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Bible Knowledge

Bible Verses About Sunflowers

The Sunflower is a symbol of steadfast love. It says that even in the darkest days and nights, you are still thinking about someone. Sunflowers grow towards the sunlight and spread their seeds, which represents hope and love brought forth through family. The sunflower is most often associated with the Bible verse, “Rejoice always; pray… Read More »Bible Verses About Sunflowers

The Books of Law in the Bible

The Pentateuch includes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The literary category of the Pentateuch reflects the traditional Jewish grouping of these books together as the Torah. The books of law in the Bible are: What is the Story of The Law Books in the Old Testament? The first five… Read More »The Books of Law in the Bible