We wish to extend our deepest condolences on your loss. Illness and death are two of life’s realities and they are the most difficult moments to endure. From helping you organise the funeral, post-death matters such as final taxes or testaments up till the closure of the deceased person’s bank account and digital assets, it is our goal to alleviate the stress from your heart and mind. We are also there for you before, during and after the tragedy happens.
Candle lighting prayer for deceased. In the Jewish tradition, a candle is lit by the grieving family or by a mourner at the grave site for one of two reasons: The primary reason candles are lit is to help those in heaven who have not yet arrived, to find their way from darkness to light, from the cold of death to warmth and life.
When you lose someone, it’s hard to find peace.
It’s hard to know how to cope with the grief that comes with losing someone who was so important to you.
The best way I’ve found to deal with my own grief is through prayer and meditation.
When I feel myself getting overwhelmed by sadness, I try to focus on what I’m grateful for in my life. This helps me refocus my attention on the positive things in my life, rather than dwelling on the pain of loss.
One thing that helps me especially is lighting a candle for the person whose passing I’m grieving over. For me, this is a way of showing them respect—and letting them know that they are still remembered and loved by those who care about them.
It feels like just yesterday I was lighting candles and praying for [deceased person’s name] to pass peacefully into the light. It’s been a hard year, but I’m so grateful for all of you who have helped me through it.

Candle lighting prayer for deceased
When we lose a loved one, it can be a challenging and emotional time. One way to honor their memory and send our prayers to them is through candle lighting. As we light a candle, we are symbolically bringing light to their soul and offering our prayers for peace and eternal rest.
Prayer 1:
Dear Lord, we light this candle in memory of our beloved [Name]. May the light of this candle guide [him/her] to your eternal embrace. Grant [him/her] peace and comfort in your presence. Amen.
Prayer 2:
Heavenly Father, we come before you with heavy hearts as we remember [Name]. May this candle serve as a beacon of hope and love for [him/her] as [he/she] journeys to your kingdom. May [he/she] find eternal rest and peace in your loving arms. Amen.
Prayer 3:
Lord Jesus, we gather here today to honor the memory of [Name]. As we light this candle, we ask for your mercy and grace to surround [him/her]. May [he/she] find eternal happiness and joy in your presence. Amen.
Prayer 4:
God of all comfort, we lift up the soul of our dear [Name] to you. May this candle illuminate the path to your everlasting kingdom for [him/her]. Grant [him/her] eternal peace and rest in your loving arms. Amen.
Prayer 5:
Dear Heavenly Father, we light this candle in memory of [Name], trusting in your promise of eternal life. May [he/she] find solace and comfort in your presence. May the light of this candle guide [him/her] to eternal rest and peace. Amen.
Prayer 6:
Lord of mercy, we seek your comfort and peace as we remember our dear [Name]. May this candle shine brightly as a symbol of our love and prayers for [him/her]. May [he/she] find eternal rest and happiness in your heavenly kingdom. Amen.
As we pray for our departed loved ones, let us remember the words of Psalm 23:4 – “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Let us take comfort in knowing that God is with our departed loved ones, guiding them to eternal peace and rest.
Lighting a Candle for The Dead Meaning
Lighting a candle is something humans have done for centuries in honor of the dead. Across religions and cultures, candle lighting has come to mean a number of different things. From creating a connection to the afterlife to religious symbolism, you might be surprised by what it means to light a candle after the death of a loved one.
Throughout human history, different cultures, faiths, and backgrounds adapted the candle lighting tradition to encompass a variety of meanings and traditions. These customs are based on local beliefs, mythology, ancient teachings, and family history. They bring people together and serve as the basis for holidays. Which of these meanings below has significance to you?
If you’ve stepped into a Catholic church, you’ve likely seen rows and rows of candles either at the altar or to the side. These candles typically rest in front of an image or statue of Christ, and it’s not uncommon to see Christians praying over them.
In Catholicism, lighting a candle is a way to strengthen a prayer. While you don’t need to light a candle when praying, it’s an old custom that goes back thousands of years. Jesus himself used the symbol of light to guide his followers, and lighting a candle brings followers closer to Christ.
Catholics also celebrate a holiday known as All Saint’s Day. This takes place on the first of November, and it’s a time for remembering the dead. Throughout the entire month of November, family members light candles and pray for the souls of the deceased. This practice shortens the distance between Earth, heaven, and purgatory.
While Protestants lessened their usage of ceremonial lights as a result of the Reformation, it’s not uncommon to still see small candles in Protestant churches today. These are an expression of private, individual prayer. They might be used by outsiders of the church or loyal followers.
Protestants don’t see the candles as carrying any specific power. However, they are a way to focus on the symbol of Christ and pay homage to a loved one who passed. They might light a small candle when remembering a family member or to say a prayer of their own.
The Jewish mourning process involves a number of rituals, from religious prayers to sitting shiva. Over the first year after the passing of a loved one, it’s important for the family to follow these traditions and customs closely.
One of these rituals is known as Yahrtzeit. This is the yearly anniversary of a loved one’s death, and this takes place yearly for the rest of the surviving family’s life.
During the observing of Yahrtzeit, there’s a lighting of a symbolic candle. These candles are lit on the evening of the death anniversary. A family member might say a special prayer, but this isn’t required. What’s important is that the family members reflect on the memory of the deceased or share memories.
Candles have a strong tie to Buddhism. They’re commonly found in front of Buddhist statues and shrines, usually alongside food and drink offerings, flowers, and incense. Candles represent the light of Buddha’s teachings, and they’re a sign of spiritual life.
These candles are lit daily as a way to reflect on one’s belief in Buddha and these teachings, and they’re also a way to meditate. Candle meditation plays a strong role in Buddhism. Lighting a candle is one of the best ways to focus during your mindfulness practice.
As you focus on the visual of the flame, it’s easier to reflect on your inner thoughts and ideas. The world fades away, and this is the perfect way to reminisce about your lost loved one.
Candles also are frequently used in the Wicca tradition. Pagans used candles as a way to aid in their meditation and practice for thousands of years, so it’s no surprise that modern Wiccans still look to candles as a way to remember the dead.
In Wiccan rituals, candles are placed on altars to aid in harnessing natural energy. While Wiccans believe in natural magic, this is very similar to the Buddhist belief of self-reflection and enhancing one’s own spiritual power. Using a white candle is said to help aid with channeling the memory of past spirits and family members.
Candle lighting prayer for deceased
The light that comes from a candle is never greater than the darkness of the night, but it will always be stronger. And, above all, remember: only in silence do we really hear, only in the dark can we see…
We pray to you, O Lord, that peace be with those who were called after your name. You will grant them eternal rest, while the light of your countenance shines upon them. And may they enjoy a never-ending light and life among the saints of God and with all who have reposed in you. For blessed and glorified is your name forever. Amen
We pray to you, O Lord, that peace be with those who were called after your name. You will grant them eternal rest, while the light of your countenance shines upon them.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lighting a candle for someone who has died can be a way to honor their memory and show you care. We pray to you, O Lord, that peace be with those who were called after your name. You will grant them eternal rest while the light of your countenance shines upon them.
candle prayers
And may they enjoy a never-ending light and life among the saints of God and with all who have reposed in you. For blessed and glorified is your name forever. Amen
Now, let us pray for the repose of the souls of the departed:
O Lord our God, who have made us from the dust of this earth and granted us an abode in it, look down upon all those who have departed from among us with love, mercy and compassion. Remember them always as you remember your own children; preserve their memory in your heart and let them enjoy a never-ending light and life among the saints of God and with all who have reposed in you. For blessed and glorified is your name forever. Amen

what to say when you light a candle for someone
A Prayer When Lighting A Candle
O Blessed Lord, accept this burning candle as a sign of my faith and love for you.
Like this candle, I am ready to be used in your service, without asking why and to what purpose.
Even as this candle, I wish to stand in your presence to be consumed in the light and warmth of your love.
Please hear my prayer and, if it be your will, grant my petition.
Above all, make me loyal and faithful to you in all circumstances of my life.
Candle Lighting Prayer
Dear God, our loving Father,
The candles we have lit represent each and every one of us whose lives have been touched and
changed forever by cancer.
Their light also reminds us of Jesus Christ, Your Son, who is the light of the world and the light in
our darkness.
Give us, we pray, comfort in our anxiety and fear, courage and strength in our suffering, patience
and compassion in our caring, consolation in our grieving.
But above all, give us hope now and always, through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Catholic Candle Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, true light that enlightens every man who comes into this world,
Bestow thy blessing upon these candles, and sanctify them with the light of thy grace.
As these tapers burn with visible fire and dispel the darkness of night,
So may our hearts with the help of thy grace be enlightened by the invisible fire of the splendor of
the Holy Ghost, and may be free from all blindness of sin.
Clarify the eyes of our minds that we may see what is pleasing to thee and conducive to our
After the dark perils of this life, let us be worthy to reach the eternal light.
Through thee, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, who in perfect Trinity liveth and reigneth, God, forever and ever.
Prayer Before Lighting The Candle
Father in heaven, the light of Jesus has dispersed the darkness of hatred and sin
Accept this candle and let the light of your truth guide me to your kingdom
Inflame my heart with your grace
Keep me in the radiance of your truth
Fill my heart with your divine love
And please help me in my needs __________ (mention your petition)
Grant this through Christ our Lord and through the intercession of ________ (mention your guardian angel).
Our Father……
Hail Mary……
Glory Be……
Prayer For Lighting A Candle
Lord, may this candle be a light for you to enlighten me in my decisions,
And may it be a fire for you to purify me from all pride and selfishness.
May it be a flame for you to build warmth into my heart towards my family, my neighbors and all
those who meet me.
Through the prayers of Mary, virgin and mother, I place in your care those I come to remember,
especially __________.
In leaving this candle, I wish to give you something of myself.
Help me to continue this prayer into everything I do this day.
Prayer Over The Advent Candle
O God, as light comes from this candle,
May the blessing of Jesus Christ come to us,
Warming our hearts and brightening our way.
May Christ our Savior
Bring life into the darkness of this world,
And to us, as we wait for his coming.
Lighting a candle before prayer and worship
Set our hearts on fire with love for you, O Christ our God
So that in its flame we may love you with all our heart,
With all our mind, with all our soul, and with all our strength,
And our neighbors as ourselves,
So that by keeping your commandments we may glorify you,
The giver of all good gifts.
Lighting a candle before prayer and worship
As we now bring fire to this candle wick,
Making it glow with light,
May we also bring the fire of love,
To this time of prayer and worship.
May this holy candle send forth dancing rays,
Like sunrise on the most glorious morning,
And may these rays of light,
Encircle us and those we love.
Lighting a candle during family celebrations
We give you thanks O God,
For this happy moment
And we ask that as we are one,
In this circle of light
We may always be one with you
In the circle of your loving presence.
We hope with all our hearts and souls that you have gained more knowledge about the tradition of candle lighting prayer for deceased loved ones. There are many things you need to know in order to prepare a good prayer and make sure everything goes according to plan. If you feel lost or overwhelmed by this task, don’t worry! We trust that by following our tips and instructions, you will be able to pull it off perfectly.