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Short Prayer for Motorcycle Riders

    They ride between cars, trucks, and buses that can’t always see them. They share the road with drivers who may not be paying attention to what’s going on around them. And sometimes, those drivers are drunk or high or just plain reckless.

    But despite all of these risks, motorcycle riders still get out there every day and choose to ride. They do it because they love their bikes, they love the thrill of riding, and they love being able to get places faster than other vehicles can take them. God, please cover me with your eternal love. I pray and seek you, let your Holy Spirit lead me through this journey below. Talked about; Harley Rider’s Prayer, Prayer for Safe Ride. I know that I’m a sinner who need your mercy and grace in my life. Please forgive the sins that I have committed, the lies that has been told, the disregard for your word.

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    Short Prayer for Motorcycle Riders

    Dear God,

    Thank you for the gift of motorcycles. They’re so awesome and fun to ride. Thank you for the freedom they give me, and the way they make me feel like I’m flying through the wind. Thank you for how much joy they bring to my life. And on behalf of all motorcycle riders, I pray that you will watch over them as they traverse this crazy world of ours. Protect them from accidents and injuries, and help them not only stay safe on the road but also be good ambassadors for our sport. Make sure they know what it means to be a responsible motorcyclist, and that they can handle themselves well in any situation—especially when driving through areas where there are lots of drunk or distracted drivers around. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

    Dear God,

    Please help me get to work on time tomorrow. I know it’s a long ride and I’m not in the best shape, but I also know that it’s important to me to be there at 8 AM sharp. Please give me the strength and speed I need to make it through traffic and safely into the parking lot. Help me remember how much you love me and that you want me to be safe. Help me remember that this is just one day in my life, and someday soon I’ll look back on this as one of the best days of my life because it got me to work on time! Thank you for helping people get places safely every day!

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    I pray that you would keep my loved one safe while they ride their motorcycle. I pray that you give them strength, courage and wisdom when they are riding their motorcycle. I know that there are many dangers on the roadways today but I know that only your protection can keep them from harm. We will be praying for them every day and we will ask you to make a way for them to return home safely each day.

    We are so thankful for Your protection as we travel down the road today.

    We ask that You would watch over us and keep us safe from harm, from accidents, and from anything dangerous that could happen to us on our trip.

    We know that You are able to do this because of Your power in the world.

    Help us to remember that even when we’re riding motorcycles, it is still important to stop at red lights, obey traffic laws and drive carefully so as not to cause danger or harm to others on the road.

    • Be our guard and guide, Lord, as You make straight our paths. Keep us free of distractions, and let us see the danger before us and flee from it.
    • We are grateful to you for providing us with two-wheeled transportation that gets us where we need to go more quickly than walking or driving could. But please help all of your children who use motorcycles to be safe while they ride! Help them avoid danger and distractions on the road by praying this prayer:
    • “Lord God, you have made me for yourself, and put me here for a time on earth; give me grace so that I may bear my cross with patience; take away all distraction from my mind; make me watchful over myself always; give me true repentance for all my sins; lead me in your ways by wisdom and counsel so that I may walk safely along my path until at last you will bring me home where I shall remain joyfully forever with You in heaven. Amen.”
    • Thanks be to God!

    Grant us safety in every turn and obey every command that we may not stray from the path You have set before us.

    As you set out on your journey, pray that God will grant you safety in every turn and obey every command that you may not stray from the path You have set before us. Be thankful for this blessing of safety and drive carefully, using all the tools at your disposal to remain aware and alert throughout your ride.

    Avoid distractions like cell phones, GPS devices, music players and other forms of entertainment while driving. Always wear appropriate clothing for riding; don’t overload yourself with luggage or cargo; always check your lights and signals before going out; always wear a helmet; keep within posted speed limits as much as possible. Do not drink alcohol or use drugs while driving (even prescription medicine), because they impair judgment and increase risk taking behavior which can lead directly into danger zones on the road where death is a very real possibility if not avoided completely through prayerful mindfulness of one’s actions while behind the handlebars!

    Prayer for Safe Ride

    “Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever.”


    Thank you Lord for the gift of this day. I pray that you will help me to do your will and bring it to pass. I pray for safe travels and a safe return. Amen.

    I know I can’t take a ride on my motorcycle without praying for safety first, so here’s a prayer for all of us who ride motorcycles:

    Dear Lord,

    Please keep our minds on you and off the traffic. Please help us to be aware of our surroundings at all times and keep us from making mistakes that could cause an accident or injury. Help us to slow down when we need to, speed up when we need to, and stop when we need to. Please help us not take chances with our lives for the sake of saving a few minutes on our way somewhere. And please guide us safely home again so we can enjoy another day with you in heaven someday! Amen

    Harley Rider’s Prayer

    “Lord, watch over me as I ride my Harley Davidson today, keep me safe from all harm, and if I should fall, please do not let me hit my head.”

    God, thank you for this day.

    Please help me to ride safely and to be a good example to others.

    Please protect me from all the dangers on the road and from people who might try to harm me or those around me.

    Help me to be aware of my surroundings and to be alert at all times so that I can avoid accidents.

    Guide my hands and feet as I ride so that I may make wise decisions and not take risks that could lead to an accident.

    I pray that you will help me to be safe in all situations, whether it’s on my bike or walking through traffic.

    In Jesus’ name, Amen

    Bless our motorcycle and our brothers behind us that we may be a blessing to others as they ride in our wake while on the open road.

    Bless their tires and throttle, their brakes, belts and helmets to keep them safe as they travel.

    Bless the other riders on this road, that they may have good passage by all who come upon their path.

    That we who are traveling together may ride safely together in peace and with respect for each other’s journey.

    Prayer is more than a thought, a wish list or a monologue. Prayer is a conversation. In prayer we open up our hearts to God and invite Him into ours so that we can see things from His perspective, thereby allowing Him to work on our behalf. As we seek His presence and in His presence seek to glorify him in all that we do, it’s important for us as motorcyclists (and people in general) to remember that God cares about us individually and intimately; He has not forgotten about you or me!

    We also need to remember what it means when Jesus says: “I am the Way … no one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). It doesn’t matter how many times you ride around town—if your life isn’t rooted in Christ then you’ll never reach your full potential as an individual rider or as an established group member working toward common goals.”

    Enable us to be mindful of those around us that through their eyes we may see their needs and be a light unto them. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    We pray for our fellow riders, that they will be safe on the road and never forget who it is that keeps them going: You!

    Let Your love shine through in all that we think, say or do this day. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.

    Prayer is a spiritual conversation with God. It’s not a magic incantation, and it doesn’t have any power in itself. Rather, prayer is the voice of faith and an expression of your deepest desires.

    When you pray, you acknowledge that God knows everything about you—even the things that are hidden from others. When you pray to God, you are reminded that He loves you unconditionally and has plans for your life beyond anything in this world (John 10:10).

    Prayer helps us get right with God so we can experience His power more fully for ourselves (Romans 5:2). The purpose of prayer is to bring glory to Him through our lives (Matthew 6:9-13).