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Prayer For My Cousin

As I have worked in the ministry for the past fifteen years, I think I am the only one who truly appreciates how crucial it is to pray for our loved ones. I have prayed for family members on a number of occasions, both privately and in groups. How to pray for relatives, such cousins, is one of the most asked topics I field. I recently prayed fervently for my cousin, and I’ll share it with you now.

Please, Lord I ask that you grant my cousin knowledge of your word and the spirit of revelation. Let your perfect will be shown to them, and let their eyes of understanding be enlightened. Offer them insight, and assist them in understanding that your calling has promise for them. Let them understand the wealth and majesty of their saintly inheritance. You continue to encourage them to recognize the great authority they possess and to remember that they are seated with Christ in the heavenly regions. Amen. Ephesians 1:12–21 served as a model. The verses offer suggestions for what to pray for others, and they are ideal for a prayer for a cousin.

I’ll give you five prayers in this article that you can say for your cousin. The prayers will include requests for strength, direction, protection, gratitude, prosperity, and all of the above. I’ll also talk about whether you can pray for your siblings or anyone else. Discover this and more by reading.

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To my cousin Cathy whom I love dearly <3 | Special prayers, Dear god, Love  her

Prayer For My Cousin

Lord, I am grateful for my cousin’s gift. The world is very fortunate to have (Name). (He/She) is a true buddy, not simply a cousin. I’m grateful for the gift of my family. May (he/she) always exalt You in everything (that (he/she) does). May You always be at the forefront of (Namethoughts )’s and the source of all (his/her) motivation. I ask in Your Name. Amen.

Prayer for Maintaining a Positive Relationship with a Cousin
Lord, thank you for my cousin’s gift (name). I didn’t really understand the particular link between cousins until I was older. When we were youngsters, playing games, teasing each other, and running around at grandma’s house was so much fun. We used to run into each other at family gatherings, but now that we’re older, we can’t always make it.

When my cousin was present, visiting grandma’s place was always fun. We would hug and immediately take off, talking and laughing the entire time. someplace that got misplaced. Outside of family events, we seldom ever converse anymore because we are now capable of doing so. I want to get along with my cousin better.

I frequently overlook my cousin since I am so preoccupied with my job and my family. I need to keep (him/her) in the forefront of my mind more frequently because I know they have important and stressful things going on in their lives. I need to repay the favor and put in more effort to keep our relationship going since I know how much it means to me when (s/he) reaches out to me.

Please support the spiritual development of our partnership. I am aware that (name) has abandoned the religion they were raised in. I’m not sure if (he/she) still prays or still attends church. Please allow me to serve as a beacon for my cousin so that (s)he can come back to you. Dear God, we feel restless when we are not near you. I can sense my cousin’s agitation.

Please assist me in making my words Your words when my cousin and I converse. Help me to serve as Your hands, feet, and face. Help me to share the gospel with others and to use words when required. I hope (s/he) can understand that my love for You is the source of my passion and my life’s mission.

Both you and my cousin are loved by me. I hope that (name) and I can continue to get closer so that (he/she) can adore you as well. I ask in Your Name. Amen.

Prayer for a Cousin’s Healthy Health
Gracious and gracious God, guard the health of my cousin. I’m aware that (he/she) has struggled with a number of health issues, and I hope that you heal them. You are a miracle worker, thus I am confident that you will remove (name) of (his/her) ailments if that is Your desire.

Please allow (name) to recover from not only physical but also emotional and spiritual scars. May you always have in mind the biblical phrase, “He stitches up the wounds of the brokenhearted” (Psalm 147:3, NIV). May my cousin seek for you, the great healer, for all the healings he/she requires. I ask in Your Name. Amen.

Encouragement to put God first for Cousin
Your God, Your Jesus commands us to “love the Lord our God with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our minds, and all of our power.” Love your neighbor as yourself is the second. There is no greater commandment than these. (NIV, Mark 12: 30-31).

These are my biggest prayers for my cousin if these are your ten commandments. I hope (name) values you more than anything. If (name) is now having trouble putting you first, I ask that you remove the distractions. Give (him/her) a strong desire to pray frequently.

I also hope that (name) will love others as oneself. We should emulate your Son’s unselfish service to the underprivileged here on earth. Being Your face, hands, and feet to those we come into contact with every day is our responsibility as Christians. I’m hoping that (he/she) is thinking about this task constantly.

If (name) needs assistance in either of these areas, kindly direct someone in (his/her) direction. I ask in Your Name. Amen.

Invocation for a Cousin In Tough Times
Lord, my cousin is currently going through a very trying period. Even if she doesn’t want to admit it, I know (he/she) is struggling as a result of the mounting pressure. He or she is such a wonderful individual. She is a genuine light in this world that is so dark. Please do not allow her fall victim to the darkness.

Encourage her to persevere in all of her efforts. Remember to “throw your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken” when my cousin is struggling (Psalm 55:22, NIV).

Nothing in this world will ever be able to sustain us as You are able to. Please assist (name) in maintaining hope in You despite the current challenges. Give (name) the fortitude and confidence to ask for help if they need it, and assist them in managing their stress in healthy ways. I ask in Your Name. Amen.

God, you want us to be good examples of many different qualities for our Christian brothers and sisters. The Bible instructs us that among the qualities we should exhibit as Christians are kindness, compassion, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12, NIV).

I truly hope that my cousin makes an effort to be patient, gentle, humble, kind, and sympathetic. May (he/she) always be mindful to show Christ’s love to those who are less fortunate than (him/her). I pray that all the words that flow from (his/her) mouth are kind, peaceful, and loving.

May (name) make an effort not to exaggerate (his/her) successes. May (name) makes an effort to understand Your might and realize that he or she is powerless without You. May (name) have a humble heart. I ask in Your Name. Amen.

Lasting Thoughts
It can be challenging to maintain relationships with loved ones as life becomes busy. You won’t ever regret making the effort to contact and stay in touch with your cousin, though.

May the Holy Spirit abound in your connection with your cousin. While you strive for a more wholesome relationship with your cousin, keep in mind these verses from Scripture: “And let us think about how we may encourage one another on toward love and good works, not giving up coming together, as some are accustomed to doing, but encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25, NIV).

May Christ be at the center of your interactions with your cousins. When life becomes busy and you want to put it on hold, say a quick prayer for your cousin and remember that you are constantly connected to them via Him.

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