The process of bible study for social workers is also regarded as hermeneutics. The social worker’s responsibility is to turn what was believed in the past into what is believed by the present society and to help direct the future of humanity. The process can be challenging considering one’s role in the community, but it must be done if they are to stay relevant (Chanti, 2002).
Social workers have a unique calling to serve and care for those in need. They are often faced with challenging situations that require compassion, empathy, and strength. As social workers navigate these difficult circumstances, they can find guidance and inspiration in the wisdom of the Bible.
Here Are 12 Bible Verses that Are Relevant to Social Workers:
1. Proverbs 31:8-9
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
2. Matthew 25:35-40
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
3. Galatians 6:2
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
4. James 1:27
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
5. Proverbs 22:9
“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”
6. 1 John 3:17
“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?”
7. Ephesians 4:32
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
8. Micah 6:8
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
9. Romans 12:13
“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”
10. Luke 10:27
“He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
As social workers strive to embody the love and compassion of Christ in their work, these Bible verses can serve as a source of strength and encouragement. By following the teachings of the Bible, social workers can make a positive impact in the lives of those they serve.
Bible Study for Social Workers
The Bible is the most important book in the world. It contains the words of God, and it’s the foundation of all human history.
If you are a social worker, you know that you have a job that can be tough and frustrating at times. But there is one thing that will always be true: when you are dealing with people who are hurting, angry, or confused, they need to feel like someone cares about them. And that’s where this study comes in!
This study will help you to understand how the Bible can guide your own life as a social worker—and how it can guide your work with those who need your help.
The Bible is a book that provides us with insights into our own lives, but it’s also a historical document that can help us understand the world around us.
In this study, we’ll explore what the Bible has to say about social work and how it can help us better serve our clients.
This study will be divided into three parts:
Part 1: Social Work in the Old Testament
Part 2: Social Work in the New Testament
Part 3: Social Work in the Book of Acts (for those who want to take things even deeper)
The Bible is a great resource for social workers. It contains many stories, parables, and instructions for how to live your life.
The New Testament in particular contains many examples of how Jesus reached out to marginalized people and helped them by providing food, healing the sick, and teaching others about God’s love.
This study guide will help you learn more about what the Bible says about social work.
The Bible is a collection of 66 books written over a period of about 1500 years by approximately 40 different authors. These books were written to help people understand the message of God, who wanted humans to live in peace with one another and be good stewards of the earth. The Bible includes stories that teach us how to live well, as well as prophecies about what will happen in the future.
What Do You Think About Jesus’ Teaching on The Parable of The Good Samaritan?
When we hear this story, we tend to think of it as a parable about kindness and good deeds—but it’s actually much deeper than that. It’s actually a story about how we can’t trust other people to help us when we’re in need.
In the parable, there are two men who pass by a man who has been beaten and left for dead along the side of the road. The first man just keeps walking on his way, but then comes back later with some friends to rob the man and leave him there to die. The second man stops to help him: he cleans his wounds and bandages them up, gives him some food to eat and water to drink, takes him to an inn where he can rest for the night… then pays for his stay at said inn!
And what does this teach us? That we should always be willing to help others even if they don’t deserve it because there will always be someone else who needs our help more than they do; that everyone is capable of doing good in this world if they’re willing—but only if they’re willing!
Christ My Social Worker

A Comparison
Social workers base their entire practice on developing relationships. If the client and the social worker have a relationship of trust and knowledge, they can begin to make changes to solve problems. This means that two or more people must form some foundation for change before change can be made. What an exemplary social worker is Christ! He builds a relationship with us. We in turn sit at His feet and work toward a relationship with Him. Then changes take place easily. We can observe Christ’s warm relationship with His disciples and with those He met who needed help. The Gospels note constant dialogue between Christ and His disciples.

Christ Our Pattern
Christ had a special skill for knowing people readily and recognizing their strengths and weaknesses. Social workers also make social diagnoses and try to start where the client is. How remarkably Christ sized up the inner needs of the adulterous woman (John 8:3-11) and the woman at the well (John 4:6-26). How wonderfully He sizes us up and knows what satisfies our needs. The more we study His Word and share our problems with Him, the more we can work with Him. Then it is easy for us to understand His ideas. We already know He understands us (see Job 12:13).
Social workers emphasize use-of-self. This means the worker uses his own feelings and reactions to situations as a guide to evaluate the progress of problem solving and as a means of feedback to the client, so he knows how his behavior affects his social worker. How ably Christ uses Himself. He is always where the action is and is always involved. For instance, He let Himself be known when He overturned the tables of the moneychangers (Matt. 21:12-16). Sadly He let Peter know of His knowledge of Peter’s three-time denial (John 13:10, 11, 38), but He also shared His forgiveness and love (John 13:16, 17).
He does the same with us. He has given us His Word so that we may know Him (John 6:68). He has given us over-all attendance of the Holy Spirit (John 15:26) and special an gels besides (Heb. 13:2). How much more broadly could Christ use Himself on our behalf? God’s sacrifice of His Son for us is the ultimate and most concrete form of use-of-self (John 3:16).
Importance of Termination
No social work with a client is complete without planning for an ending. Termination wraps up the problem and concludes that particular phase of the helping relationship. Christ knew the importance of termination when He prepared the disciples for His death and return (John 13: 36). It is typical of human behavior to misunderstand and react to an impending separation. Note the disciples’ reactions (John 13:37). Christ has also prepared a fitting termination for us when our problem days are over and the new earth is ours (Rev. 21:1). He makes a fitting termination to a day with a sunset (Gen. 1:5), and to a week with Sabbath (Ex. 16:26). And to our daily ups and downs with problems comes a termination with prayer and thanksgiving for our gain for change (Job 22:27-30). Termination is a mutual responsibility between client and worker.
Traditionally social workers work with individuals, groups, and communities. At all times the individual is the primary concern. Again we can see Christ’s work in these three areas. He healed the daughter of a community ruler at the leader’s faithful request (Matt. 9:18, 19). He formed a relationship, diagnosed the problem, started where the leader was, and helped him to make a change. He prepared the disciples to carry on the work of love after their leader was sacrificed (Acts 1:22). Christ exemplifies good group-work techniques to be sure. And Christ led out in community organization. Note the previously mentioned action with the money changers. Christ knew how to converse with leaders, get to the heart of the issue, and take desired action appropriately. So today Christ helps us in many ways some times with personal answers, sometimes with family answers, sometimes with church-community answers. His methods are those of an efficient and understanding social worker.
Choosing Christ’s Methods
Today social workers more and more work with larger community issues as a way of meeting the needs of individuals. Christ has done that all along. He organizes around human issues of love and charity, forgiveness and humility, patience and longsuffering (1 Cor. 13). He promises that no one will go hungry, naked or shelterless (Matt. 6:24-34). Today He shows us the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). All along Christ has looked after the larger issues that make our choices and alternatives in life clear and apparent.
At the present time we find social workers tending toward outreach efforts. This means prevention and early problem solving. Social workers are seeking the trouble spots before they are crises. Of necessity, emphasis is also on more astute crisis intervention. When the woman brought an alabaster box of ointment to annoint Christ’s feet when He came to eat with the Pharisees, Christ recognized a need immediately in spite of efforts of others to deprecate her humble efforts (Luke 7:36- 50). Upon His resurrection, Christ associated with the believers for a short time in anticipation of giving comfort and guidance to those who needed reassurance (Matt. 28:9-20). Christ also invited the overworked and burdened to come to Him for help (Matt. 11:28). The ultimate in outreach to all of us is God’s sparing of His Son so that we can be saved. What an effort of outreach and crisis intervention! Because Christ cares we are released from sinful ways, assuming, of course, that all preceding steps have taken place relation ship, diagnosis, appropriate beginning, use-of-self, termination, and the correct techniques.
The over-all goals of social work are solving problems and effecting changes. The approach and techniques are all about problem solving in day-to-day incidents, large and small. Christ is our constant help in problem-solving work. When we sit at the feet of Jesus and practice primitive godliness, we do live as effective persons. We do solve problems appropriately with Christ as our social worker. Christ is the social workers’ Social Worker.