All Christian ladies need a fun night out or a daytime get-together with many other Christian ladies just to have a very enjoyable time of fellowship. The following are some suggestions to utilize with your local church ladies group: Let’s look into Themes For Church Women’s Day Program, women’s day themes and scriptures 2022 and retreat themes for religious sisters.
We’ve put together a list of themes for church women’s day programs that you can use to help make your event a success.
Theme 1: “Womanhood”
Use this theme if you’re looking to celebrate the unique qualities of women and the role they play in the church, community, and world. This theme is perfect for a panel discussion or other type of gathering where leaders from different walks of life discuss what it means to be a woman today.
Theme 2: “Women Who Serve”
Use this theme if you’re looking for ways to honor women who serve others in their communities. You could have a panel discussion on the topic, or have attendees write letters thanking mothers, sisters, grandmothers, friends, etc., who have helped them through difficult times or inspired them with their acts of kindness.
Theme 3: “Women Who Lead”
If you want to honor some of the women who are leading your church forward in ministry and outreach efforts (or just doing great things), then this is a great choice! You could have participants write letters thanking these leaders for their contributions, or even create an award ceremony where they receive recognition from those they serve alongside each other regularly at church events like this one!
Womens Day Themes And Scriptures 2023
Awareness Meeting
A. Feature giving support to organizations that advocate fighting against one of the many cancers (or several).
B. Walk together for different good causes which include Relay for Life.
If there are any good causes in your community that your ladies group can participate in, C. See.
D. October is a great month to plan an activity like this because it has been designated as Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Book Club
A. Read through a good book together.
B. Meet for discussion.
Camping Party
A. Camp outdoors or indoors.
B. Roast s’mores and prepare traditional camping food.
C. Share testimonies around a fire (or firepit on someone’s deck).
D. More of Jesus Devotional.
E. Give Me S’more! (of Jesus) Women’s Ministry Theme.
Church Clean Up Day.
A. Do some intense spring cleaning at your church.
Crafting Night.
A. Do a group craft project.
B. Have a couple crafty ladies do a project demonstration.
C. Do a Card Buffet. Have all the basics and embellishments for making a complete handmade or hand stamped card. Lay it out buffet style.
D. Do any type of Craft Buffet. Have everything laid out and ready to go.
E. Scrapbooking Night.
F. Quilting Night.
G. Scrapbook Memories Devotional.
H. A Few of My Favorite Things Devotional.
I. Scrapbook Memories Theme.
J. A Handmade Christmas Devotional.
K. A Handmade Christmas Theme.
Event Booth.
A. Is your community doing something special, such as a Fourth of July Celebration or Holiday Celebrations with booths available?
B. Is there a place to have a Bake Sale Booth? A bake sale is a good way to get donations for your ladies group.
C. Do a booth as a group.
D. Have church cookbooks? A booth at a community event is a great way to get donations for them.
E. Give away your woman’s ministry pamphlets.
F. Perhaps give away something small, such as a mini flag for July 4th, or any type of novelty, such as a magnet with your ladies group information.
G. Christmas Craft and Festival Booths Got some crafty ladies that want to join together as a group and rent a booth?
Exchange Meetings (or Swap Parties).
A. Plan a meeting around exchanges such as a used book, cookies, mugs, etc.
B. See the Exchange Ideas for more information.
Exercise Emphasis Meeting.
A. Use a fitness video together to workout.
B. Walk a local walking track or route together as a group (a great way to enjoy chatting together).
C. Meet up afterwards for light and devotional refreshments or have cold waters and protein bars waiting.
Fashion Activity.
A. Accessory Swap– This has been on my blog for a few years but just now putting the link here.
B. Hold a Fashion Show.
C. Fashion Show Skit (Humorous Styles).
D. Fashion Women’s Ministry Theme.
E. Fashion Devotional Starters.
F. ‘What Not To Wear’ Devotional.
G. Thumbs Up! Devotional.
H. A Beautiful Woman in Christ Devotional.
I. What’s in Your Purse? Devotional.
J. Well-Dressed Feet Devotional.
Birthday Bash.
A. Celebrate all of your ladies’ birthdays at once.
B. Serve birthday cake.
C. Make everyone feel special.
D. A good time to share testimonies about “second birthdays” and our personal salvation experiences.
E. ‘Worth Celebrating’ Devotional.
F. Birthdays Worth Celebrating Women’s Ministry Theme.
Food Fellowships and Food Bars.
There are lots of great ideas for your ladies groups to gather around food. It can be as light as some snacks or a full course meal.
A. Biscuit Bar.
B. Coffee and Donuts.
C. Coffee and Praise Night.
D. Crepes Bar.
E. Chocolate Night.
F. Recipe For Friendship Devotional.
G. Chocolate and Friends Women’s Ministry Theme.
H. Fiesta Night.
I. Life’s Piñata Devotional.
J. Living The Grande Life! Women’s Ministry Theme.
K. Ice Cream Social Theme Ideas – (Ice Cream Tasting, Milkshakes, etc.).
L. Italian Dinner.
M. Pancake Supper.
N. Potato Bar. See the Spud-tacular Theme (on Blog).
O. Progressive Dinner – Great during the holidays but can be planned for anytime.
P. Smoothie Bar.
Q. Soup and Sandwich Supper – Great for late-fall or winter get-togethers.
Fruit Picking.
A. If you have places to pick fruit in your area, such as strawberries, peaches, etc., go as a group and make it a fun day.
B. Meet up for fruit smoothies afterward.
C. Provisions Fruit of the Spirit Devotional.
D. Fruit of the Spirit Women’s Ministry Theme.
Garden Party.
When the weather is perfect, a. Hold during spring or summer.
B. Outdoors is always a great change of scenery for meetings and activities.
C. The Secret Garden Women’s Ministry Theme.
D. Seeds of Kindness Devotional.
E. Seeds of Kindness Women’s Ministry Theme.
Game Night.
A. Board Games.
B. Get Your Head in the Game Devotional.
C. Game Night Women’s Ministry Theme.
Healthy Women Emphasis Meeting.
A. Invite a nurse/doctor to come in for a talk on women’s health.
B. Serve healthy food.
C. Do an exercise video workout together.
D. Heart Smart Devotional.
E. Heart Smart Theme.
Hold Classes.
Here’s a whole list of things that would make great classes.
A. Homemaker.
B. Marriage.
C. Cake Decorating.
D. Budget – Financial Planning.
E. Coupon Craze.
F. Craft Class – Jewelry Making, Scrapbooking, etc.
G. Floral Arranging.
Ladies Tea.
A. Can be as formal or informal as desired.
B. Drop in for Tea Devotional.
C. Teapots with Character Event Theme.
Missionary Emphasis Meeting.
A. Make up missionary packages. Be sure to check ahead of time to see if there are any special mailing restrictions before mailing overseas.
B. Write Missionary Letters.
C. Do an outreach activity in your area, such as visiting the local nursing home.
D. Have a missionary speaker share with your ladies group.
Movie Night.
A. Show a great, inspirational movie.
B. Could be a drama or comedy or just one with some inspiration.
C. Don’t forget the popcorn (the movie theater buttery type and some healthier alternatives for those who won’t indulge).
D. Have snacks you might get at a movie theater such as goobers, peanuts, soft pretzels.
Photo Night.
A. Get your ladies together for some photos.
B. Make photo props. There are lots of ideas for photo props over on Pinterest.
C. Use a professional or amateur photographer. Have someone within your group that is great at taking photos? Let them use their skill.
D. Have a brochure, newsletter, or website. Use some of the photos for that. Get permission from the ladies in the photos first.
Planting Party.
A. Choose a community or park to beautify.
B. Beautify your church grounds with flowers and landscaping.
C. Plant flowers or small shrubs at the homes of the elderly and shut-ins.
Prayer Emphasis.
A. Prayer Stations (on Blog).
B. Change up the way you pray and the locations you pray in. Maybe meet at a park for a prayer emphasis meeting.
C. Prayer Clock Printable.
D. Prayer Helps.
Refresh – Renew Activity.
A. Do some projects around the church.
B. Paint chairs. Paint Sunday School rooms, Recover, renew, refresh.
C. A time to do all those odd jobs that always gets put off.
D. Finding Something Beautiful Devotional.
E. Thrift Women’s Ministry Theme.
Motorcoach Trip.
A. Load up a motorcoach and take a road trip together.
B. Visit a sister faith church in a nearby town for a special meeting, conference, or concert.
C. Go to a Christian Camp or retreat together.
D. Create a Coach Ready Devotional.
Scavenger Hunt.
A. Do a Service Project Scavenger Hunt. Discuss your “hunt” projects the next time your ladies group meets up.
B. Photo Scavenger Hunt. Everyone has cameras on their cell phones these days.
C. Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt.
Seasonal Outings and activities.
A. Valentine’s Banquet.
B. Sunrise Breakfast (Easter).
C. Mother’s Day Banquet.
D. Fall Foliage Trip – Depends on your location.
E. See all of the Fall Devotionals by Julia.
F. Falling in Love with Jesus Women’s Ministry Theme.
G. Christmas Parties.
H. See all of the Christmas Devotionals by Julia.
I. Christmas Caroling.
J. Baking Cookies.
K. Baking Gingerbread.
L. Sugar and Spice Gingerbread Devotional.
M. Gingerbread Wishes! Women’s Ministry Theme.
Self-Defense Workshop.
A. Enlist someone who teaches self-defense to speak to your ladies group.
B. Check with your local police department. They may have a female officer who could come in and give tips on self-protection for women.
Biblical Themes For Women’s Day
Themes For Church Women’s Day Program
Women in God’s Kingdom
This theme is perfect for a day that celebrates the women of God’s kingdom. This can be celebrated by providing a special service or sermon, as well as through workshops at the church. The focus should be on how God has used women throughout history and continues to use them today.
Women in Ministry
This theme focuses on the role of women in ministry. It would be perfect for a day that celebrates women who work within the church and other organizations that help others. This theme could also focus on how women can become more involved in ministry at their churches and other organizations.
Women and Service
This theme focuses on service being a part of what it means to be a woman of God’s kingdom. It would be perfect for a day that celebrates all kinds of service done by women, as well as its importance within our faith community. This could include anything from volunteering at soup kitchens to serving as leaders in different organizations that help others.
Showers and Such.
A. Baby Shower for someone within your group.
B. Shower for the Church Nursery.
C. Bridal Shower for someone within your church.
D. Food outpouring for a newly married couple or a family in need.
Slumber/Pajama Party.
A. Hold at the church or someone’s home.
B. Have a make-up demo. If you have someone that sells Mary Kay Avon, enlist her help.
C. Do each other’s manicures/pedicures.
D. Tell funny or even spooky stories.
E. Share testimonies.
F. Share childhood slumber party memories.
G. Watch a movie.
H. Make popcorn.