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Bible Knowledge

46 Books Of Old Testament

The Bible can be an amazing tool for learning about God and his work on Earth. But the Bible was originally written in Ancient Hebrew with lots of information left out. This led to lots of confusion when it was translated into other languages, such as English. This initial verse divided into chapters that we… Read More »46 Books Of Old Testament

4 parts of new testament

The New Testament is a collection of 27 books (or letters). These books are usually broken up into four sections: the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Revelation. This article will help you break down these sections and identify what their purpose is within the New Testament. New Testament is the second… Read More »4 parts of new testament

39 Books in The Old Testament

The collection of books known as the Old Testament consists of 39 volumes. This collection of books is organized into three distinct sections: the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy together make up the first five books of the Bible, which are collectively referred to as the Law. A… Read More »39 Books in The Old Testament