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Bible Knowledge

Minor Prophets In The Bible

The Minor Prophets in the Bible include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel. These four prophets were written during the time when Israel was in exile. The Minor Prophets are so-called because they are shorter than the Major Prophets, which include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel. The Major Prophets contain more details about God’s plan for… Read More »Minor Prophets In The Bible

Message Bible Pdf

The Message Bible, translated by Eugene Peterson, is a modern paraphrase of the Bible that seeks to make the text more accessible and understandable to contemporary readers. It is written in a conversational and easy-to-read style, making it a popular choice for those looking to engage with the Bible in a fresh way. In terms… Read More »Message Bible Pdf

Mermaids In The Bible

You heard right. Mermaids are mentioned in the Bible. In fact, they’re mentioned twice: once in Psalm 104:24, and once in Job 41:1-3. In Psalm 104:24, it says: “O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” The words “creatures” and “mermaids” are… Read More »Mermaids In The Bible

Crazy Old Testament Laws

The Old Testament is full of strange laws. In fact, there are so many that it makes one wonder what an ancient culture thought their form of government was supposed to be like. Some parts of the Old Testament seem outright ridiculous when translated into today’s society, but what about other parts? Could these laws… Read More »Crazy Old Testament Laws

Meaning Of Sapphire In The Bible

Biblically the Sapphire means truth, correctness, and honesty. Sapphire gemstone is also related to holy indulgence. The priests use blue color to show their relationship with paradise. The Sapphire gemstone is thought to emphasize and peace your mind and to remove undesirable thinking, sadness, and emotional pressure. Sapphire is a gemstone that has traditionally been associated… Read More »Meaning Of Sapphire In The Bible