Bible Verses About Questioning Everything: In the Bible, God frequently told his people to trust and obey him. He didn’t always give them answers. But he did tell them to listen and watch for the answer. It’s a great example that I think we should take to heart. Living your life in obedience can bring fulfillment, but it also keep us from trying to control things we don’t have answers for…which is really important because there are a lot of things we can’t control. Read more on bible verses about questioning faith and bible verses about unanswered questions.
The Bible has a lot to say about questioning everything.
In fact, questioning is exactly what God does in the Bible. He questions the people who are supposed to be serving Him and following His word, and he asks them hard questions about their motives and their actions. He also asks questions of people who don’t believe in Him, challenging them with questions that force them to confront their own beliefs and actions, and whether or not they’re willing to change.

The Bible contains all kinds of instances where God asks people hard questions—and it’s not just with people who don’t believe in Him or aren’t serving Him properly; it’s also with those who do serve Him well, but are getting caught up in the wrong things.
And that’s important for us as Christians today because it reminds us that we should never take anything for granted—not even our faith! Faith is something that must be constantly questioned, examined, and refined over time as we grow closer to God.
Bible Verses About Questioning Everything
The Bible is full of questions. It’s often said that the Bible is more a book of questions than it is answers. If you’re someone who finds themselves questioning everything, then perhaps the following verses will provide some comfort.
The Bible is full of questions. It’s often said that the Bible is more a book of questions than it is answers. If you’re someone who finds themselves questioning everything, then perhaps the following verses will provide some comfort.
The Bible is full of questions. It’s often said that the Bible is more a book of questions than it is answers. If you’re someone who finds themselves questioning everything, then perhaps the following verses will provide some comfort:
- “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) Even if you feel like you have no control over your life and decisions, God still has a plan for you and he will guide you down the right path.
- “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty” (Proverbs 21:5). If we rush into things without taking time to think through our choices or take advice from others, we can end up making mistakes or costing ourselves in other ways that could have been avoided had we taken a little extra time to think things through first!
1) Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes, that I may behold
Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.
In this verse, the word “wondrous” is used to describe the law and God’s Word. You can be sure that there is a reason why God wants you to behold the wondrous things He has revealed through His Word.
wondrous things out of your law.
The Bible is full of questions. It’s not just a book of answers, but it’s also a book full of questions. The Bible contains more specific answers than any other religious text, yet it remains the most debated and analyzed.
The Bible contains some familiar passages in which biblical characters ask God questions, such as Job’s struggle with unanswered suffering or Abraham asking God why he should be tested (Genesis 15:8).
2) Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
This verse is the perfect example of what the Bible is all about. Even though it’s a book full of Bible verses, it is also filled with questions. The Bible itself says that its purpose is to “show forth righteouness;” it shows us how God wants us to live our lives. However, sometimes it’s hard for us to figure out how exactly we should go about living our lives in accordance with God’s principles because they are often mysterious and difficult for us humans to understand without some help from an outside source—something like the Word of God! This verse suggests that if we want answers we need only ask Him (and He will give them).

3) Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
If you’re looking for love, you might feel like God isn’t paying attention. But the Bible says that if you seek God diligently, he will answer your questions and lead you to love him.
In Proverbs 8:17, it says “I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” The idea here is that God rewards those who seek him out. If we keep trying to understand him, he will make himself known to us in ways we can understand. And if we still don’t understand? We should just keep on trying until everything makes sense!

4) Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
This is the Golden Rule. It’s a guide for how to treat others, yourself and the world around you. This verse is powerful because it reminds us not just that God can give us whatever we ask for but also that we should treat others as if they were God—or the embodiment of love itself (which they are).
5) John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
There are times when you can’t feel the peace that Jesus left us. It’s hard to feel peaceful, especially when it seems like everything is falling apart around you. But it’s there, and this verse reminds us of that fact.
The peace that Jesus gave us isn’t like the world’s version of peace: a temporary sense of calmness in an otherwise tumultuous situation. Instead, this is a deep inner peace that never leaves even when everything else is falling apart around you, which means this kind of peace can last forever—even in your darkest hours!
Bible Verses About Questioning Faith
The Bible is a book of questions. It’s not just a collection of answers, but also one filled with queries: Who are you? What’s your name? Where did you come from? Do you know what the best way to live life is? Why do I feel so lost and alone sometimes? How can I be more like Jesus in my daily life? These questions don’t just exist within our modern culture; they’re part of who we’ve always been as humans—and they show up throughout the Bible itself. The Old Testament alone contains over 2,000 questions asked by characters such as Job, Moses and Jacob (just to name a few). The New Testament has plenty more where that came from too! So if these ancient texts are full of these kinds of inquiries…why shouldn’t we ask them today too?”
does god want us to ask questions
When I get to heaven, I have a few questions that I want to ask God. Over the years, the questions have changed.
When I was a child, I asked a religion teacher, why God created snakes. It made no sense to me. When I first read the book of Genesis, it made perfect sense to me that the devil was a snake. I hate snakes more than I hate tiny spiders.
I can’t recall my religion teacher’s name or her appearance. But I do remember she answered me with kindness. She lovingly told me that snakes are not all bad and that we may never understand why God creates or allows things, people and situations in our lives which seem to destroy all that is good. Then, she gave me the answer my mother and father gave me when they seemed to be at a loss for my endless questions about life and God- “Some things are a mystery. Trust God.”
My pre-adolescent brain was satisfied with that answer. But as the depth of my life experiences grew, so did the questions.
“Why are there wars and poverty? Why are people so broken? Why do we hurt the ones we love” and the proverbial — “Why do good people suffer?”
In the midst of these profound questions, and frustrated with teenage acne, I asked God, “Why can’t you just make this better?” In that seemingly vain moment, I had an interior sense of God’s love as these words came to me, “I want you to see that your beauty is deeper than your appearance and to know you are loved.” Good answer.
When the acne finally abated well into young adulthood and my girlish figure gave way to motherhood, I was glad for the lesson learned that my beauty and worth is not defined by age or appearance.
Knowing we are loved unconditionally gives us the courage to trust God for the unanswered questions, knowing that one day we will understand. Reading and studying the Bible is helpful, too.
The Psalms are filled with questions and expressions of every emotion known to human beings. I try to read the Psalms first thing upon waking and the last thing before bed. There are always verses that I can relate to because they touch on experiences I have throughout my day.
Every great person in the Bible who was called by God for a purpose had a few questions when God called them. Most of the questions came from a place of humility and belief — ultimately trusting that God can draw good even out of the bad things that the evil one intends for our destruction.
God allows, and even desires, our questions because He knows we sometimes need clarification to understand His will.
One example is the disciple often referred to as “Doubting Thomas.” Thomas missed Jesus’ resurrected appearance to His disciples.
When the disciples told Thomas, “We have seen the Lord!’ Thomas replied, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
Jesus was fine with Thomas’ questions and He even showed up a week later to allow Thomas to see and to touch His wounds.
Then Jesus gave every disciple — and each one of us — this one promise:
“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:24-29)
God knows we are human and we look for answers. But God also knows we were made in the image of God and there is more to this life than meets the eye.
Trusting God with unanswered prayers from my youth helped prepare me for the difficulties I would encounter as an adult and as a mother to a child with a rare disease.
I have personally experienced the blessing Jesus promised that comes from being one who “has not yet seen but believed.” The belief has made me stronger, more resilient and more persistent in my prayers. My faith has grown not only from the miracles I have witnessed but also through the endurance that grows when we chose to believe even when we don’t see.
Between Christmas and Thanksgiving, my daughter had two surgeries to repair the shunt in her brain. By the second surgery, I was tired and depressed that another holiday was being spent in and out of the hospital.
We’ve gotten used to having life interrupted — especially at the holidays. But try as I might, accompanying my daughter into the operating room to pray with her and kiss her goodbye as she drifts off to sleep is not an experience a parent ever could or should get used to no matter how many times they do it. It’s never been easy.
I usually wait in the waiting room because we have been in surgeries where emergencies happen and it goes from being a simple procedure to a life-threatening event. But on this late cold December evening, I needed to walk outside the hospital to feel the chill and walk to my favorite little chapel a block away.
The streets of Manhattan were buzzing with rush hour — people walking and driving quickly, anxious to get home or to shop for the holidays. But I was somewhere else in a hope beyond the struggle.
When I got to the chapel the doors were locked. Thankfully, the chapel windows run floor to ceiling and I could still see inside. I leaned up against the glass, pressing my whole body to take in the sight of all that is God.
Inside the dimly lit chapel, I could still see the glorious mural of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the flickering lights of votive candles, signaling the prayers of those who came to visit before me. In my view from the window, I also could see the gilded tabernacle where the presence of Jesus is known by the sanctuary lamp standing guard.
With my face pressed against the glass, I knelt down to pray my rosary and to offer all the unanswered questions before the throne of God. In that moment, the hustle and bustle of the busy Manhattan streets melted into silence as God answered all my questions and my doubts with the grace to believe.
It’s not a sin to question God — search the scriptures if you doubt. I believe God wants us to question His plan and His ways. He settles our doubts by giving us the belief that His ways are not always our ways. The good and the bad in this life can lead us to a deeper faith and trust in God — a blessing for all who will believe.
Bible Verses About Unanswered Questions
Questioning everything is part of what makes us human. If we couldn’t question our surroundings, we wouldn’t be able to live in the world around us—we’d just be animals.
But there’s a difference between questioning everything and not having faith. The Bible says that “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). And it also says that “God is steadfast, always faithful; he will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3). So when you’re questioning everything, make sure you’re doing so with a spirit of faith and trust in God.
I think the key takeaway from all this should be that good grammar is a cornerstone of effective communication. It’s not a useless relic from a bygone era, and it should never be treated as such. In today’s world, when so much communication happens online, it’s easy to forget the power of language—but knowing the ins and outs of your grammatical choices still gives you a huge advantage in both the written and spoken word; it still affects how well your message reaches your audience, and how willing they are to listen. If you’re stuck on the idea that good grammar is an outdated concern of the past, let me leave you with one final thought: if your spelling and grammar are so poor that no one can understand what you’re saying, what’s the point of speaking at all?