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Bible Knowledge

Betrayals In The Bible

Betrayal is a complicated subject. To some, it can seem like the most devastating thing that could ever happen, but others may not see betrayal as something that should be taken so seriously. The book of Genesis tells us that Jacob, the ancestor of the nation of Israel, had twelve sons in total. His favourite… Read More »Betrayals In The Bible

Isabelle In The Bible

The name does not appear in the Bible. It is a form of “Elizabeth” which came from the Greek name Ελισαβετ (“Elisabet”) derived from the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע (“Elisheva” or “Elisheba”), meaning “God is a vow”. In the Old Testament, Elisheba was the name of Aaron’s wife. Today it is sometimes abbreviated to Isa. Elisheba… Read More »Isabelle In The Bible

Isabel in the bible

A quick introduction to Isabel in the Bible, including the book she appears in and her role in that book. Isabel is mentioned once in the Bible: in Matthew 1:18. She is mentioned as the wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus. She is also referred to as “the daughter of Heli,” because Joseph was… Read More »Isabel in the bible

Angels In Old Testament

Angels were very active in the Old Testament, with activities that were unique to their roles. Examples of such activities would include guiding and protecting of the Israelites as well as man-made angels testing various people’s faith. Angels are mentioned in the Old Testament. They are described as messengers of God who carry out His… Read More »Angels In Old Testament