In Genesis 3, the word “sin” is used over a dozen times. What is the root meaning of that word? How many times does God say sin will be punished? According to Genesis 65–66, who were the four biggest men in history in relation to each other, and what country did they serve under?
The book of Genesis gives a broad overview of God’s creation and Adam and Eve’s fall. The questions below focus on the events that took place during the first chapter: why did God create man?, what was God’s plan for us?, what were human beings supposed to do?, what did God tell Adam and Eve not to eat?, how long did they live in this garden?
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on bible quiz questions and answers from Genesis to Revelation pdf. Read on to learn more. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about bible quiz questions and answers from the book of Genesis. Read on to learn more.
Bible Quiz Genesis 1 50 With Answers pdf
Questions & Answers
Q. 1. What did moved upon the face of waters?
A. The Spirit of God (1:2)
Q.2 What was there upon the surface of the deep?
A. Darkness (1:2)
Q.3. In Genesis, what was it that God first spoke of?
A. Light (1:3)
Q.4. Which was the first phenomenon that God saw to be good?
A. Light (1:4)
Q.5. What was the name that God gave to darkness?
A. Night (1:5)
Q.6.What was the name that God gave to light?
A. Day (1:5)
Q.7. What was the name that God gave to the firmament?
A. Heaven (1:8)
Q.8 Where did God make a firmament?
A. In the midst of the water (1:6)
Q.9. When/Which dad God make the firmament?
A. Second Day (1:8)
Q.10. What was the name that God gave to the dry land?
A. Earth (1:10)
Q.11. What is the name that God gave to the gathering together of waters?
A. Seas (1:10)
Q.12. What kind of trees did God make on the third day?
A. The fruit trees yielding fruit after his kind (1:11)
Q.13. Which was the phenomenon that God used to divide the day from the night?
A. Lights in the firmament (1:14)
Q.14. On which day God made the sun and the moon?
A. 4th Day (1:16)
Q. 15. When/which did God create the great creatures of the sea and the birds?
A. On the 5th the day (1:20-21)
Q.16. When/which day was men and animals created?
A. On the 6th day (1:26-30)
Q.17. Which are those days about which God twice saw to be good?
A. 3rd, 6th (1:10, 12, 25,31)
Q.18 In whose images was the man created?
A. God’s (1:26)
Q.19. Who was given the authority to rule over all creations?
A. Man (1:26)
Q.19. How was a man created as?
A. Male and Female (1:27)
Questions & Answers
Q. 1. Which is the day that God blessed and made it holy?
A. 7th day (2:3)
Q.2 How had the whole surface of the ground been covered with waters before it rained?
A. By the steams that came up from the earth (2:6)
Q.3. A man who didn’t want to be his “brother’s keeper”?
A. Cain (4:9)
Q.4. By what was a man created?
A. By the dust of the ground (2:7)
Q.5. When did man become a living being?
A. When God breathed into his nostrils (2:7)
Q.6.Where did God put man?
A. In a garden in the east of Eden
Q.7. Which were the trees that were in the middle of the Eden garden?
A. The tree of life and the tree of knowledge (2:9)
Q.8 Where was this garden?
A. probably near the present river Euphrates in Asia
Q.9. How many rivers were there to water the Eden garden?
A. One river (2:10)
Q.10. How many headwaters did the river have? Which were they?
A. Four heads water Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates (2:11-14)
Q.11. Which is the river that winds through the entire kind of Havilah?
A. Pishon (2:11)
Q.12. Which is the land having gold?
A. Havilah (2:11-12)
Q.13. Which is the river that winds through the entire kind of Cush?
A. Gihon (2:13)
Q.14. Which is the river that runs along the east side of Assur?
A. Tigris (2:14)
Q.15. According to the Bible which is the land that first mentioned about gold?
A. Havilah (2:12)
Q.16. Whom did God put in the Garden of Eden to take care of it?
A. The man (2:5)
Q.17.Why did God put the man in the Garden of Eden?
A. To work and to take care of it. (2:15)
Q.18 What God said,” It is not good”?
A. The man to be alone (2:18)
Q.19 Who named the creations which God had created?
A. The man (2:19)
Q.20 Who was the first person who falls into deep sleep?
A. Adam (2:21)
Q.21 How was the place, from where God took one of the man’s ribs, closed up?
A With flesh (2:22)
Q.22 Why is she called the woman?
A For she was taken out of man (2:23)
Q.23 Where was the first operation carried out?
A In Eden (2:22)
Q.24 From where was a woman created by God?
A From man (2:22)
Questions & Answers
Q. 1. Which are the wild animals that is more crafty than any others?
A. The serpent (3:1)
Q.2 “You shall not surely die” who said this to whom?
A. The serpent to the woman (3:4)
Q.3. Who asked the first question in the Bible?
A. The serpent (3:1)
Q.4. The first person who lied in human history?
A. Eve (3:3)
Q.5. What in peculiarity that the woman saw in the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was good?
A. Good for food, pleasing to the eye, desirable for gaining wisdom (3:6)
Q.6.Whose eyes were opened when the fruit was eaten?
A. The eyes of both Adam and Eve (3:6)
Q.7. Which is the knowledge that men got soon after they ate the fruit?
A. They realized that they were naked (3:7)
Q.8 Is the tree of life ever mentioned again in scripture?
A. In Revelation (2:7; 22:1)
Q.9. What did Adam and Eve use to make a covering for them?
A. The fig tree (3:7)
Q.10. When did the Lord God walk in the garden?
A. In the cool of the day or in the evening (3:8)
Q.11. How did Adam and Eve know that the Lord had come to the garden in the evening?
A. They heard the sound of the Lord walking (3:8,10)
Q.12. Who was the first person who’s afraid?
A. Adam (3:10)
Q.13. Who hid among the trees of the garden?
A. Adam and Eve (3:8)
Q.14. Who told that you were naked? Who said this to whom?
A. God Adam (3:11)
Q. 15. Who deceived the woman?
A. The Serpent (3:14)
Q.16. Who cursed the serpent?
A. God (3:14)
Q.17. Which were the creature that was cursed above all the livestock and all the wild animals?
A. The Serpent (3:14)
Q.18 Which is the creature that eats dust?
A. The Serpent (3:14)
Q.19. On whose account was the ground cursed?
A. Man (3:17)
Q.19. Which are the plants that the earth produced when it was cursed?
A. Thrones and thistles (3:18)
Q.20 Who is known as the mother of all the living?
A. Eve (3:20)
Q.21 What is the name that Adam gave to his wife?
A. Eve (3:20)
Q.22 Who made garments of skin for the first time?
A. God (3:21)
Q.23 Why were Adam and Eve banished from the Garden of Eden?
A. For eating from the tree of life (3:22)
Q.24 who did God place instead of men in the ‘garden of Eden of guard it?
A. Cherubim
Q.25 What was there along with the cherubim to guard the Garden of Eden?
A. A flaming sword flashing back and forth (3:24)
Q.26 Why as the cherubim placed in the Garden of Eden as guards?
A. To guard the way to the tree of life (3:24)
Genesis Bible Quiz Questions And Answers pdf
Questions & Answers
Q. 1. Who were the first parents?
A. Adam and Eve (4:1)
Q.2 Who was Cain’s mother?
A. Eve (4:1)
Q.3. Who was Cain’s brother?
A. Abel (4:2)
Q.4. What was Cain?
A. Farmer (4:2)
Q.5. Who was the shepherd?
A. Abel (4:2)
Q.6.On whose offering did the Lord look with favors?
A. Abel’s (4:4)
Q.7. The first man who became angry?
A. Cain (4:5)
Q.8 “If you do what is right will you not be accepted”? Who said this to whom?
A. The Lord to Cain (4:7)
Q.9. Adam was the first man, but who died first?
A. Abel (4:8)
Q.10. Who was the first martyr?
A. Abel (4:8)
Q.11. Who was the first murderer?
A. Cain (4:8)
Q.12. “Am I my brother’s keeper”? Who said this to whom?
A. Cain to the Lord (4:7)
Q.13.Whose blood cried out to the Lord from the ground?
A. Abel’s (4:9)
Q.14. The man who died first?
A. Abel (4:8)
Q. 15. Which is the first mentioned mark in the Bible?
A. The mark on Cain put by the Lord (4:15)
Q.16. Why did the Lord put a mark on Cain?
A. So that no one could kill him (4:15)
Q.17. Which was the place where Cain went from the Lord’s presence and lived in?
A. Nod (4:16)
Q.18 Who was Cain’s first Son?
A. Enoch (4:17)
Q.19. Who named the city, which he himself built, after his own son’s name? What was the name?
A. Cain, Enoch (4:17)
Q.19. Who was the first person practiced polygamy?
A. Lamech (4:17)
Q.20 Who were Lamech’s wives?
A. Adah and Zillah
Q.21 Who was the father of those who lived in tents and raises livestock?
A. Jubal (4:20)
Q.22 Who was the father of all those who is playing harp and flute?
A. Jubal (4:21)
Q.23 Who forged first and all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron?
A. Tubal-Cain (4:22)
Q.24 “I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me” Who said this?
A. Lamech (4:23)
Q.25 Whose son was Tubal-Cain??
A. Zillah’s (4:22)
Q.26 Who was Tubal-Cain’s sister?
A. Naamah (4:22)
Q.27 Who was the son that was granted to Adam in the place of Abel?
A. Abel (4:25)
Q.28 Who was Seth’s mother?
A. Eve (4:25)
Q.29 Who were the first couple became equally old?
A. Adam and Eve (4:25)
Q.30 At whose time did men begin to call on the name of the Lord?
A. Enoch’s time (4:25)
Questions & Answers
Q. 1. When did God bless man?
A. One the day of their creation (5:2)
Q.2 How old was Adam when Seth was born to him?
A. 130 (5:3)
Q.3. How many years did Adam live after Seth was born?
A. 800 (5:4)
Q.4. Who were the sons of Adam, known by their names?
A. Cain, Abel, Seth (5:3)
Q.5. How many years did Adam live?
A. 930 years (5:5)
Q.6.How many years did Seth Live?
A. 912 years (5:8)
Q.7. Who was Enoch’s firstborn?
A. Kenan (5:9)
Q.8 How old was Adam when Seth was 50 years old?
A. 180 (5:13)
Q.9. How many years did Enos live?
A. 905 years (5:11)
Q.10. Who was Cainan’s first born?
A. Mahalalel (5:12)
Q.11. How many years did Cainan live?
A. 910 (5:14)
Q.12. Who was Mahalalel’s first born?
A. Jared (5:15)
Q.13.How many years did Mahalalel live?
A. 895 (5:17)
Q.14. In which book cherubim first mentioned in the Bible?
A. In Genesis
Q. 15. Whose face was downcast on being angry?
A. Cain’s (3:24)
Q.16. “Whoever finds me will kill me” who said this?
A. Cain (4:14)
Q.17. In which book of the Bible is the first mention of a mark made?
A. Genesis (4:15)
Q.18 Where is Nod situated?
A. To the east of Eden (4:16)
Q.19. How old was Jared when Enoch was born to him?
A. 162 (5:18)
Q.19. Who was Jared’s father?
A. Mahalalel (5:15)
Q.20 How long did Jared live?
A. 962 (5:20)
Q.21 Who was Enoch’s father?
A. Jared (5:18)
Q.22 Who was the firstborn of Enoch?
A. Methuselah (5:21)
Q.23 How old was Enoch when Methuselah was born to him?
A. 65 (5:25)
Q.24 How many years did Enoch walk with God after he begot Methuselah?
A. 300 (5:22)
Q.25 How many years did Enoch lived?
A. 365 years (5:25)
Q.26 Did Adam have daughters?
A. Yes (5:4)
Q.27 “He walked with God, and he was no longer live, for God took him” Whom?
A. Enoch (5:24)
Q.28 Who were the two people walked with God?
A. Enoch and Elijah (5:24, 2 Kings 2:11)
Q.29 Who was the firstborn of Methuselah?
A. Lamech (5:25)
Q.30 How old was Methuselah when Lamech was born to him?
A. 187 (5:28)
Q.30 How many years did Lamech lived after he had begotten Noah?
A. 595 (5:30)
Q.30 How many years did Lamech live?
A. 777 (5:30)
Q.30 Who was the man who had the largest life span?
A. Methuselah (5:27)
Q.30 How long was Methuselah’s entire lifetime?
A. 769 (5:27)
Q.30 What was the name of Noah’s father?
A. Lamech (5:28)
Q.30 Who were the sons of Noah?
A. Sem, Ham, and Japheth (5:32)

Bible Quiz on The Book of Genesis pdf
How well do you know the first book of the Bible (Genesis)? It contains the creation story, dramas, and many bible characters. The bible quiz for youth below will show how much you know the book of Genesis. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.
Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comment section below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!
- The world was created by God in how many days?
- What did God do on the seventh day?
- The account of Adam and Eve’s disobedience was recorded in what chapter in Genesis?
- Where was the first Gospel promise found?
- How old was Methuselah before he died?
- How many rivers watered the Garden of Eden?
- How many sons have Noah?
- What are the names of the rivers that watered the Garden of Eden?
- Adam lived for how many years?
- Name the sons of Noah?
- What kind of wood did God ask Noah to use in building the Ark?
- The flood in Noah’s time lasted for how many days?
- Noah preached for _ years?
- The water in Noah time prevailed upon the earth for _____days?
- Name the twelve sons of Jacob?
- Who was the wife of Isaac?
- The ark of Noah rested on mount______?
- Who was the father of Abraham?
- Jacob dreamed and behold a ladder set upon the earth, and the top reaches unto heaven and behold the angel ascending and descending, he called that place __?
- What was the name of the nearest town that Lot flee to when the angels wanted to destroy Sodom?
- How many wives have Jacob?
- After the death of Sarah, Abraham married______?
- Name the wives of Jacob?
- The numbers of the children of Israel that came to Egypt to meet Joseph were_____?
- What was the name of Joseph’s wife?
- How many sons have Joseph?
- How many years did Jacob serve Laban before he left with his wives, sons, and cattle?
- How many years did Jacob live in Egypt before he died?
- Where did Laban meet Jacob when he was running away with his wives, sons, and cattle?
- What is the name of the prince that defiled Dinah the daughter of Jacob?
- Where did the angel of the Lord meet Hagar when she was running away from her mistress Sarah?
- What lie did Abraham tell Abimelech the king of Gerar?
- When Joseph’s father and brethren came to Egypt they dwell at _?
- What was the name of Hagar’s son?
- What were the names of Leah and Rachel’s maid?
- Who made this statement and to whom? ‘Is anything too hard for the lord? At the appointed time I will return unto thee according to the time of life.
- What was the dream of the chief baker of pharaoh while in prison?
38. What was the prayer offered by Abraham’s servant at Nahor in search of a bride for his master son?
- What was the Gift offered by Abraham’s servant to Rebekah?
- How many men were with Esau when he was coming to meet his brother Jacob?
- 6 literal days (Genesis 1:31)
- He rested ( 2v2)
- Chapter 3
- Genesis 3:15
- 969 yrs (5v27)
- four (4) ( 2v10)
- 3 sons ( 5v32)
- Gihon, Pison Hiddekel and Euphrates (2v11-14)
- 930 yrs (5v5)
- Ham, Shem and Japheth (5v32)
- Gopher wood (6v14)
- 40 days (7:17)
- 120 yrs (6v3)
- 150 days (7v24)
- Reuben, Simon, Judah, Levi, Zebulon, Issachar, Naphtali, Asher, Dan, Gad, Joseph, and Benjamin
- Rebekah (25v20)
- Ara_rat (8v4)
- Terah (11v26)
- Bethel
- Zoar (19v22)
- Two wives (Genesis 30)
- Keturah (25v1)
- Leah and Rachael (Genesis 30)
- Seventy(70) men ()
- Asenath (41vs45)
- Two sons (41v50)
- Twenty yrs (31v41)
- Seventeen yrs (47v28)
- Mount Gilead (31v25)
- Shechem (34v2)
- Shur (16v7)
- Abraham told Abimelech that Sarah was his sister (20v2)
- Goshen (47v27)
- Ishmael (16v15)
- Zilpah and Bilhad (29v24, 29v29)
- An angel to Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 18:14)
- I had three white baskets on my head: and in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of baked meats for Pharaoh and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head. (40v16 – 17)
- Lord God of my master Abraham, I pray thee and let it came to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, drink and I will give thy camel drink also: let the same she that thou has appointed for my master son Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast show kindness unto my master. (25v12-14)
- Jewels of silver, jewels of gold, and Raiment (24v53)
- Four hundred men (33v1)