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Spiritual Meanings

Spiritual Meaning of Jewels

What does a jewel symbolize? The spiritual meaning of jewels is manifesting on two levels: physical and metaphysical. On one hand, the underlying spiritual meaning of pearls, diamonds or other precious stones may be related to their physical characteristics. So, what do jewels symbolize in the bible? Jewels have long been revered for their beauty… Read More »Spiritual Meaning of Jewels

Spiritual Meaning Of Lavender

In this post, we will discuss the Spiritual meaning of lavender, spiritual meaning of smelling lavender and the spiritual meaning of lavender scent. Lavender, or lavandula officinalis, is a plant that’s been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. The Egyptians and Romans used lavender to treat stomach aches and headaches, while the Chinese… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of Lavender