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Birthday Prayer In Arabic

    Searching for birthday prayers in Arabic content? You’re in the right place, thanks to this amazing article. Birthday prayers in Arabic are a great way to show your love and appreciation for someone on their birthday. The following birthday prayer in Arabic is a simple and beautiful way to wish someone a happy birthday.

    Here is a birthday prayer in Arabic:

    اللهم اجعل هذا اليوم مليئًا بالفرح والبركة، وارزق [اسم الشخص] سنة حافلة بالنجاح والسعادة. احفظه/احفظها بحمايتك، وألهمه/ألهمها بالقوة لتحقيق كل أحلامه/أحلامها. وفقه/وفقيه في كل مجالات حياته/حياتها، واجعل كل لحظة في عامه/عامها الجديد مليئة بالحب والسرور. يا رب، اجعله/اجعلها من الناجحين والمباركين، واجعل حياته/حياتها عطاءً للآخرين. آمين.

    wamal ‘an yakun eid milad rayiein. I wish you all the best on your special day. أتمنى لك كل التوفيق في يومك الخاص.

    You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on Birthday prayer in Arabic. Read on to learn more. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about Birthday prayer in Arabic.

    Birthday Wishes in Arabic Dua Text

    Sending birthday greetings, prayers, and messages in the Islamic language has numerous advantages. They can improve the recipient’s happiness and well-being as well as aid to fortify connections and foster spiritual faith. Furthermore, wishing someone a happy birthday in Islam and offering prayers and greetings can foster a sense of solidarity and community among those who share the same faith.

    1. Birthday Wishes in Arabic:

    List of Birthday Wishes:
  • Eid milad saeed! أتمنى لك يوم مليء بالفرح والحب والسعادة!

  • كل عام وأنت بخير وصحة وحب!

  • عقبال 100 سنة! أسعد الأوقات!

  • أتمنى لك عامًا جديدًا مليئًا بالنجاح والفرح!

  • 2. Birthday Dua in Arabic:

    List of Birthday Duas:
  • اللهم ارزقه العمر الباقي بحسن الصحة والعافية!

  • أسال الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يجعل أيامك كلها أفراح وسعادة!

  • اللهم اجعل هذه السنة أفضل سنة في حياته واجعل كل أيامه أفراح وسعادة!

  • 3. Birthday Greetings in Arabic:

    List of Birthday Greetings:
  • أتمنى لك عيد مولد سعيد! كل عام وأنت بألف خير!

  • كل عام وأنت بخير وسعادة وصحة وعافية!

  • عيد ميلاد سعيد وأعياد سعيدة دائماً!

  • 4. Birthday Blessings in Arabic:

    List of Birthday Blessings:
  • أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يمن عليك بالصحة والعافية والهناء!

  • اللهم ارزقه العمر المديد والسعادة الدائمة!

  • أعياد ميلاد سعيدة وأفراح دائمة!

  • Arabic Text English Translation
    عيد ميلاد سعيد Happy Birthday
    كل عام وأنت بخير Wishing you well every year
    عقبال 100 سنة May you live for 100 years

    5. Birthday Prayers in Arabic:

    List of Birthday Prayers:
  • أسأل الله أن يجعل هذا العام أفضل عام في حياتك ويجعله مليئاً بالنجاح والسعادة!

  • اللهم ابعث السرور والفرح في قلبه وأحقق له كل ما يتمناه!

  • أسأل الله أن يعطيك القوة والصحة والفرح في كل يوم من حياتك!
  • Here are several different English Version of Islamic greetings, prayers, and birthday wishes;

    Islamic Birthday Greetings, Sayings, and Prayers

    1. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you have a lovely day. May you always enjoy good health, great joy, prosperity, and an abundance of blessings.
    2. Happy birthday! May Allah shower you with blessings and pleasure. I pray for unmatched blessings throughout your life.
    1. You are a worthy Muslim. You’re in good company as Allah (SWT) is always with you. Have a blessed birthday and celebrate life with prayer.
    2. May Allah shower you with His wonderful kindness on your birthday and provide you prosperity and happiness that lasts a lifetime.
    3. Cheers to the birthday of Islam! God will undoubtedly make your day happy with all of the prayers and well wishes your loved ones have sent you on this wonderful day.
    4. Dear God, please grant my son happiness, wisdom, and excellent health.
    5. To you, a happy birthday.
    6. Oh my goodness, you looked so adorable at birth. Let’s have a lavish birthday celebration.
    7. I hope you have a very blessed birthday!
    8. These birthday prayers are intended to brighten your special day a little bit, because sometimes you just need a little spiritual assistance from Allah. Now let’s get going.
    1. God has blessed you with a new year of hope, peace, and happiness. May God continue to bless your life. Happy birthday!
    1. May Allah SWT bless and preserve the life of your loved ones. May his peace and blessings be upon you and your family.
    2. My friend, I hope you are celebrating the best birthday of your life! May Allah always bless you and His love last forever.
    3. May Allāh bless you and count your days.

    Birthday Prayer In Arabic

    List of Birthday Prayers in Arabic

    1. “عيد ميلاد سعيد! أتمنى لك يوماً رائعاً وسنة مليئة بالفرح والسعادة.”

    2. “أدعو الله أن يمنحك سنة مليئة بالصحة والنجاح والسعادة في عيد ميلادك.”

    3. “قلبي يفيض بالامتنان لله لأنه منحني فرصة للاحتفال بيوم ميلادك. عيد ميلاد سعيد!”

    4. “أتمنى لك عيد ميلاد سعيد وأيام مشرقة مليئة بالحب والفرح.”

    5. “أدعو الله أن يحقق لك كل أمنياتك في عيد ميلادك. عيد ميلاد سعيد!”

    Prayer Number Arabic Text
    1 عيد ميلاد سعيد! أتمنى لك يوماً رائعاً وسنة مليئة بالفرح والسعادة.
    2 أدعو الله أن يمنحك سنة مليئة بالصحة والنجاح والسعادة في عيد ميلادك.
    3 قلبي يفيض بالامتنان لله لأنه منحني فرصة للاحتفال بيوم ميلادك. عيد ميلاد سعيد!
    4 أتمنى لك عيد ميلاد سعيد وأيام مشرقة مليئة بالحب والفرح.
    5 أدعو الله أن يحقق لك كل أمنياتك في عيد ميلادك. عيد ميلاد سعيد!

    Happy birthday to you, [name]. May Allah bless you with health, success, and happiness. I pray that Allah makes this day the best day of your life.

    In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


    Alhamdulillah. Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illa Allah. Allah is Greater than anything and anyone. There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of God.

    O my Lord! Give me a happy and blessed birthday. Bless me with your love and mercy this year. Protect me from all evil and harm in this world and hereafter. Make me among those who are grateful for Your favors On this day of my birth, let me remember You always by reciting Your noble names as much as I can during my life so that You may forgive me my sins and make me one of those who always remember You in their prayers throughout their lives with full sincerity and devotion.


    O Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the compassionate, the merciful. O Allah, the Creator of everything, You are the One who gives life and takes it away. You are the one who makes men rich and poor. We ask you to accept this prayer as a gift from us to you. We ask you to give our brother or sister a long life with good health and happiness. O Allah, may he/she be successful in his/her work and business; may he/she have a happy home with a loving wife/husband and children. Let him or her be healthy and wealthy so that he or she can be generous towards those who need help. May all his wishes come true and may he or she reach paradise in old age. Ameen!

    O Allah, grant me life as long as there is life and death as long as there is death, and grant me success in what You have granted me. Let me die as a Muslim and let me be resurrected among the Muslims. O Allah, grant me a life of ease and comfort, and grant me a good end.

    Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad, wa barik ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad, kama sallaita ala Ibrahima wa aali Ibrahim.

    O Allah! Bless our master Muhammad and his family, as you have blessed Abraham and his family.

    Easy Ways to Say Happy Birthday in Arabic Language

    60+ Easy Ways to Say Happy Birthday in Arabic Language

    Happy Birthday in Arabic: If there is one thing that is of paramount importance in Arabic culture, it’s loyalty. Arabs are known for their serenity, timeless wisdom, enigmatic ancient stories, massive oil reservoirs, and immense wealth. Family is also one of the most important things in Arab culture, apart from education and being in a group. Arabs are quite generous people and teach their kids to stay benevolent and humble from the beginning. The Arabic language is one of the oldest and most beautiful languages in the world. Do you want to learn how to say happy birthday in Arabic? Do you have no idea how to learn to say happy birthday in Arabic in the quickest way? Don’t worry, the below-stated encloses umpteen ways to express happy birthday wishes in Arabic to your Arab friends and delight them immensely.                         

    Different Ways to Say Happy Birthday in Arabic

    Happy Birthday in EnglishHappy Birthday in Arabic
    Happy Birthday!عيد مولد سعيد! (eid mulid saeid!)
    Happy Birthday to you!عيد ميلاد سعيد! (eid milad saeid lika!)
    Happy birthday my dear!عيد ميلاد سعيد عزيزي! (eid milad saeid eazizi!)
    Happy birthday beautiful woman!عيد ميلاد سعيد امرأة جميلة! (eid milad saeid aimra’at jamilatun!)
    Happy birthday gorgeous!سنة حلوة يا جميل! (sanat hulwat ya jamil!)
    Happy birthday, dear friend!عيد ميلاد سعيد صديقي العزيز! (eid milad saeid sadiqi aleaziza!)
    Happy birthday to my buddy!عيد ميلاد سعيد لصديقي! (eid milad saeid lisadiqi!)
    Happy birthday, my friend!عيد ميلاد سعيد يا صديقي! (eid milad saeid ya sidiqi!)
    Wishing happy birthday to my lovely mother!أتمنى عيد ميلاد سعيد لأمي الجميلة! (‘atamanaa eid milad saeid li’umiy alhabibati!)
    Happy birthday daddy!عيد ميلاد سعيد أبي! (eid milad saeid ya abi!)
    Happy birthday to my respected father!عيد ميلاد سعيد لوالدي المحترم! (eid milad saeid liwalidi aleaziza!)
    Happy birthday mom!عيد ميلاد سعيد يا أمي!(eid milad saeid ya ‘umi!)
    Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter!عيد ميلاد سعيد لابنتي الجميلة! (eid milad saeid liabnati aljamilati!)
    Happy birthday to me!عيد ميلاد سعيد لي! (eid milad saeid li!)
    Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true!عيد مولد سعيد! عسى أن تتحقق كل أمانيك! (eid mualid saeid! easaa ‘an tatahaqaq kulu ‘amaniki!)
    May your birthday be filled with joyful moments!أتمنى أن يملأ عيد ميلادك بلحظات سعيدة! (‘atamanaa ‘an yamtali eid miladik bilahazat saeidatin!)
    Have a fantastic birthday celebration!أتمنى لك احتفال عيد ميلاد رائع! (hal ladayk ahtifal eid milad rayieun!)
    Happy birthday and congratulations!عيد ميلاد سعيد وتهانينا! (eid milad saeid watahniati!)
    I wish you a wonderful birthday!أتمنى لك عيد ميلاد رائع! (‘atamanaa lak eid milad rayiei!)
    Happy birthday, dear grandfather!عيد ميلاد سعيد ، جد عزيزي!
    Happy birthday, lovely grandmother!عيد ميلاد سعيد ، جدة جميلة!
    I wish you the best on your happy birthday!أتمنى لك الأفضل في عيد ميلادك السعيد!
    May you have a day full of lovely birthday wishes and laughter!أتمنى لك يومًا مليئًا برغبات عيد ميلاد جميلة وضحك!
    Happy birthday, my son!عيد ميلاد سعيد يا ولدي!
    Happy birthday brother in law!عيد ميلاد سعيد يا اخي بالقانون!
    Happy birthday sister in law!أخت عيد ميلاد سعيد في القانون!
    Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend!عيد ميلاد سعيد لصديقتي الجميلة!
    Happy birthday, dashing boyfriend!عيد ميلاد سعيد ، صديق محطمة!
    Let’s raise a toast on your birthday!دعنا نرفع نخب في عيد ميلادك!
    I hope you like my birthday gift and greetings!أتمنى أن تعجبك هدية عيد ميلادي وتحية!
    Happy birthday to the most special person in the world!عيد ميلاد سعيد لأكثر شخص مميز في العالم!
    I am lucky to have you in my little world. Happy birthday!أنا محظوظ لوجودك في عالمي الصغير. عيد مولد سعيد!
    Happy birthday and I love you!عيد ميلاد سعيد وأنا أحبك!
    It feels so good to be the part of your birthday celebration!من الجيد أن تكون جزءًا من احتفال عيد ميلادك!
    Happy birthday! Let’s cut the cake.عيد مولد سعيد! دعنا نقطع الكعكة.
    Congratulations on surviving one more year!مبروك على البقاء على قيد الحياة سنة أخرى!
    Congratulations on getting one more year older!مبروك على الحصول على سنة واحدة أكبر!
    Happy birthday! Let’s rock the party!عيد مولد سعيد! دعونا نهرس الحفلة!
    I Wish you enjoy the birthday party to the fullest!أتمنى أن تستمتع بحفلة عيد الميلاد على أكمل وجه!
    May your birthday be as special as you are..أتمنى أن يكون عيد ميلادك مميزًا مثلك ..
    Happy birthday to my adorable grandson!عيد ميلاد سعيد لحفيدي رائعتين!
    Happy birthday to my quirky granddaughter!عيد ميلاد سعيد لحفيدتي الغريبة!
    Happy birthday and cheers to your happiness!عيد ميلاد سعيد وهتافات لسعادتك!
    May you never stop enjoying your life!قد تتوقف أبدًا عن الاستمتاع بحياتك!
    Happy and may all your dreams come true!سعيد وقد تتحقق كل أحلامك!
    Sending my blessings and gifts on your birthday!إرسال بركاتي والهدايا في عيد ميلادك!
    Happy birthday to the loveliest person I know!عيد ميلاد سعيد لأجمل شخص أعرفه!
    Happy birthday to my favorite person from the bottom of my heart.عيد ميلاد سعيد لشخصي المفضل من أسفل قلبي.
    Happy birthday. May god’s blessings always be falling on you!عيد مولد سعيد. بركات الله دائما تسقط عليك!
    Happy birthday! Trust me there is no fun in getting old!عيد مولد سعيد! ثق بي ليس هناك متعة في السن!

    Islamic Birthday Wishes, Duas and Quotes

    Islamic Birthday Wishes, Duas, and Quotes

    Birthday Wishes

    1. May Allah bless you with happiness, health, and success on your special day.

    2. Wishing you a birthday filled with love, joy, and blessings from Allah.

    3. On your birthday, may Allah fulfill all your wishes and grant you Jannah in the hereafter.

    4. Happy Birthday! May Allah’s blessings be with you today and always.

    5. As you celebrate another year of life, may Allah shower you with His mercy and grace.

    Birthday Duas

    1. May Allah grant you a long and fulfilling life filled with faith and righteousness.

    2. On your birthday, I pray that Allah grants you good health, prosperity, and happiness.

    3. May Allah protect you from all evil and guide you on the right path in this life and the next.

    4. I ask Allah to bless you with peace, contentment, and success in all your endeavors.

    5. As you blow out the candles on your birthday cake, may Allah grant all your heart’s desires.

    Birthday Quotes

    1. “The best of people are those who are most beneficial to others.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

    2. “Do good deeds properly, sincerely, and moderately.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

    3. “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” – Quran 2:286

    4. “Verily, with hardship comes ease.” – Quran 94:6

    5. “And He found you lost and guided [you].” – Quran 93:7

    Islamic Birthday Wishes Islamic Birthday Duas Islamic Birthday Quotes
    May Allah bless you with happiness, health, and success on your special day. May Allah grant you a long and fulfilling life filled with faith and righteousness. “The best of people are those who are most beneficial to others.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
    Wishing you a birthday filled with love, joy, and blessings from Allah. On your birthday, I pray that Allah grants you good health, prosperity, and happiness. “Do good deeds properly, sincerely, and moderately.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
    May Allah fulfill all your wishes and grant you Jannah in the hereafter. May Allah protect you from all evil and guide you on the right path in this life and the next. “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” – Quran 2:286
    Happy Birthday! May Allah’s blessings be with you today and always. I ask Allah to bless you with peace, contentment, and success in all your endeavors. “Verily, with hardship comes ease.” – Quran 94:6
    As you celebrate another year of life, may Allah shower you with His mercy and grace. As you blow out the candles on your birthday cake, may Allah grant all your heart’s desires. “And He found you lost and guided [you].” – Quran 93:7

    **Writing Style:** Informative and instructional
    **Writing Tone:** Respectful and reverent


    Islamic Birthday Wishes: Birthdays are undoubtedly a special occasion for people of all ages. A birthday wish does not contain mere greetings only, but also surmises heartfelt wishes, prayers, and words of blessings! If you are a person of faith in Islam, you must reach your loved ones with Islamic Birthday wishes on their special days! Wish them a happy birthday and also extend your blessings towards them. Let them know that they are in your thoughts and prayers no matter what! Find some Islamic Birthday wishes below and choose a suitable one!

    Islamic Birthday Wishes

    Happy Birthday! May Allah keep showering his blessing on you!

    Happy Birthday! May Allah accept all your heartfelt wishes and prayers today.

    May all your dreams and all heartfelt wishes come true by the grace of Allah! Happy Birthday!

    May Allah bless you with all the desires your heart wishes for. Happy birthday!

    May Allah accept my prayers and keep you safe from every harm and evil. Many happy returns of the day!

    May all your dreams come true by the grace of Allah. May success follow you in wherever you go and whatever you do in life. Happy Birthday!

    I pray to Allah that he always keeps you surrounded by happiness and guide you towards the path of honesty and integrity! Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday. Sending you my dua filled with love and warm wishes. May Allah keep you happy and safe always.

    Happy birthday, my friend. May Allah surround you with endless happiness, joy, and prosperity.

    May success never leave your path and always follow you whatever you do in life. Happy Birthday!

    May Allah grant you a great life to achieve all of your dreams. Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy this special day of your life to the fullest. Always remember that my prayers are always with you in all the good and bad times in life. Happy Birthday!

    May Allah bless you with boundless happiness and endless joy throughout this year and in all the years of your life yet to come. Happy birthday!

    May Allah bless you with total integrity and greatness in life. May all you wish for in life come true as soon as possible. Happy Birthday!

    May you enjoy a marvelous birthday this year. I pray to Allah that he gives you endless happiness and eternal joy in life. Happy birthday!

    May Allah bless you with knowledge and wisdom. May you find peace and joy in wherever you go in life. That’s my sincere wish for you on your birthday!

    I pray that the blessings of Allah always lead you to the right path, wherever you go. Happy Birthday!

    May Allah help you to be devoted to Him. Wishing you a lovely birthday! Many happy returns of the day!!

    Birthday is the best day to thank the Almighty for His precious gift of life. Value it greatly, love it and respect it. Happy Birthday.

    May Allah bestow you with a prosperous and joyous long life! Happy Birthday!

    Happy birthday. May Allah guide you in every step of your life and make you happier than yesterday.

    May Allah add lots of happiness and beautiful memories to your life. Happy birthday.

    May Allah make your birthday memorable. Many happy returns of the day.

    May the Almighty bless you with all the happiness and joy in your life! Wish you a wonderful birthday.

    May all your wishes come true with Allah’s grace and you have another year of your life full of laughter and joy. Happy Birthday!

    Islamic Birthday Duas

    Happy Birthday to you! I pray that Allah blesses your life with His divine generosity and heavenly love.

    Happy Birthday to you! May this special day start an amazing, prosperous and bright future for you. Sending you my sincere wishes and prayers!

    May Allah bless you with a long life! This is my sincere prayer to Allah on your birthday. Happy Birthday!

    I pray that Allah’s loving and soothing hand will touch your life now that you are passing another year of your life. May you feel His love on your special day. Happy Birthday!

    I sincerely pray to Allah that he showers your life with his divine generosity and heavenly love. Happy birthday to you from the deepest part of my heart!

    May the Almighty Allah shower you with more success and the glorious years as you enter your new year. Wishing you a happy birthday.

    I wish that Allah will guide you every step of the way not only today as you celebrate your birthday, but every day of your life. Happy Birthday!

    May Allah never stop showering you with His numerous blessings and love. Happy birthday to you!

    May Allah fill your life with endless happy moments, countless wonderful surprises, and infinite success! Happy Birthday Dear.

    With age comes wisdom and sensibility. On your birthday, I pray to Allah for his generosity upon you. May He make you wiser with time! Happy Birthday!

    May the light of Allah guide you to a place where happiness is endless and your smile never fades away. Happy Birthday!

    May Allah bestow you with a blessed and virtuous life. Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy Birthday to you! May you be empowered with the strength of your faith and shine in every aspect of your life! Stay blessed!

    I pray that the merciful Almighty removes all the obstacles of your life and bless you with the patience of tolerating hardships! Happy Birthday!

    May Allah always protect you and guide you throughout your life. Wishing you all the happiness of the world on your birthday.

    Every day in my prayers I take your name and ask for your better health, happiness and prosperity. May you get every help you seek from Allah. Happy birthday, dear.

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for a Friend

    Dear friend, Happy Birthday to you! May Allah bless you with the willpower to live a good life and become a better person. Have a good celebration!

    Happy Birthday my friend! You are one of the kindest souls I know, so I genuinely pray to Allah for showering you with good fortune and joy!

    Allah has blessed me with you as my dear one; nothing can be more precious than that. May He guide us in the true path and keep us together.

    What can be more precious than having you as a friend! May Allah shower you with endless joy and prosperity.

    May Allah give you a long life, my dear friend. Happy birthday to you.

    You are one of my best friends, and I pray to Allah that He blesses you in every possible way.

    Happy Birthday, friend. May Allah always be merciful towards you, accepts all your good deeds, and rewards you generously! Enjoy your day!

    Today is the best day to thank the Almighty for sending you into my life. Happy Birthday my dear friend!

    May Allah bless you with unstoppable moments of love. This will always be my prayer for you. Happy Birthday.

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for Brother

    My dear brother, I pray that may Allah reward you for your every good deed. Happy birthday.

    May Allah’s blessings be upon you. Wishing you a very lovely happy birthday, dear brother.

    Happy Birthday to you, my dear brother! May Allah bestow you with constant happiness.

    May Allah always lead you to the path of Deen and guide you to do good deeds. Happy Birthday, brother!

    Dear brother, Happy Birthday! You are not only the pillar of our family but also a great brother and a kind son! May Allah grace you with constant happiness!

    Happy Birthday to you, my brother! We are thankful to you for being so humble and caring towards us. I sincerely pray that you have a prosperous life ahead!

    My brother, you have always been a great inspiration for me! May Allah always lead you in the right path and guide you to good deeds. Happy Birthday!

    Brother, life has been tough on you but you never stepped aside from your strong faith. May you be rewarded grandly by the Almighty! Happy Birthday!

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for Sister

    Dear Sister, Happy Birthday! May Allah shower you with loads of love and boundless happiness today and always.

    May Allah grant all your wishes and make you the happiest person. Happy Birthday, my loveliest sister!

    Dear sister, you are an embodiment of loveliness and care! A big Happy Birthday to you! May Allah grants all your aspirations and wishes!

    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, sister! May your prayers be answered sincerely and good deeds are rewarded vastly by Allah! Have a joyous day!

    Happy Birthday, my lovely sister! You deserve all the good things for how caring and helpful you are! May Allah’s blessing never leave your side!

    I am so thankful to the Almighty for blessing me with a sister I can always look up to! Happy Birthday! I pray for your health and happiness!

    My pretty sister, may Allah grant you a lovely and happy life. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

    On your birthday, I pray that Allah fulfills all your halal wishes and helps you to achieve your dreams!

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for Son

    Dear Son, I wish you a very happy birthday. May Allah grant you everything you desire in life.

    My lovely son, Happy Birthday to you! You have never failed to care for your parents and I always ask for Allah’s mercy upon you. Bless you!

    Happy Birthday to you, my son! I sincerely pray to Allah to add more joyful days to your life and take away all the sadness and suffering!

    Happy Birthday, dear! We are blessed to have a virtuous son like you! May Allah keeps strengthening your faith and guide you to Jannah!

    My son, you are the life of our family and the source of our happiness. Happy Birthday to you! May Allah bless you with a long, prosperous life ahead!

    Son, Happy Birthday to you! May you never deviate from the path of Islam and seek the truth in every sphere of your life! We love you!

    May Allah add more success to your days and take away all the sufferings and sadness. Happy Birthday, son.

    Dear son, no matter how old you have been, always express your gratitude towards Him. Happy Birthday!

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for Daughter

    Happy Birthday to my beloved daughter! May Allah always bless you!

    As today is your birthday, I would like to thank Allah for sending you in our life and making it joyous. Always have your faith in Him. We are blessed to have you.

    Dear daughter, you are indeed a blessing from Allah. May He guide you and help you find the truth about life. Enjoy your life and always remember to say your prayers. Happy Birthday.

    I cannot express how grateful I am to Allah that He has blessed me with you, daughter. Happy Birthday.

    It’s your day, and I pray to Allah that He gives you all you’ve been wished for. Happy birthday, princess.

    Happy birthday to my most precious person. Dear daughter, I always pray to Allah for your better health. Never forget to thank Allah for all His blessings.

    Sending lots of love and good wishes to my dear daughter on her birthday. I love you so much, baby girl. May Allah bless you on your birthday.

    It’s always been my prayer that may Allah fill your life with joy, success and guard you against harm. Happy Birthday!

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for Husband

    May the years ahead be full of Allah’s blessings and happiness. Happy birthday, dear husband.

    May Allah grant you a life filled with happiness, love, and prosperity. Never forget to thank Allah for everything he has blessed you with. Many happy returns of the day.

    Happy birthday, beloved husband. On your birthday, I pray to Allah to guide you to the truth and help you live your life by the means of Islam. I love you.

    Dear husband, happy birthday. May Allah fulfill all your dreams and make all your difficulties go away. I love you so much. Always be brave and generous.

    On your birthday, I pray to Allah to give you a joyous life. Hope you have a great day and year ahead. I am really thankful to Allah for making me blessed enough to be your wife.

    Happy birthday, dear husband. May Allah accept you as a good servant of his and make life easier for you. I love you so much.

    Happy birthday, dear love. I am forever thankful to Allah as he has blessed me with you. May we reunite again in Jannah.

    Happy Birthday to the best husband! I pray and wish you another 365 days of Allah’s blessing in everything you do.

    I’m blessed to have a pious life partner like you. May Allah grant you a long life. Happy Birthday.

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for Wife

    Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife. May Allah shower His love upon you and bless you more than you deserve.

    On your birthday dear wife, I am sending you lots of love, positivity, and blessings. May Allah make things easy for you when you are struggling. I love you, happy birthday.

    All praise to Allah who has blessed me with the prettiest and perfect wife. Happy Birthday.

    May Allah accept you as a good person, and bless you to have a great life now and forever. Keep on blooming dear. Have the nicest birthday, I love you.

    I pray to Allah for providing you with positivity, generosity, happiness, and success in your life. Always pray to Allah. Happiest birthday, dear. I love you so much.

    May the light of Islam touch your heart more vividly and guide you to live a decent life in this world. Happy birthday, wife. I love you.

    Happy Birthday, my pretty lady! I am so blessed and glad that Allah has made me your husband.

    I pray that Allah strengthens your bond with Him and makes you one of His favorites. Happy Birthday!

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for Father

    Happy birthday father. May Allah give you a prosperous life ahead and allow you to share more happy moments with us.

    Allah has truly blessed me by making you my father. I always pray to him for your better days. Happy birthday, Dad. May Allah bless you, always.

    Happy Birthday, dear father. You are Allah’s best gift to me. May He protect you and bless you always.

    I pray to Allah on this precious day for your good health. May the divine grace and blessings of Allah always stay with you, dad. Happy Birthday, I love you.

    May Allah guide you to limitless success and happiness dear father. I will always be making duas for you, may you live a healthy life. Happiest birthday ever.

    I am forever grateful to Allah for adding another year of joy, prosperity, and blessings in your life. May we share a stronger bond in the upcoming year.

    I hope Allah give you patience, strength, and courage to deal with everything in your life. Happy birthday, dear father. Enjoy your day and the rest of the year. I love you.

    You will forever be Allah’s one of the precious gifts for me, dad. Happy Birthday!

    May Allah protect you, keep you safe and healthy. Wishing you a very happy birthday.

    Islamic Birthday Wishes for Mother

    May the Almighty Allah continue to bless you every day of your life. Happy Birthday, my dear mother!

    On your special day, I pray to Allah for your happiness. May you get blessed with lots of blessings. May I get to serve you well, mom. Happy returns of the day, I love you.

    I always had my every ounce of faith that Allah has stored only good things for you, dear mom. Many happy returns of the day. I love you.

    Praise to Allah for giving me the most wonderful gift- YOU! Happy Birthday, mother! I love you.

    Happiest birthday, my dear mother. May Allah fulfill all your wishes and make you content with life. May Allah also keep you healthy and fine.

    May Allah give you a prosperous life ahead, mom. I Hope Allah allows you to share more of your joyous moments with us. Enjoy your day.

    Sending lots of love and blessing on this special day, mommy dearest. I pray to Allah for your betterment and may you live the best life here and the afterlife. Ameen.

    All I pray is that Allah gives you a long life. My life without you is incomplete, mom. Happy birthday!

    Allah has been kind enough to bless me with an amazing mother like you. Happy Birthday, sweetest mom.

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