The Bible is a good book filled with stories featuring tremendous conflict and majestic resolution. Maybe you’ve heard it said that the Bible is just a bunch of old myths and guess what? It’s actually true. So, I’ve put together this list of biblical song lyrics based on the best known songs inspired by the Good Book.
“Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” This is probably the most famous bible song of all time. Many people use it when they are singing in church. The song is quite similar to other Christian folk songs that focus on Bible stories and other verses from the Bible. Bible song lyrics bring out the innocence of a young child as they sing these songs without much understanding of Christianity. It’s these lyrics that make you admire a child’s ability to understand their faith compared to us older Christians who shake our heads at the younger generation for not reading their bibles. Talked about; Bible song lyrics for toddlers, The Bible Song lyrics in Spanish.

The Bible Song Lyrics
The Bible is the world’s most popular book and has been a source of inspiration, guidance and hope to billions of people. Here are the lyrics to one of our earlier songs that helps teach children in a fun and engaging way.
The Bible is one of the most influential books in history. It has been read by millions, and it’s changed their lives.
But did you know that there are some pretty great songs about it?
We’ve seen some great articles about how to use the Bible as a resource for song lyrics, but we wanted to take it one step further: how can we use these songs as an entry point into learning more about the Bible in general?
So we’ve compiled a list of songs that we think are particularly helpful in getting people interested in the Bible.
Here are some lyrics from some of those songs:
Books Of The Bible Song Lyrics
The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains 39 books, while the New Testament has 27 books.
The Old Testament includes many books that were written hundreds of years before Jesus was born. It tells of God’s promise to send a Savior (Jesus), and how that promise was fulfilled through Jesus’ life, death on a cross, and resurrection from death.
The New Testament begins after Christ’s ascension into heaven 40 days after His resurrection from death (see Acts 1:1-11). It tells about how God transformed His people from being followers of false gods to having faith in one true God—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Romans 12:3).
Old Testament
The first five books of the bible are called the pentateuch, which means “the five books.” The first 4 books are written by Moses and tell how God brought his people out of Egypt and gave them their land. The last book tells about God’s promise to give his people a new king from David’s family.
The book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It is also the first book of the Torah, Pentateuch and Old Testament.
In this section, you will learn about creation myths from around the world.
The first story in Genesis tells about how God created everything on earth.
The Exodus is a story about the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt. The version found in the Bible is often called the “Exodus” or “Book of Exodus”, but it’s not just a single book. In fact, there are many different versions of this story (some written hundreds of years after others), and they all contain varying details about how God helped Moses free his people from Pharaoh’s rule over them. One thing that most versions agree on, however, is that God gave Moses ten commandments for how people should live their lives: thou shalt have no other gods before me; thou shalt not make idols; thou shalt not take God’s name in vain; honor thy father and mother …
We also learn what happens when we disobey these commandments—like when dad gets angry with us because he can’t pay our bills! But even though it seems like Moses was punished for disobeying his father’s orders when he struck down an Egyptian taskmaster who had been beating up some Hebrew slaves
Leviticus is the third book of the Pentateuch. It is a book of laws and instructions that God gave to Moses.
In Leviticus, you will find instructions on how to perform sacrifices: how many animals should be offered, what they should look like, and how they should be killed. Also included are laws concerning cleanliness (how not to get unclean), worship (who can come into your house), and diet (which foods are acceptable). Much of this stuff is pretty boring when compared to the exciting stories found in Exodus and Numbers–but if you want a little more background information on these characters from those books, then it’s worth checking out Leviticus as well!
The Book of Numbers tells the story of how God led a group of people out of slavery in Egypt and into their new home, Canaan. It tells how they wandered in the wilderness for forty years before conquering Canaan.
The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Torah and the final book of the Pentateuch. It contains a second set of Ten Commandments, Moses’ farewell address, and a prediction of the future of Israelites and their promised land.
Joshua was a military leader in the Bible. Joshua was Moses’ successor and led the Israelites into the Promised Land. He was a warrior who defeated the Canaanites. He also had prophetic abilities, judging Israel for more than 30 years after Moses died.
Joshua is often called “a man of God” because he believed in God so much that he obeyed Him even when it meant not taking over or conquering Jericho when he could have easily done so with thousands of troops at his disposal.
The Bible Song lyrics in Spanish
The Bible Song – Spanish (La Biblia)
En la tierra de Uz había un hombre llamado Job. Él era un hombre de Dios, temeroso de Dios y apartado del mal. El era santo y justo, aparte de sus amigos.
Job tenía siete hijos y tres hijos, que eran los hijos de sus dos esposas. También tenía tres hijos de sus esclavas. Sus hijos fueron los más importantes en toda la tierra de Uz. Y Job poseía ochocientas ovejas, trescientos camellos y cien asnos; también poseía mil yuntas de bueyes y mil asnas para arar la tierra. Y poseía mucha tierra: cinco mil árboles cargados con frutos, cincuenta parques con animales salvajes en ellos; también poseía mucho ganado pastando en el campo. Era el hombre m
The Bible Song in Spanish
This is one of the most popular children’s songs in the world. It has been recorded by many artists, including Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff, who have made it their own. The lyrics are simple and repetitive, which makes it ideal for teaching children to sing along.
The first verse goes like this:
La Biblia es buena para leer; la Biblia es buena para escuchar; la Biblia es buena cuando estás triste y sola; la Biblia es buena cuando estás contento y feliz. (The Bible is good to read; the Bible is good to hear; the Bible is good when you’re feeling sad or lonely; the Bible is good when you’re feeling glad and happy.)

Judges is a book of the Bible. It tells the story of Israel’s history from the time of Joshua until Samuel, who was prophet and judge during this period. God raised up judges to deliver His people from their oppressors, but when they would stray from Him, He allowed other nations to conquer them. This happened again and again until finally they were taken into captivity by Assyria in 722 B.C., where they remained for years before returning home under Zerubbabel and Ezra (Ezr 2:1-70).
The story of Ruth is a beautiful and inspiring one that shows the importance of faithfulness, love, and devotion. This book tells the story of Ruth who was a Moabite woman who married into a family in Israel. She is an example of great faithfulness and devotion to God. She loved her husband dearly even though he was from another country and not Jewish like she was. She helped Naomi by working for her when times were hard for them both after they had lost their husbands, who were also brothers (Ruth 1:1).
Because of this kindness to her mother-in-law Naomi’s prayers were answered when Boaz married Ruth (Ruth 2:1). Their son Obed fathered King David who eventually became king over all Israel after Saul died—the start of the united kingdom under David’s rule (2Samuel 5:3).
Bible song lyrics for toddlers
The Bible is the story of God’s relationship with humanity. It tells us about God’s love for us, and how we can have a personal relationship with Him.
The Bible is made up of different books, each one telling a different part of the story. The most important book is called The New Testament because it tells about Jesus’ life on earth.
The New Testament begins with an event known as the birth of Jesus. It continues through his ministry until he died on the cross and rose again three days later. Then it ends with his ascension into heaven where he reigns as King of kings, Lord of lords, and God over all creation.
The Bible is a book that has been read and studied by millions of people over thousands of years. It is the best-selling book of all time and the most translated book in the world. The Bible has 66 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. These books include poetry, history, law, prophecies and letters written by many different people from all over the world.
The Bible is also called “the Good Book” because it teaches us how to live good lives and how we can find happiness and peace in our lives.
1 Samuel
1 Samuel 1:1-2:10
1 Samuel 2:11-7:17
1 Samuel 8:1-10:26
1 Samuel 11:1-13:23
1 Samuel 14:1-15:35
2 Samuel
2 Samuel is the second book of the Hebrew Bible, and the second of five books of the Pentateuch. It tells the story of King David. David was king over Israel for 40 years. He began his rule at age 30 and died at age 70. 2 Samuel was written by David himself, who had been a soldier in Saul’s army before he became king himself
1 Kings
1 Kings is the first book of the Hebrew Bible in the Christian Old Testament. It tells about how Solomon, son of King David, became king and then ruled over Israel for forty years.
The book includes many stories about Solomon’s wealth and power. It also describes how his foreign wives led him away from God’s teachings and worshiped false gods instead.
In 1 Kings 3:5-12, God speaks to Solomon through a dream: “Ask what I shall give you.” Solomon asks for wisdom so that he can rule his people well; this request is granted so that he may have both riches and wisdom
2 Kings
The book of 2 Kings is the second part of a four-book series called “The Historical Books.” The first book in this series is 1 & 2 Chronicles, and the third part is 1 & 2 Esdras.
The Old Testament begins with Genesis and ends with Malachi (or Ezra-Nehemiah if you’re reading an extended version). It includes most of our favorite stories from history class: Adam and Eve, Noah’s ark and the Great Flood, Moses leading his people out of Egypt into a new land—and more!
1 Chronicles
1 Chronicles is a book in the Bible.
It’s the first of two books in the Hebrew Bible that gives a detailed history of David’s reign.
The book is organized by David’s line, with each king’s reign covered in one or two chapters.
2 Chronicles
The book of 2 Chronicles is a continuation of the books of 1 & 2 Kings. It’s author is Ezra, who was one of the leaders in the return from exile in Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple.
The purpose for writing this book was to add to God’s word. The author wanted to give more historical information about what happened when Israel returned from captivity so that future generations could know about them and learn from their mistakes.
The chapters in 2 Chronicles are: 1-9,10-29,30-36
Ezra was a priest who led the Jews back from Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem. He was also a scribe and wrote down most of what is called the Old Testament, which begins with the book of Genesis and ends with Chronicles.
He led them back to Jerusalem and rebuilt their city as well as their Temple.
Nehemiah was a cupbearer to the king of Persia. He was also the governor of the province of Judah, which included Jerusalem. Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem and led his people in worship. He was a great leader and godly man!
Esther is the fourth book of the Bible, and it tells the story of Queen Esther. It’s only four chapters long, but it has a lot to say about God’s faithfulness and plan for His people. This song is from a collection called “The Best Christian Music” by Steve Green.
His voice is so powerful! I love how he sings about God’s love and mercy over us as well as his plan for our lives together on Earth.
Job is a book about a man named Job who loses his health, family, and wealth after Satan accuses God of being unfair. The book shows how even in the most difficult circumstances people can still find meaning in life by trusting God. Although Job suffers greatly, he never stops believing in God’s goodness and power. In fact, he becomes wiser than ever before!
The book of Job contains many lessons for us today: we should trust God with our lives; we should not give up hope when things get difficult; we should rely on His wisdom instead of ours; and if possible try to help others who are suffering as well!
Psalms is a collection of sacred songs and poems that form one of the books of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. The Psalter is divided into five books called “Psalms”.
The book of Psalms contains 150 poems divided into five books with 50 psalms in each.
The Bible is a great book to read, because it has so many stories that are interesting and relatable to the everyday person. I recommend this book if you want something that will inspire you or if you just want something to read before bed at night! In conclusion: The Bible is one of the most widely read books in human history. While it may not be your cup of tea, there’s no denying its impact on society and religion around the world…or even just as an easy way to pass time on those long airplane flights!
who wrote the b i b l e song
“The Bible Tells Me So” is a 1955 gospel pop hit written by Dale Evans. Nick Noble’s version was the first of two to chart. It features the Lew Douglas orchestra and backing vocals by the Jack Halloran Choir.
Don Cornell cover
Don Cornell’s version followed Noble’s rendition on the charts by one month. It reached number seven during the fall of 1955 and is the most successful version of the song.
The B-side of Cornell’s record, “Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing,” also reached the U.S. Top 40, peaking at number 26.[1] It was the theme song of the movie of the same name. His version was the second of five charting versions of the song during 1955.
Lyrical content
“The Bible Tells Me So” speaks of trust in and reliance on God as revealed in the Bible, as the source of faith, hope and charity. The Bible is extolled in the song as the best way to live, as being not only the key to success, but also the way to please God and receive His guidance.
Other cover versions
Dale Evans, the writer of the song, recorded her own version on her 1960 LP, Jesus Loves Me featuring Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and family.[2] She often sang the song as a duet with her husband. Others who have covered “The Bible Tells Me So” include Mahalia Jackson, Martha Carson and Kate Smith.
Chart history
Weekly charts
The song reached No. 8 on the U.S. Cash Box Top 50 Best Selling Records chart, in a tandem ranking of Don Cornell, Nick Noble, Kay Armen, and Roy Rogers & Dale Evans’s versions, with Don Cornell and Nick Noble’s versions marked as bestsellers.[3] The song also reached No. 7 on Billboard’s Honor Roll of Hits, with Don Cornell and Nick Noble’s versions listed as best sellers.[4]
In Australia, the song charted regionally. It entered the Brisbane charts in January 1956, and reached number 3. In Sydney, it charted twice: in January, when it reached number 10 (in a 10-song Hit Parade), and again in March 1956 when it went to number 4.