New Testament Bible characters are the people who appeared in the New Testament, the second part of the Christian Bible. The New Testament is a collection of letters, narratives, and apocalyptic writings that describe the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It also contains early history of Christianity, including stories about Peter, Paul, Mary Magdalene and many other people who were important to Jesus’ ministry. The New Testament was written in Greek during the first century CE. It was originally written on scrolls made of papyrus or parchment. Most scholars believe that all four Gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. However, some scholars believe that Matthew was written by someone else under his name. More than half of the New Testament was written by Paul who lived between 5 BC and AD 67. He wrote 13 epistles (letters) to various churches in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). These letters are included in what is called “The Pauline Epistles”.
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Bible Characters New Testament
Below is a list of minor characters in the New Testament.
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the central figure of Christianity. He is the Messiah, God, and Son of God. He is also the Second Person of the Trinity, the Word of God, and Lamb of God. As such, he is referred to as “the Word” (John 1:1) and “the Light” (John 8:12). A Bible character in all four gospels as well as Acts and Paul’s letters; Jesus’ life has been portrayed by artists for centuries as an example for us all to follow.
Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem around 4 B C and grew up there with his parents Mary and Joseph until he was about 30 years old when he began his ministry by preaching repentance from sin among Jews visiting Jerusalem during Passover season.;
John the Baptist
John the Baptist was a Jewish prophet who lived in the wilderness and preached repentance and baptism.
Baptism by John was performed in the Jordan River, because it was there that he baptized Jesus.
John was known for his fiery preaching about sin and repenting before God, as well as for baptizing people in water as an outward sign of their new life with God through Christ.
Judas Iscariot
Judas Iscariot was a disciple of Jesus Christ who betrayed him to the Jewish authorities for thirty pieces of silver. Judas is regarded as the ultimate traitor by Christians, and his name has become synonymous with betrayal.
In Matthew 26:14–16, Judas carried out his sin by kissing Jesus on the cheek to identify him to those arresting him. In Matthew 26:47-50 and John 13:2-5, it is suggested that he had been instructed by Jesus to act in this way so that it could be done privately instead of in public; this would also indicate that he alone knew such details about the plot against Jesus’ life.
Peter (Simon Peter)
- Peter was a fisherman, who was called by Jesus to be a disciple. He went on to lead the early church in Jerusalem and became the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Peter was also known as Simon Peter, and is considered one of Jesus’ twelve apostles. He wrote two letters (2 Peter and 1 Peter) found in the New Testament that are attributed to him.
- The Eastern Orthodox Church claims that he is their first pope as well, although this claim can only be made if it’s accepted that Matthew 16:18-19 refers not just to papal succession but also primacy within all churches (which most Protestants reject).
Simon the Zealot
Simon the Zealot, also known as Simon Cananaean and Simon the Canaanite (Greek: Σίμων Κανάναιος, Símon Kananaios) was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, according to the New Testament. He is also known as Simon Cananaean and Simon the Canaanite, because he was from the town of Cana in Galilee.
Simon joined Jesus after his baptism by John The Baptist and became an apostle along with Andrew and another unnamed disciple mentioned in Mark 10:28-29. He followed Jesus throughout his ministry until death on a cross at Calvary alongside his brother Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus before his crucifixion
Andrew is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He was the first to follow Jesus and brought his brother Simon to him.
He was a fisherman who had worked with his father, brother, and cousins. Andrew is also known for being the first apostle to be martyred; he was crucified on an X-shaped cross.
James the Less (James, the son of Alphaeus)
James the Less was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, according to the New Testament. He was also known as James the Lesser, or simply James.
He was the son of Alphaeus, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
His birth name may have been “Jacob” and he is mentioned by Jesus only once in passing: Luke 6:15 where he is referred to as “James”. He may have been called this because his mother’s name was probably Leah (and not Mary) like her sister Miriam), so it would be likely that she named all her children after relatives or friends from her past life. This means that she named him after either Jacob or John (the disciple). They were both close friends with Christ and probably taught him about Godly things before he became famous as an apostle himself; which means it would be very unlikely for them both not know each other well enough for this typeof relationship between family members who aren’t related biologically through marriage yet still share common heritage ties through spirituality.”
James (James, son of Zebedee) and John (son of Zebedee)
The brothers James and John were two of Jesus’ closest disciples. They were called “sons of thunder” because of their fiery tempers.
Jesus once rebuked them for wanting to call down fire from heaven to punish the Samaritans for not receiving Him (Mark 9:38).
They were asked by Jesus to prepare His supper during His last days on earth, an honor given only to these two brothers (John 13:1-5).
Matthew (Levi)
Matthew was a tax collector, which was a very common occupation for people from the tribe of Levi. Because Matthew was a Levite, he would have been more familiar with Jewish law than most other people—but that’s not why Jesus chose him to be an apostle. Instead, Jesus chose him because of his great faith and belief in God’s word (Mark 2:14).
It is believed that Matthew may have actually been called Levi at birth (the name “Matthew” means “gift of God”). He held many different jobs before becoming an apostle: wine merchant; farmer; tax collector; publican; disciple of Jesus; writer of the gospel of Matthew, among others
Thomas Didymus
Thomas Didymus, also known as Thomas the Twin or Judas Thomas, was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. He is not to be confused with Judas Iscariot (Judas the betrayer), who was another apostle and had a similar name.
Thomas Didymus became a disciple of Jesus Christ after he saw a miraculous catch of fish performed by him. After this incident, he quit his job as a fisherman and joined other disciples in following Jesus around. Later on in his life, he took on an important role as one of seven deacons appointed by Jesus Christ during His ministry on earth.
This character is significant because although he doubted many times throughout his journey with Jesus Christ – especially when it came down to believing that He rose from death – he still continued believing despite all odds against him
Philip (of Bethsaida).
Philip (Φίλιππος, Phílippos) was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, and one of the “seven” disciples present at the Transfiguration of Jesus. Wikipedia says:
Philip came from Bethsaida and was a disciple of John the Baptist. He was Simon Peter’s brother, who advised him to follow Jesus. Philip brought Nathanael (Bartholomew) to Jesus on first meeting him as seen in John 1:45-51 where Nathanael declares himself a Jew but also admits he does not know where he comes from or where he is going while Philip tries to convince him otherwise because he believes in what Christ has done for him which leads us into John 12:21-22 where we see this same situation happen again with another man named Andrew (Simon Peter’s brother).
Bartholomew (Nathanael)
Bartholomew (Nathanael) is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. Bartholomew is sometimes identified with Nathanael, who was the first person to believe in Jesus after the latter’s resurrection. In John 21:2–3, Nathanael is described as a disciple of Philip:
When he had heard these things, he became baptized in water and went on his way … but when he was still some distance away from them, Peter said to him: “Look! We have gone ahead to prepare your place; stay behind here and rest awhile till you have recovered from your fatigue” … Then Jesus said: “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”

Thaddeus. There is a possibility that Thaddeus could be one and the same as Judas, son of James. But this suggestion is not generally accepted by scholars. Both names (Thaddeus and Lebbaeus – Judas, son of James) appear in lists of apostles. They are sometimes confused with each other. However, they are probably two different people. If that is so, then Thaddeus is another name for Judas, brother of James.
This list of minor characters in the new testament.
The minor characters in the New Testament are the apostles and disciples of Jesus. This list includes all of those who are named in the Gospels, Acts, or Paul’s epistles. The most important group of believers to be listed here is Jesus’ inner circle: Peter, James, John and Judas Iscariot. These were his closest friends who accompanied him throughout his ministry and witnessed firsthand many miracles that he performed during that time period. They also were privy to confidential knowledge about him–for example, that he was going to die on a cross for their sins (John 19:25).
Two other groups should also be mentioned here: those who followed Jesus after his crucifixion; and those who did not follow him during his earthly ministry but came around later when they heard about what had happened to him after death (Acts 2).
The New Testament is a collection of writings by early Christians, written in first-century Greek. These works include the four gospels, Acts of the Apostles, 21 epistles and Revelation. The New Testament tells us about Jesus’ life and teachings as well as how his followers spread Christianity throughout the world after his death on Good Friday.