Baptism is one of the truly holy sacraments of the church, and perhaps one of the easiest to administer. There is no specific formula for preparation or giving a child’s baptism sermon, but there are some suggestions I can give you to make your life easier. Look no further than Baptism Sermons for a Child, a children’s message about baptism and explaining baptism to a child. Baptism is a beautiful occasion, and it’s one that everyone should have the chance to experience. It’s an opportunity to celebrate your child’s connection to God and the community, and it should be an event that you never forget. As you prepare for this special day, we want to help by providing you with some great baptism sermons for a child. We’ve put together some short and sweet scripts that will help you plan out your ceremony and make sure that everything goes smoothly on the big day.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on Baptism Sermons For A Child. Read on to learn more. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about Baptism Sermons For A Child.
Baptism Sermons For A Child

Baptism is a significant event in the life of any believer, especially a child. Baptism isn’t magic or a good luck charm—it’s an opportunity to publicly profess your faith in Jesus Christ and an act of obedience (or a chance to end your rebellion) against God. Here are some Bible verses and sermon ideas that will help you prepare for this momentous occasion.
God Is The Potter And We Are His Clay
God is the potter and we are the clay.
- We are all imperfect.
- God loves us as we are.
- He has made us in His image, so we have value and worth as human beings.
- We must love one another, because that’s what God wants from us! (John 13:34-35)
We should repent of our sins and turn to God in faith, knowing that He will forgive us if we ask for it sincerely (Acts 2:38; 1 John 1:9).
Jesus Calls The Little Children
Jesus calls the little children to him
The first thing we see here is that Jesus calls the little children. This is a very important point because it shows us that God does not discriminate between people based on age, gender, or race. If you are a child and you have been baptized into Christ then you are considered one of God’s children.
The Lilies Of The Field
The lilies of the field are an example of God’s creation. They are beautiful, they are perfect, and they are good. God loves us so much that He created this world so we could enjoy it while we were on earth.
Two Ways to Live
“When we baptized you, we reminded you of your need to be cleansed,” the pastor said. “There are two ways to live: the way of the world and the way of the Lord.”
“But Pastor,” you asked, “what does it mean for me to live in this world but not belong to it?”
“Well,” he replied, “you don’t have to be afraid because God will always protect you from evil and keep you safe from harm. But sometimes we have to make hard choices between what is right and wrong, or between two good things that might seem like they’re both good in different ways.”
What does baptism mean for a child?
Baptism is the sign of God’s love for us, and it is a sign of our love for God. It also shows our love for our brothers and sisters, as well as our love for the church and the world.
Throughout your child’s baptism ceremony, talk with them about what baptism means to them as they become part of this larger community. You can help them understand that they are joining something much bigger than themselves—a community that has been around since before they were even born!
Best Sermons on Baptism
Dear Working Preacher,
Did you know that most of the people who leave our congregations don’t depart for another ? That’s one of the great myths circulating in recent years about church growth: that when folks leave our congregation, it’s because they’re not happy with something about the church, its beliefs, or its leaders and leave for another, usually more conservative, congregation. But it’s not true.
I think the reason we easily believe this is that when it does happen—when someone, that is, leaves and makes a point of telling us why and where they’re going instead—it hurts and we remember it. But as it turns out, when most people leave our churches, they’re not going elsewhere; they’re just leaving. They stop going to church at all. Why? Because they see little connection between the hour they spend on Sunday and the other 167 hours of their week.
And little wonder: most of our people don’t understand the basic elements of our faith well enough to find it interesting or useful, let alone apply it to their daily decisions and lives. Countless surveys, for instance, show that most mainline Protestants think that, contrary to the Reformation cry that we are “justified by grace through faith,” we must “do something” in order to be saved.
Let me be clear: I don’t say all this to belittle our folks. They don’t understand because they haven’t been taught, at least not in a way that has sunk in. And now let me be doubly clear: I don’t say this to belittle our pastors and teachers. The fact is, in a nominally Christian culture, we didn’t have to teach the basic tenets of the faith because a) church attendance was valued in the culture, so folks were likely to come to church whether it was particularly meaningful or not and b) the larger culture consistently helped us teach the faith. (Think of how often the Christmas story was told in public school settings or on television specials, for instance.) But those days are over and the emerging generation will not keep giving time to something that has little impact on the rest of their busy, overscheduled lives.
All of this is to say that when it comes to the annual debate about whether, on the Sunday of the Baptism of our Lord, to preach a sermon that “teaches about Baptism” or “just preaches the text,” I’ll opt for the former. Why? Because most of our people have little to no idea what baptism is, why we do it, or why it continues to be of any importance in their lives. This isn’t to say that they don’t “believe in baptism,” whatever that may mean, or that they don’t want to have their children baptized. But if you ask folks where infant baptism is the norm, for instance, why we baptize babies rather than wait until closer to adulthood, they will likely have no idea (as opposed to Evangelicals, for instance, who often can easily and quickly explain and defend “believer baptism”). Hence, it seems an absolute shame to miss an opportunity like this to teach about a central element of the faith. (Having said that, I recognize that not all the folks who use Working Preacher will agree on baptism, but the larger point, I hope, still holds: whatever our theology of baptism is, we should teach it!)
To tell you the truth, I don’t think the choice I stated above – preach baptism or preach the text – has to be quite so stark. What I advocate is teaching about Baptism through the text at hand, in this case Luke’s gospel account of Jesus’ baptism.
Along these lines, two elements of Luke’s story stand out. First, baptism is about identity. As in Mark, the voice from heaven is addressed to Jesus in the first person: “You are my Son, the beloved; with you I am well pleased.” Baptism teaches us who we are—God’s beloved children—and confers upon us the promise of God’s unconditional regard. In an era when so many of the traditional elements of identity construction have been diminished—we change jobs and careers with frequency, most of us have multiple residences rather than grown up and live in a single community, fewer families remain intact—there is a craving to figure out just who we are. In response to this craving and need, baptism reminds us that we discover who we are in relation to whose we are, God’s beloved children. We belong to God’s family, and baptism is a tangible sign of that.
Second, whatever your feelings about when the best time for baptism may be, all Christian traditions emphasize that this is God’s work. Notice, interestingly, that in Luke’s account, John does not actually baptize Jesus. In the verses omitted by the lectionary (19–20), we learn that John is imprisoned by Herod. Who, then, baptizes Jesus? The Holy Spirit! In fact, it’s the same Spirit that baptizes us! Baptism, then, is wholly God’s work, and we may have confidence that no matter how often we fall short or fail, nothing that we do or fail to do can remove the identity that God conveys as a gift. Our relationship with God, that is, is the one relationship in life we can’t screw up precisely because we did not establish it. We can neglect this relationship; we can deny it, run away from it, or ignore it, but we cannot destroy it, for God loves us too deeply and completely to ever let us go. Again, in an age when so many relationships are fragile or tattered, it may come as good news that this primary relationship remains solid and intact no matter what. In fact, trusting that this relationship is in God’s hands, we are freed to give ourselves wholly and completely to the other important relationships in our lives.
Now that we’ve identified two significant elements of baptism that may prove useful to our people, how do we help them not just know more about baptism but also live out of this gift of God? Three ideas:
1) Given the ubiquitous role water plays in our lives, emphasize the Reformers’ insistence that every time we wash with water, it is an opportunity to remember our baptism and the promises God made to us in it. Baptism, though conducted only once, was never intended to be a once-and-done event but rather something we remember and renew daily. Perhaps you could invite the congregation to “practice” aloud (a couple of times!) a one-sentence reminder of God’s promises—something like, “I am God’s beloved child, called and sent to make a difference in the world”—and invite congregants to get in the habit of saying this when they take a bath or shower in the morning or wash their hands before meal time.
2) Perhaps this Sunday would be a good day for a re-affirmation of baptism. Maybe you could even put a variety of bowls throughout the sanctuary and people could move to these different stations so that someone might trace the mark of the cross on their foreheads and say (again, something like), “Remember that in Baptism you have been marked by the sign of the cross, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and sent into the world to share God’s love in word and deed.”
3) Many congregations that practice infant baptism give the parents or sponsors of the baptized child a candle with which to remember their baptism. More often than not, I suspect, these candles are placed in a child’s “keepsake box” never to be brought out again. Invite everyone to bring their candles to church. Or, as one congregation near me has done, invite people to bring their old candles of any shape and kind and pass these out so that everyone has a candle. Light them, have an affirmation of baptism together, and send people home with their candles to light on the anniversary of their baptisms each year, on this Sunday each year, and – for that matter – anytime they need a reminder of God’s profound, enduring, and unconditional love for them and belief in them and their ability to make a difference in the world.
Well, these are just some ideas, Working Preacher. What we are looking for, I suppose, is a more meaningful baptism. I know you’ll have many more ideas of your own, and I hope you have fun thinking of ways to help our people grasp the meaning and significance of this important element of the faith. However you move forward, though, know and remember that you, too, are God’s beloved child and with you God is well pleased. Blessings to you this week and always!
Explaining Baptism To A Child
This Beloved lesson plan will help youth understand that baptism brings us into life as members of our Heavenly Father’s family.
Opening Game for Beloved
Start by playing Drip Drip Drop. This game involves a little water, so if you can’t have a few small puddles, then consider Water Drop Race instead. For complete instructions, see Drip Drip Drop.
Follow up with a couple of questions:
What sacrament does this remind you of?
Does anyone here remember his or her baptism?
If you don’t remember your baptism, how do you feel about that?
Most Catholics are baptized as infants so they don’t remember the event. You might wonder how a sacrament which was done at your parent’s request can impact you. But God poured out his grace on you at your baptism whether you remember it our not.
Scripture Reading for Lesson Plan on Baptism
Read the Gospel:
Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 (Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist) – the Gospel Reading for the Baptism of Our Lord – Year C
The people were filled with expectation, and all were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Christ.
John answered them all, saying, “I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spiritand fire.”
After all the people had been baptized and Jesus had also been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven,
“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
Discussion about Beloved
At Jesus’ baptism, a voice identifies him as God’s beloved son. Our baptisms also identified us as sons and daughters of God. The Church teaches that baptism leaves a “mark” on us which can never be removed. This is why we only need to be baptized once. No matter what we do, that mark is always with us.
It is has been said that baptism can be compared to our heavenly Father bending down and kissing us on the forehead. The soft imprint of that kiss remains. It is a sign of his love for us. It can never be taken away.
In baptism, God brings us into his family. We become his sons and daughters. And our original sin is cleaned off of us. We become members of the Church. We receive gifts from the Holy Spirit during our baptism. These gifts are refined by the sacrament of Confirmation.
So at the baptism our Lord, God the Father called Jesus “beloved”. In the same way, he has called each one of us “beloved” at our own baptisms. We need to consider what that really means.
First of all, we are precious to God. No matter what we do, God still loves us and is always calling us closer. Even on our worst day, God is close. We need to trust in his love for us.
Second, if through baptism, each of us became sons and daughters of God, that means we belong to a pretty big family! We are related to every baptized person on this earth. That includes people in other Christian denominations, people from different countries, people who look different from us, people of many cultures. We need to care about our family.
Reflection Questions for Lesson Plan on Baptism
How does it feel to be a beloved son or daughter of God?
Think of someone you don’t get along with or look down on. Does seeing that person as a beloved son or daughter of God impact how you treat him or her?
How is being a member of the Family of God like being a member of our own little families? How is it different?
Challenge for Beloved
This week, remember that you are Beloved. If you are feeling down about a mistake you made or something you said, then feel the love of your Heavenly Father. You are his beloved son or daughter. Nothing can change that.
Conclude by offering petitions and praying to our Father.
Children’s Message About Baptism
Baptism is a special day for both you and your child. It’s a day to commemorate their entry into the church and declare your commitment to raising them as a Christian.
This is also a day when you can take a moment to reflect on all of the ways your child has changed your life, and how they continue to inspire you.
Whether you’re looking for a baptism sermon for yourself or for someone else, we have plenty of resources available. You can use one of our pre-written sermons or find inspiration for one of your own by looking through our blog posts. We’ve got everything from traditional sermons to modern ones that will help you find something that fits with your personality and style!
Christening Prayers for Children

Proverbs 22:6, Psalm 127:3
Heavenly Father, I know that children are a gift from the Lord and I thank You for this child. During this christening, we pronounce a divine blessing upon (the child’s name) and we ask that they be brought up in the fear of the Lord. Help the parents and God parents to train them up in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it. Bless this christening day, we pray, Amen
3 John 1:4
Dear Lord, we thank You for this child and pray that Your protection will envelope his or her life. On this christening day,. We ask that as he or she grows, the plans of the enemy will fail against his or her life. We declare that Your child shall walk in Your truth and we rejoice because of Your divine love for them. May your child be led on a path of spiritual maturity in Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Genesis 1:28, Psalm 23:6
Dear Lord, after creating Adam and Eve, You blessed them and told them to ‘be fruitful and multiply’. Thank you for this child, who is a manifestation of the blessings you uttered at the beginning of creation. So, on this christening day, I pray that (child’s name) will also multiply and produce good fruit in their life, in Jesus name. May Your goodness follow them all the days of their lives, Amen.
Isaiah 54:13, 1 Peter 2:9
Dear God, we thank You for this child and pray that Your divine protection will forever be with them. On this christening day, I pray that he/she will grow, knowing that they are Your royal priesthood and will actively learn the ways of Christ. I thank You because as she/he grows to know You, they will also enjoy great peace within. Let this child forever be guarded and surrounded by Your light; this is the prayer of our hearts, Amen.
Matthew 18:10, Psalm 118:24
Heavenly Father, I thank You for this christening day, because this is the day You have made and we shall ever rejoice. Lord, I pray that (child’s name) will never be looked down upon or feel inferior because of age. Your word says that You do not think any less of a child for their angels in heaven are in the presence of and continually look upon You. This child is blessed in heaven and therefore, declare that these blessings will be evident on earth.
Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4
Dear Lord, on this christening day, I pray over the life of this child and the characteristics that they will grow to have. I pray that (child’s name) will grow in the fear of the Lord, always remembering the Christian values instilled from this Christening day. Let Godly morals be instilled in (child’s name) by their parents and godparents and that they shall be brought up in the training and instruction of the Lord, Amen.
Psalms 127:3-4
Oh God, thank You for Your divine gift of this child. Your Word says that children born to a young man are like arrows in the warrior’s hands. Therefore, we pray on this christening day, that this child experiences life in such a way that they may be sharpened and refined to be the great gift You intended for them to be. So, on this special christening day, we bless You because we are glad and grateful for Your heavenly reward; this is the prayer of our heart, Amen.
Baptizing little children is a beautiful, special thing. While we cannot comprehend why or how God works in our lives, we can see Him work through the lives of children who are made right with Him through baptism. If you are a parent or godparent and have questions about what this looks like, don’t hesitate to talk to your pastor. He will be able to help you understand the importance of baptism for your child.