What are Bible verses about race mixing? Does the Bible allow interracial marriage? Good questions. This article has been written to specifically address those questions and more, from a Christian perspective.
God has given us the Bible. It is the word of God. The Bible says in the book of Genesis that God created all people. He made them male and female. (Genesis 1:27)
In the book of Revelation, Jesus said: “He who unites himself with Me is one with Me; he who separates himself from Me is one separated from Me.” (Revelation 3:20)
So we must be careful not to divide ourselves as God’s children by race mixing, because it divides us from God!
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You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on bible verses about race mixing. Read on to have all the information that you need about bible verses about race mixing. Read on to learn more.
you are privy to a litany of relevant information on bible verses about race mixing, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.
Bible Verses About Race Mixing

The Bible does not specifically mention the term “race mixing” but it does condemn it. The biblical laws for God’s people are clearly defined in Deuteronomy 7:1-4, when the Lord said, “You shall not intermarry with them [non-Jewish nation], giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods.” Genesis 1:26 is not a statement of equality among races. It clearly says that some races were created in the image of God and others were not.
While there are many more examples of racial hatred in the Bible; these verses seem to be enough evidence that the Bible condemns race mixing and marriage outside one’s own race.
what does the bible say about different races mixing
The Bible warns against mixing races – Deuteronomy 7:1-4.
Deuteronomy 7:1-4 is the only place in the Bible where God commands his people to avoid mixing races, and it can be found in Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Torah.
When Jesus referred to these verses during his time on earth, he said that this commandment was for a certain time and place—namely, when Israel was still wandering around in the desert after leaving Egypt (Matthew 19:8). This doesn’t mean that God has changed his mind since then; rather, it means that we should read him as speaking within a particular historical context.
Genesis 1:26 is not a statement of equality.
You might be reading this and thinking of Genesis 1:26. It is often cited as proof that God’s plan for marriage was to mix races. However, it is not a statement of equality:
- “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth ….’” (Genesis 1:26)
- “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)
- “And Noah awoke from his wine.” And he knew what his youngest son had done to him. And he said,”Cursed be Canaan! The lowest servant he shall be!” And Ham said,’May Canaan be a slave to Shem.’ But Shem said,’May Canaan be blessed by my Lord!’ May God enlarge Japheth Iscahoth -and may He dwell in the tents of Shem.” (Genesis 9:25-26)
Biblical passages like Genesis 2:24, 9:25-26; 10:1-32; 11:1-9; 15:18-21; 17:1-8 are clear on who is allowed to marry whom. This was God’s design from day one before sin entered into His perfect creation!
the Bible warns against marrying outside your race – 2 Corinthians 6:14.
The Bible is clear that you should not mix races. It says in 2 Corinthians 6:14, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial?” The Bible also warns us to be careful not to mix races, as we are never equal. In 1 Corinthians 11:2, Paul wrote, “I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you.”
There is no such thing as equality between people of different races because God created humans different from one another for a reason—to glorify Him through our individual talents!
The Bible treats certain races as subhuman or not fully human.
You may have heard that the Bible treats certain races as subhuman or not fully human. This is true, but it’s important to note that the Bible does not see all races as being equal. In fact, the Bible portrays certain races as subhuman or not fully human because they are not fully human; they are less than human.
The Bible contains many verses that call people of other races “beasts” and “animals.” The word “beast” often refers to non-whites while “animal” generally refers to black people specifically.

the Bible forbids interracial marriage when one spouse is non-Jewish and non-Christian – Malachi 2:11-12
The Bible is unequivocal on this point. We are to be one people, one race, one body, one church, and so forth. God says in Genesis that we are all descended from Adam and Eve (who were the first man and woman). He then says that Noah was the father not just of his own family but also of all men living at that time:
“All the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you.” – Genesis 9:27
And what was Noah’s family like? It was a racially pure family; they did not mix with other races! This principle is repeated throughout scripture over and over again: “There shall be no mixing of seed” (Leviticus 19:19), “You shall not marry them to your sons nor let your daughters marry their sons nor take their daughters for your sons or yourselves.”
the Bible is unequivocal on this point.
The Bible is unequivocal on this point. It’s clear, and it’s clear about this point. The Bible says so.
the only way to understand the Bible’s statements about race is through the lens of their original context. The Bible is a historically and culturally situated document, written in specific times and places for specific people groups. If we want to make sense of what it says about race, then we need to know something about the worldview of its authors. In other words, if you want to know what the Bible means when it says something about race, you will not find that answer by simply looking up a verse in an English translation. And yet this is exactly how many Christians approach these texts today. They take verses from a different time and cultural context and read them as timeless truths applicable to all people everywhere in all situations, including our own modern world. This leads us into error because we are not taking into account important details like language differences or historical contexts that might change the meaning of certain passages.”