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Church Gists

Polish Prayer For The Dead

Polish prayer for the dead (for the one who died) is a traditional prayer, often recited in Polish communities on Ash Wednesday and other Holy Week events. Also discussed below is polish blessings and prayers and traditional polish prayers. You can also pray this prayer according to your wishes in the decade of death or… Read More »Polish Prayer For The Dead

Poem About The Bible

A poem to reflect on the letters of the Bible, a poem that shows all letters in an unique and engaging way. We can be anyone and anywhere in such a short time. The same Heaven is everywhere, everyone’s home. The same God exists in us all, trying to come out like the sun through… Read More »Poem About The Bible

Search For A Pastor

There comes a time in the life of every church where they need to begin searching for a new pastor. Conducting a pastoral search is a significant decision, of course. Irrespective of the reasons the leader has, or is, leaving, transition and change are part of church life. So any pastor search process needs to be robust,… Read More »Search For A Pastor

Pics of Jesus In The Sky

Skepticism often shrouds any claim purporting⁣ to capture the divine. However, ⁢the picture of Jesus in heaven is not a mere hoax or fabrication; it stands as a tangible representation of one’s divine encounter. – These rare photographs provide a ‍visual testament to the reality of heaven and the ​presence‍ of Jesus within its realms.… Read More »Pics of Jesus In The Sky

Philippines In The Bible

A study of the Philippines in the bible. It is humorous to read out loud because of its rhyming nature. Humor is a good way to learn. The Philippines has many cultures from China, India and the West. There are also many islands and dialects in the Philippines. On this website you will find information… Read More »Philippines In The Bible

Paul In The Bible Story

Paul was a Jew from the Diaspora and a Pharisee by affiliation who had a vision of the risen Christ. His vision inspired him to preach the “good news” of Jesus’ imminent return from heaven and the establishment of God’s kingdom throughout the eastern Roman Empire. Paul was born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia,… Read More »Paul In The Bible Story

Prayer For Black Males

Dear God, We pray for the souls of black men. We pray that they are given a chance to survive, grow and thrive in this world. We ask for mercy for them because they are our brothers, fathers and sons. We ask for strength for their families so that they can be strong in times… Read More »Prayer For Black Males