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Christian Books

Bible Study On Faith PDF

Readings: 1 Samuel 30:6-12, Psalm 23, Philippians 4:7-8, John 10:10 In this study of the life of David, Dr. Sproul points out how David overcame numerous trials and temptations by calling upon God. Study these lessons to overcome your own testings in life. As we learn from David how to trust Christ in the midst… Read More »Bible Study On Faith PDF

History Of The Bible Pdf

The Bible is an ancient book that has been used to teach, guide and comfort millions of people for thousands of years. It’s also the most-translated book in history. This article discusses a brief history of the Bible. Parts of the Hebrew Bible were written in perhaps the 10th century BCE. The final redaction and… Read More »History Of The Bible Pdf

Kittel’s Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament

Introducing a new theological dictionary for students, general readers, and clergy alike, Kittel’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament offers peerless biblical scholarship from a distinguished international team of more than 200 contributors. The original German edition has long been regarded as the most reliable reference work in its field. Now, thanks to this outstanding… Read More »Kittel’s Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament