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Church Gists

Pharmakeia In The Bible

The concept of **Pharmakeia** in the Bible is a topic that is often shrouded in mystery and debate. The word “pharmakeia” is derived from the Greek word “pharmakon,” which can be translated as sorcery, witchcraft, or the use of drugs for magical purposes. The Bible addresses this practice in various passages, shedding light on the… Read More »Pharmakeia In The Bible

Job Story In The Bible

The‌ Job Story in the Bible has been a source of inspiration and ⁣reflection for centuries. In the midst of ​unimaginable suffering, Job remained steadfast in his faith⁢ and trust in ⁤God. As we navigate through our ​own trials and tribulations, we ‌can draw wisdom and courage from Job’s story. “The LORD gave, and​ the… Read More »Job Story In The Bible

Cyrus In The Bible

The story of **Cyrus in the Bible** is a fascinating one that showcases the power of God to work through unexpected individuals for His divine purposes. In the book of Isaiah, we see God referring to Cyrus by name, hundreds of years before his birth, as the chosen one to fulfill His plans. ** “This… Read More »Cyrus In The Bible

Spiritual Meaning Of 12

In many cultures around the world, the number 12 holds a significant spiritual meaning. From the twelve months in a year to the twelve zodiac signs, this number is often associated with completeness and wholeness. In the Bible, the Spiritual Meaning Of 12 is also prevalent, symbolizing divine authority and perfection. Matthew 10:1 **”And when… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of 12

Dream Meaning Of Frog

In many cultures, the frog ⁤is a symbol of transformation and​ renewal. This symbolism is ⁢also reflected in the ⁢Bible, where frogs are associated with plagues and symbolism of change and ⁢transition. Understanding the ‍Dream ​Meaning Of ‍Frog can provide‍ insight‌ into one’s own personal growth and​ development. Revelation 16:13-14 In these verses, ​frogs are​… Read More »Dream Meaning Of Frog