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Spiritual Meanings

Spiritual Meaning Of Mango

What does it mean to pick mango in a dream? God has provided man with a lot of delicious fruits. He also made them diverse, so humans can find them interesting. One of such divine gifts is mango. It has both satisfying taste and health properties (including teeth-strengthening capabilities and asthma-treating properties). Browse our site… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of Mango

Spiritual Meaning Of Mamre

What is the Spiritual meaning of mamre? Mamre was the place of the biblical story of Abraham, Abimelech, and Isaac (Genesis, chapters 20-21). Mamre is mentioned in these Scripture as well: Genesis 13:18, 33:18; Deuteronomy 24:1; Judges 8:8; and 1 Samuel 13:3. We will discuss the plains of mamre meaning and the significance of oaks… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of Mamre

Spiritual Meaning of Makeup

Looking for the spiritual meaning of makeup? Continue reading for the foundation makeup dream meaning and the man wearing makeup dream meaning. Makeup is said to have both physical and spiritual meaning. Makeup helps you express yourself and act confident, but it also carries significant symbolic meaning in some places across the world. What is… Read More »Spiritual Meaning of Makeup