The Book of Luke is the third book of the New Testament. The author, also known as Luke, is believed to be a physician who traveled with Paul for an extended period, and he was also one of his disciples. The Gospel of Luke covers some familiar territory: events from Jesus’ birth to his resurrection. In addition, it recounts how Jesus remained devoted to God and lived a moral life despite His growing popularity during his public ministry, The Gospels’ Gospel Quizzes, Tests and Questions (Christian Bible Study Series Book
1) Kindle edition by Tim Richmand. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablet. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Luke: The Gospels’ Gospel Quizzes, Tests & Questions (Christian Bible Study Series Book 1). Here are some Luke chapter 1 quiz questions and answers. We credit four evangelists with the writing and publishing of the four Gospels of the Holy Bible; Matthew, Mark, John, and the focal point for today’s quiz, Luke! What are you able to tell us about the man who contributed the most to the writing of the New Testament? Take the following Luke 1 quiz, answer the questions and find out for yourself! Good luck! You may need it!
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on bible quiz questions and answers from the book of Luke pdf. Read on to learn more. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about bible test questions multiple choice Luke. Read on to learn more.

Bible Quiz Questions And Answers From The Book Of Luke Pdf
- 1. What was the name of the priest when the Herod king of Judea ruled?
- A. Melchizedek
- B. Zechariah
- C. Aaron
- D. Nadab
- E. Abihu
- 2. Zechariah belongs to which priestly division?
- A. Abihu
- B. Moses
- C. Abijah
- D. Aaron
- E. Melchizedek
- 3. Who was Zechariah’s wife?
- A. Elisheba
- B. Sarah
- C. Miriam
- D. Elizabeth
- E. Mary
- 4. When the time for burning incense came, where were the assembled worshipers?
- A. Praying inside
- B. Praying outside
- C. Waiting outside
- D. Singing outside
- E. Dancing outside
- 5. When Zechariah saw the angel, what happened to him?
- A. Happy
- B. Astonished
- C. Did not move
- D. Stunned
- E. Startled and gripped with fear
- 6. What name Zechariah have to put for the baby?
- A. Thomas
- B. Moses
- C. John
- D. Peter
- E. Abihu
- 7. What will the baby have from birth?
- A. Sing well
- B. Speak well
- C. Guide
- D. Strength
- E. Holyspirit
- 8. In who’s spirit and power baby will go?
- A. Gideon
- B. Samuel
- C. Elisha
- D. Elijah
- E. Moses
- 9. What was the good news that angel bought to Zechariah?
- A. He was going to have a son
- B. Laws for serving as a priest to God
- C. He is going to lead God’s people in future
- D. He was going to be a prophet
- E. He was going to have twins
- 10. What happened to Zechariah when he didn’t believe?
- A. He will not speak till the promise come true in its time.
- B. He is to tell everyone about the promise.
1 Who was governor of Syria when Caesar Augustus believed that everyone should be taxed, according to Luke 2:2?
Answer: Cyrenius
Cyrenius’ name means warrior. It can also be written as Quirinus. He took over as governor around A.D. 6 after Archelaus was banished from Syria.
2 Luke is the only Gospel to tell of Jesus healing ten lepers, as per Luke 17:11-17. After they were cured, one of the lepers returned to give thanks to Christ. What nationality was the leper?
Answer: Samaritan
According to Luke, only one leper, a Samaritan, returned to give thanks. The 17th chapter of Luke reports Jesus was traveling along the border between Samaria and Galilee when He encountered ten lepers. It’s interesting to note that Jews and Samaritans largely despised each other and often stayed within their jurisdictions to avoid having interactions with each other. However, it was different for lepers. It was strictly a case of misery loves company and it would not be uncommon for Jewish and Samaritan lepers to be in a group in the region Jesus was traveling through.
After the lepers pleaded with Jesus to have mercy on them, Christ instructed them to present themselves to the priests. As they proceeded on their way to show themselves to the priests, a miracle happened; as Scripture reports, they were suddenly healed of their leprosy. According to notes in the NIV Study Bible, showing oneself to the priests was a normal procedure after a cure. (Further information about showing oneself to the priests can be found in Leviticus 13:2–3 and 14:2–32.)
Bible Test Questions Multiple Choice Luke

However, out of the ten lepers, only one, the Samaritan, returned to give thanks to Jesus. The other nine, when they realized they were healed, may have continued to “show themselves to the priests” as Jesus’ instructions in verse 14. However, no one knows. The bottom line in this Biblical story is that only one of the cured 10 lepers returned to thank Christ.
3 Who visited Zechariah in the temple with a message? (Luke 1:11-20)
Answer: The angel Gabriel
Zechariah was a priest and was in the temple to fulfill the duties of his priesthood. Gabriel, an angel of the Lord, appeared before him.
4 According to Luke 17:11, Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem when he encountered ten lepers. In what region was he at the time?
Answer: The border between Samaria and Galilee.
Jesus was traveling along the border between Samaria and Galilee. However, no specific location is given. It’s interesting to note Jews and Samaritans largely despised each other and often stayed within their jurisdictions to avoid having interactions with each other. However, it was different for lepers. It was strictly a case of misery loves company and it would not be uncommon for Jewish and Samaritan lepers to be in a group in the region Jesus was traveling through.
5 The Parable of the Lost Son appears in Luke 15: 11-32 with the first 10 verses of the chapter devoted to two other parables. What are the two parables that appear before the Parable of the Lost Son?
Answer: The Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Parable of the Lost Coin.
The correct answer is the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Parable of the Lost Coin. With the Parable of the Lost Son appearing in the remaining verses of the chapter, it completes an interesting trilogy on the lost being found. (Incidentally, there is another quiz posted on FunTrivia about the Parable of the Lost Son.
The quiz is by COCPreacher and I highly recommend it. To find the quiz, simply put the word ‘prodigal’ in the search template. Of course, I made a point of not repeating any questions used by COCPreacher.)
From Quiz: The Parable of the Lost Son, or the Prodigal Son . Question by author Cowrofl.
6 When Jesus went to Nain, who accompanied him? (Luke 7: 11)
Answer: The disciples and a large crowd.
The correct answer is that Jesus was accompanied by his disciples and a large crowd. Time and again the Gospels tell of a large crowd of people accompanying Jesus and the disciples as they traveled about.
7 Luke does not offer any autobiographical detail but, on the basis of other New Testament passages, which occupation is usually ascribed to him?
Your options: [ Carpenter ] [ Lawyer ] [ Tutor ] [ Doctor ]
Answer: Doctor
“Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings” (Colossians 4 v. 14).
This is based upon a number of not unreasonable assumptions:
- That Luke and Acts are written by the same person;
- That Luke is the author of Acts, which is assumed from the presence of Luke on Paul’s missionary journeys at those points where the narrative changes from third person to first person;
- That the Luke referred to in Colossians is the same Luke who accompanies Paul on his travels.
8 What is the first word of Luke in the King James Version?
Answer: Forasmuch
It says in Luke 1:1, “Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us.”
Forasmuch is an old fashioned word and it means since.
]9 In Luke 1:20, what happens to Zechariah when he doubts what the angel Gabriel has told him?
Answer: He is unable to speak
Luke 1:11-23 tells how the angel comes to Zechariah to tell him that his prayers have been answered for a son. When he doubts Gabriel, the angel makes him silent until the birth of his son, whom he will name John.
From Quiz: The Gospel of Luke . Question by author spokanemikel.
10 Let us start with the basics: where can one find the tale of the Good Samaritan?
Answer: Luke 10:25-37
Luke Bible Quiz Questions And Answers
Like the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Luke follows the timeline put forward by the Gospel of Mark. Since these three gospels share such a similar narrative structure, they are often called the “synoptic” gospels. This is in contrast to the Gospel of John, which is not considered synoptic and probably did not use Mark as a guide.
Furthermore, both Matthew and Luke share a number of stories that are not contained in Mark, suggesting that they drew upon a second source of Jesus’ sayings, which many Bible scholars (particularly those in University settings who work in the original languages) call “Q” from the German word for “source”. The parable of the Good Samaritan is not found in Matthew, however, nor is it found in the non-Biblical Gospel of Thomas which is also thought to have used Q as a source. Thus, the compiler of Luke may have had a source for Jesus’ teachings that was unique.
For details on this theory of Luke’s composition, see Raymond E. Brown, “Introduction to the New Testament” (1997).