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Bible Knowledge

Pearl In The Bible

Pearl is the most popular woman in the Bible. She is introduced in Matthew 13:45 as “the merchant’s [or “trader’s”] wife.”. There are multiple theories about her historic origins, but she has become well known for her place in Christian tradition and lore, being portrayed in art as a symbol of purity. Jesus said, “The… Read More »Pearl In The Bible

Parts of The Bible

If you’re reading this, you probably already know that the Bible is a collection of books that were written over hundreds of years. But it’s worth taking a minute to think about what those books are actually about. The Bible is divided into two major parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old… Read More »Parts of The Bible

Famous Women In The Bible

Could you name the five most influential women in history? You’ve undoubtedly heard of a few…maybe. There’s probably the first lady; maybe an actress, musician, or a businesswoman. If you don’t count historical figures but only include people from your life, then no doubt it would be your mom, grandmother, or that one girl down… Read More »Famous Women In The Bible

Family Trees Of The Bible

Family trees have also been used as a teaching device. Presenting information in a family tree form helps students understand relationships, keep track of individuals and events. In the Bible, a family tree appears in the first book of Chronicles, where names of ancestors are listed down 30 generations. By following these leaves backward in… Read More »Family Trees Of The Bible