 13:1-15, the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.
Free Printable Catholic Bible Study Lessons
These Bible study lessons are easily downloadable in PDF file format. With the free printable Bible study lessons, you will be able to gain a better understanding of the Bible.
All the free printable Bible study lessons are created by Pastors, Bible Scholars, Theologies, and people with a better understanding of the Bible and the Word of God. You can download the lessons in PDF format and also decided to print it for group use.
These Bible study lessons contains questions after each lesson, as well as Bible passages related to the topic of the lesson.
For Catholics in general today, the most commonly used translations are the Revised New American Bible (RNAB), the Revised Standard Version (Catholic edition) (RSVCE), and the Jerusalem Bible (JB). The RNAB emphasizes readability and, because it is used for the lectionary at Mass, it is recognizable.
The method is simply this: once or twice each day read aloud the verse or passage you are memorizing. As the words become familiar, the family members should join in saying the parts they know. Continue the one or two readings a day until all family members can recite the Scripture together with confidence.
All of these free printable Catholic Bible study lessons will deepen your faith and bring you closer to God.
- To use these free printable Catholic Bible study lessons, simply download the PDF file(s) from this page and print them out.
- Then, read through it with a pen in hand to jot down any notes that come to mind and highlight any passages that stand out for you. You’ll want to use different colors of highlighters if possible (blue, red, yellow…), since there will be several different kinds of information being presented: Old Testament passages quoted in the New Testament; references to various books within the Bible (and their location within); quotes from saints on specific topics; etcetera. If you don’t have access to colored pens or highlighters at home, try going into an office supply store like Staples or Office Max as they usually carry these items at reasonable prices (and often include other helpful accessories like paper clips).
- Once you’ve finished reading through all four sections of these lessons with your colored pens handy and ready for action—you’ll be ready for some serious reflection time! That could mean sitting quietly by yourself or talking about what you’ve learned with others who are interested in these topics as well.* In either case though I highly recommend taking advantage of those moments when God speaks directly into our minds through his Word.”

How can I use the Free Printable Bible Study Lessons with Questions and Answers PDF
Before we share with you the 30 best free printable study lessons with questions and answers pdf, let us walk you through how you can use them.
Firstly, you will have to download the Bible study lessons, then you can print them for easy access. You will have to read the Bible passages assigned to the lessons.
Then after each lesson, answer the Bible study questions and discuss your answers with the members of your study group.
However, Incase of individual study, you can get the answers from the host of the Bible study lessons or there maybe a Bible verse or a Bible verse or passage, that contain answers to the questions, will be typed after the questions.
The New Testament is the best place to start reading the Bible. The first four books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry and are often referred to as the gospels. Reading the gospels is like reading the journals of four friends who went on a road trip together.
Here, World Scholars Hub provides you with the best free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers, available in PDF file format.
All the 30 best free printable Bible study lessons are available for free download and are easily accessible. However, you may require a PDF reader to open the lessons.
#1. Philippians Bible Study
The Philippians Bible Study is among the best free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf, that will help you understand biblical principles.
This Bible study contains four chapters and each chapter has questions and answers in PDF format.
#2. Genesis Bible Study
This free printable Bible study lesson teaches about the history of creation, Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden and many more.
#3. Book of James Bible Study
This Bible study lesson is mostly about James, the way he lived his life, the position he held in the first century Church, who he was related to in a physical and spiritual sense, his reputation and how he died.
The Book of James Bible Study is offered in five weekly lessons. One chapter is covered in a week for five weeks.
#4. Gospel of John Bible Study
The Gospel of John Bible presents a profound perspective of Jesus Christ and your relationship to Him.
It cover a chapter of the Book of John per week for 21 weeks.
#5. Pride Bible Study
Here is another free printable Bible study lesson, that teaches about pride, sources of pride and the effects of pride.
With the four-part pride Bible study questions, you will learn the biblical meaning of pride, what God said about pride, consequences of pride, and what you can do about your pride.
#6. Ephesians Bible Study
In this six-week Bible study, we learn that Paul tell of the great privilege of the Ephesians.
The Bible study is one the best free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers in PDF.
#7. Jude Bible Study
The Jude Bible Study is part of the best free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers pdf, that teach about false teachers.
This free printable Bible study lesson examines the names, the actions, the characteristics, and the motives of false teachers.
After this Bible study, you should be able to understand the learning signs in the Bible regarding false teachers.
#8. Is Jesus God?
There has always been a debate on whether Jesus is God or the Son of God. Is Jesus God? This lesson will address this debate in new ways.
The Bible study also provide answers to the questions; Does God exist? Was Jesus God? Does God have a Son?
#9. Creation of the Earth
The creation of the Earth is one of the significant event that was written about in the Bible.
This free printable Bible study lesson provide answers to questions relating to God’s creation of the Earth; Why do many people totally discount a Creator? How did the creation of the Earth happen? What is the age of the Earth?
You will also discover who witnessed the creation of the Earth.
#10. Pride Goeth Before A Fall
Here’s another free printable Bible study lesson with questions and answers pdf, that teach about pride and the effects of pride.
The Bible study lesson focuses on Pride and the stories of the people that committed sins because of pride.
You will also learn the relationship between pride and the fall of Satan, Adam and Eve.
#11. Satan Casts Out of Heaven
Was Satan cast out of Heaven? This Bible study lesson will provide a detailed answer to that question.
There has always been a debate on whether Satan was cast out of heaven or not. This free printable Bible study lesson will address the debate in a way that you will gain a better understanding of the event.
#12. Noah’s Ark
The story of Noah’s Ark is one of the popular stories in the Bible.
With this free printable Bible study lesson, you will gain a better understanding of Noah’s character, Noah’s ark, need of Noah’s ark, and the biblical flood.
#13. Life of Moses
This free printable Bible study lesson teach about the life of Moses, one of God’s chosen prophets.
The lesson focus on the following topics; Life of Moses, Birth of Moses, Moses flees Egypt, Moses and the Burning Bush, The 10 Plagues of Egypt, Moses’ Parting of the Red Sea, Ten Commandments, and Moses and the Promised Land.
#14. When was Jesus Born?
Every 25th of December, Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, but was Jesus Born on that day. This Bible study lesson will answer all your questions on the birth of Christ.
The free printable Bible study lesson provide answers to Why was Jesus Born? How was Jesus Born? Where was Jesus Born? When was Jesus Born?
#15. The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
This free printable Bible study lesson provides answer to that question and many more related questions.
The Bible study lesson also tells the story of Jesus on the Cross. You will also learn about the list of miracles that happened during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
#16. Ascension of Jesus
Here is another free printable Bible study lesson that provide answers to issues relating to the ascension of Jesus.
This Bible study lesson provide answers to the questions; How many people watched Jesus Christ’s ascension? What was so important about the 40 days prior to the ascension of Jesus Christ?
#17. Temptation of Christ
You can apply this Bible study lesson to your life when battling with temptations.
#18. Transfiguration of Jesus
What is the transfiguration of Jesus? This Bible study lesson provides well detailed answers to questions about the transfiguration of Jesus.
#19. Bible Prophecies Fulfilled
This free printable Bible study lessons talks about all the prophecies fulfilled in the Bible. You will learn how God use Bible prophecy to build our faith in him.
#20. Peter Denies Jesus
How many times did Peter deny Jesus? Why did Peter deny Jesus? When did Peter deny Jesus? You will get answers to all these questions and more in this free printable Bible study lesson.
This Bible study lesson will also teach you how to react when a friend betray you.
#21. The Death of Christ
The death of Christ is the most important event that has ever happened to humanity.
This Bible study lesson provide answers to the questions; What’s the definition of Atonement? What are some human attempts at Atonement? What’s God’s plan of atonement?
#22. Parable of the Prodigal Son
We all know the story of the prodigal son.
#23. Bible Parables
What is Parable? Who taught Bible Parables? This free printable Bible study lesson focus on how Jesus’ parables hide the truth from Hypocrites.
#24. Parable of the Ten Virgins
Here’s another Bible study lesson, that teach about the parable of the ten virgins.
It gives a deeper understanding of the significant event.
#25. What are the Ten Commandments?
It also talk about the disobedience of the Hebrews, New Covenant and Jesus’ Commandments.
#26. Bible Miracles
This Bible study lesson will give you the deeper understanding of the miracles in the Bible.
#27. Jonah and the Whale
If you like to know the story of Jonah and the Whale, then you should download this free printable Bible study lesson.
#28. Jesus Feeds 5,000
Here is another free printable Bible study lesson that talks about one of the miracles Jesus performed. This Bible study lesson will give you a deeper understanding of the event.
#29. Resurrection of Lazarus
Resurrection of Lazarus is another miracle that Jesus performed. The story of the resurrection of Lazarus is well explained in this free printable study lesson.
#30. Christ’s New Earth
This free printable Bible study lesson will give you a better understanding of the New Earth. You will about the consequences of Adam and Eve’s original sin and the effects of the sin.
How do I start a Catholic Bible study?
- Step 1: Pray. The first step to running a Catholic Bible study is to pray. …
- Step 2: Choose a Bible. Choosing a Bible can be more confusing than you think because there are multiple translations to choose from. …
- Step 3: Choose a Study. …
- Step 4: Get support from your Parish.
For more free Catholic Bible study worksheets, check out the links below. There’s also a section for kids’ Sunday school lessons and family resources to help you teach other Catholics about God. We hope these free printable Catholic Bible study worksheets will help you in your spiritual journey.