Basil is a powerful herb with many health benefits. It’s also said to have spiritual meaning and great importance, which I will get into later. Basil was originally used to treat infections in the skin, which it still does today.
Churchgists will provide you with all the relevant information you are looking for on spiritual meaning of holy basil, spiritual use of holy basil, the symbolism of basil, and so much more.
Basil is one of the most commonly used spices in the world and is mostly used in Asian and European cuisine. This herb is a popular choice for great dishes because of its unique flavor. Basil comes from the family of mint plants. It is often used in baking, tea, and other beverages. Check out this article to learn more about basil’s benefits as well as its spiritual meaning.
Basil is an aromatic plant. Of the 150 species of Ocimum, the genus of the herb that includes basil, there are several which are grown and used as culinary spices. They can grow from one to three feet high with different color patterns and aromas. However, basil has a sacred meaning and is regarded as a spiritual guardian against stress in Hinduism.

Spiritual Meaning of Basil
Basil is the herb of the sun, and its meaning includes strength, courage, and protection. It is a great herb for ritual cleansing and purification, as well as for protection from evil spirits. Basil brings balance between your body, mind and spirit. Its scent warms your soul and can bring spiritual clarity. It’s often used as an offering to ward away evil spirits and is believed to open the path to heaven.
Basil is also associated with endurance, making it an excellent choice for those who are going through a difficult time in their lives. Adding basil to your diet can help strengthen your immune system as well as keep you alert and focused.
Many cultures have used basil for its medicinal properties because it is a potent herb. It is used in cooking and is known to help with digestion, which makes it a great choice for people who suffer from indigestion or bloating. Basil is also thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help ease pain and discomfort.
Symbolism of Basil
Basil is one tasty little plant, but it’s suffered a symbolism identity crisis over the years. Originally meaning “hate,” it later became embraced as a symbol of love. During the Victorian era, Sweet Basil conveyed “good wishes” to the receiver. In Italy, a man who accepted basil from a woman was destined to marry her. Either way, if the receiver likes basil (especially on pizza, yum), it’s a lovely gift.
Be sure to visit our catalog right here on Churchgists for adequate information on benefits of eating basil leaves daily, holy basil benefits hormones, basil healing properties, and so much more. You don’t want to miss this!
Spiritual Benefits of Bathing With Basil Leaves
In the West, we tend to ignore the spiritual dimensions of plants. In other parts of the world, this isn’t the case.
When we understand how different plants affect a room, it enables us to create uplifting, energized environments.
Growing desktop plants with the Click & Grow Smart Garden 9
By filling your home or office with plants, you can experience a better sense of well-being. Even scientific research seems to confirm what our ancestors believed: greenery helps us feel more serene and grounded.
In this post, we’ll highlight some popular spiritual plants available to grow in your Click & Grow indoor garden.
1. Holy Basil
Originally from India, this herb’s name means ‘the incomparable one’. It’s revered as a healing plant, especially in Hinduism. In fact, many Indian homes and temples have holy basil plants growing inside them.
Holy Basil Spiritual Meaning
In some worship ceremonies, holy basil (also widely known as ‘tulsi’) is prayed to while mantras are chanted. A candle is lit near the plant and it’s worshipped twice daily. Many devotees believe the plant insures physical and spiritual health for them and their families.
In Ayurvedic medicine, holy basil is believed to support personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Research even suggests that holy basil could be effective in treating chronic diseases and psychological stress. Its leaves and flowers (fresh or dried) can be used to make tea.
Holy basil is a low-maintenance plant that’s super easy to grow in a Click & Grow smart garden. It sprouts within 2 weeks and you can harvest it between 5 and 12 weeks. It’s ideal for growing in a Smart Garden 9 or a Smart Garden 27 as a centerpiece in your living room.

2. Garden Sage
Sage’s name is derived from the Latin word ‘salvere’, which means ‘to be saved’. It’s a popular herb for incense burning. In fact, Native Americans have been burning sage for hundreds of years.
Burning sage is seen as a way to restore a person’s energy or cleanse a particular living space. It’s also seen as a way to foster healing and promote wisdom.
During ancient times, sage was used to treat memory problems as well as digestive issues. Its status as a healing herb has never diminished.
Modern scientific research backs up the idea that sage can boost brain function. Its use is not limited to cooking. You can also add a leaf or two to your tea pot to make a soothing brew.
After conducting a round of clinical trials, scientists found that young people who take sage extract can benefit from improved memory, better moods, lower anxiety levels and less mental fatigue. There is even research to suggest sage could reduce the agitation of patients suffering from dementia.
With a Click & Grow smart garden, you can grow sage to make herbaceous incense. Sage sprouts within 2 weeks and you can harvest it between 5 and 12 weeks.

3. Peppermint
Believed to originate from the Mediterranean, peppermint has become one of the world’s favorite herbs. It’s refreshing aroma is a large part of its appeal.
In Victorian times, peppermint was seen as a symbol of virtue. The Roman author, Pliny the Elder, wrote about peppermint refreshing and recovering our spirits. He recommended wearing a peppermint wreath around the head to invigorate the mind and soul.
In some cultures, peppermint is believed to deter bad vibes, revive hopes and alleviate insomnia.
While peppermint can be used for incense, a more common usage is in tea. Peppermint tea contains peppermint oil which could help enhance alertness and concentration.
Click & Grow peppermint will sprout within 3 weeks. It appears to grow slowly at first. Once it gets going, it’ll produce plenty of stems.
You can harvest it between 5 and 12 weeks. Fill a Smart Garden 27 with peppermint pods for a seriously fresh smelling room.

4. Thyme
Thyme enjoys a legendary status among herbs. Its name is said to come from the Greek word ‘thumos’ meaning ‘spiritedness’. This beautiful plant originated in southern Europe and has been cultivated for thousands of years.
Thyme is said to have a cleansing aura. It’s believed this plant brings good luck and shields you from negative energy.
In Ancient Greece, thyme was used in rituals and mixed into beverages to make them more intoxicating. The herb was also thought to guide the soul.
According to research, thyme contains properties which could complement the immune system. It can be used as a culinary herb or a tea herb.
Click & Grow thyme sprouts within 2 weeks and can be harvested between 5-12 weeks. Perfect for growing in a Smart Garden 3 or a Smart Garden 9 on your kitchen counter.

5. Rosemary
Rosemary is steeped in ancient folklore. Throughout history it’s been seen as a herb that offers comfort and protection.
The herb has also been connected to love and fidelity. One historical custom has been to give a sprig of rosemary to a recently married couple. This is said to inspire both lovers to be faithful to each other.
In early English folklore, rosemary was used by young girls to find out about their future husbands. They would find a rosemary bush on midsummer eve and place a plate of flour underneath it. It’s believed that when they returned, they found their future husband’s initials written on the plate.
According to research, rosemary’s aroma can help to reduce stress levels.
Click & Grow rosemary can take up to 3 weeks to sprout. It can be harvested up to 21 weeks from planting. Why not grow it as part of a herb collection in a Smart Garden 9 or Smart Garden 9 PRO? Use it in cooked dishes, fresh or dried.

We hope you enjoy growing these indoor plants for their healing properties. Many people have found that these plants attract positivity, good fortune and positive vibes. Furthermore, plants can purify the air. Even science is attesting to their mental health benefits.
The spiritual realm isn’t only for monks or people living in a perfect state of bliss. We can also enjoy a taste of it through the plants we grow. With a deeper connection to nature we can construct happier, more fulfilling lives.