Bad body odor is an embarrassing problem that you don’t want to drag around while you’re out and about. Your sweat can get so bad, in fact, that it might also cause you to feel self-conscious every day. Don’t let it keep you from doing things that are important to you.
By knowing the spiritual meaning of bad body odor, for example, you might be able to determine at least some of its causes; which could inspire new ideas for how to achieve your personal goals. Bad body odor is often a dangerous body odor which can be due to the development of bacteria.
Body odor can also lead to the appearance of bad breath. As the bacteria in your mouth produce sulfur during the digestion of proteins, this sulfur is released in the saliva and into your mouth (this is why bad breath occurs right after eating).
Spiritual Meaning Of Bad Body Odor
By knowing the spiritual meaning of bad body odor, for example, you might be able to determine at least some of its causes; which could inspire new ideas for how to achieve your personal goals. Bad body odor is often a dangerous body odor which can be due to the development of bacteria. Body odor can also lead to the appearance of bad breath. As the bacteria in your mouth produce sulfur during the digestion of proteins, this sulfur is released in the saliva and into your mouth (this is why bad breath occurs right after eating).
Bad body odor is not only a physical discomfort, but it can also have spiritual implications. Understanding the spiritual meaning behind bad body odor can provide insight into its causes and offer guidance on how to address it in a holistic way. Here are some spiritual meanings of bad body odor:
1. Impurities in the soul
Bad body odor can be a reflection of impurities in the soul. Just as the physical body emits unpleasant odors when toxins build up, the soul may manifest negativity in the form of bad body odor. In this sense, addressing bad body odor can be a way to cleanse the soul and promote spiritual purity.
2. Lack of self-care
Bad body odor may indicate a lack of self-care and attention to personal hygiene. From a spiritual perspective, neglecting the body can symbolize a disregard for the temple of the soul. By taking care of our physical bodies, we show respect for the divine within us and honor the spiritual journey.
3. Sins of the flesh
In some spiritual traditions, bad body odor is associated with indulgence in sinful behavior or desires of the flesh. By addressing the root causes of bad body odor, we may be able to confront and overcome these temptations, leading to spiritual growth and transformation.
4. Energetic blockages
Bad body odor can also be a sign of energetic blockages or disturbances in the body’s subtle energy system. From a spiritual perspective, these blockages may indicate a disconnect from our higher selves or a lack of alignment with our true purpose. By addressing these energetic imbalances, we can restore harmony and flow in our spiritual journey.
Biblical Perspective
In the Bible, there are references to the importance of cleanliness and purity of the body as a reflection of spiritual well-being. Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” This verse highlights the connection between physical and spiritual cleanliness, emphasizing the need for both in maintaining a healthy relationship with the divine.
Cultural Symbolism
In various cultural traditions, bad body odor is often associated with impurity, disease, or negative influences. For example, in Hinduism, bathing is considered a sacred ritual for purifying the body and soul. Similarly, in some Native American cultures, smudging ceremonies using sage or other cleansing herbs are used to clear away negative energies and restore balance.
In conclusion, the spiritual meaning of bad body odor goes beyond physical discomfort, offering insights into our spiritual well-being and personal growth. By addressing the root causes of bad body odor and taking steps to promote holistic health and wellness, we can align ourselves with our higher selves and walk a path of spiritual enlightenment.
What Does The Bible Say About Body Odor

This odor can then be released through your pores, causing a bad body odor Bad body odor means that you are welcoming the spirit of death into your life. The spirit of death is a powerful presence, and it can be difficult to get rid of once you invite it into your life. If you have bad body odor, it’s important to take this as a warning sign and start working on healing yourself before things get worse. This is why it’s important to understand spiritual meaning of bad body odor so that you can take steps toward healing yourself now before it gets worse. Spiritual meaning of bad body odor Body odor is a physical and spiritual sign that your body is functioning properly.
Body odor is caused by bacteria on the skin that break down sweat into acids, which are then released through pores in the skin. When you’re stressed out or anxious, your sweat glands produce more sweat, which can lead to an increase in body odor. Your body is trying to tell you something when it smells bad. It’s a way of alerting you to the fact that something is not right with your system or your diet. For example, if you notice an increase in the amount of time between showers or baths, it could mean that you’re dehydrated and need to drink more water; or if you notice an increase in body odor around certain times of day, like after lunchtime or after dinner, it could mean that something as simple as eating too much garlic before bed may be causing a reaction in your system.
In some cases, bad body odor can be indicative of an underlying health condition such as diabetes or kidney disease; therefore it’s important to seek medical attention if bad smells persist after making lifestyle changes such
Biblical Meaning Of Bad Smells

Strictly speaking, body odor is the scent – which may be pleasant, neutral, unpleasant or even impossible for a human nose to detect – given off by a human being. It is genetically determined and specific to an individual (this is how bloodhounds track humans). More often, however, the term is used to refer to the unpleasant scent that can develop when perspiration (which is virtually odorless) comes in contact with bacteria on the skin. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is a medical condition that can account for embarrassing and persistent body odor.
What are the symptoms?
Apart from the scent itself, the principal symptom of body odor is sweating.
What are the causes of body odor?
The body has two kinds of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands open onto the skin’s surface, while apocrine glands are found in areas where hair grows, including the scalp, armpits and groin. Sweat from eccrine glands is mostly water and salt, but apocrine glands secrete a fatty sweat. Body odor arises when bacteria on the surface of the skin begin breaking down sweat from apocrine glands.
Although the amount you sweat can be hereditary, it also can be influenced by other factors. Beverages containing caffeine or alcohol can promote sweating, as can spicy foods. In addition, certain drugs can cause excessive sweating. These include aspirin, acetaminophen, excess doses of thyroxine, a thyroid hormone, and some medications used to treat mental disorders.
What is the conventional treatment?
When excessive sweating and the resulting body odor is due to severe hyperhidrosis, the nerves that serve the sweat glands can be blocked with botox injections. Several injections may be needed for optimal results. While this painful treatment stops sweating, it won’t prevent body odor and isn’t permanent – you’ll need more injections in four to eight months.
Certain drugs, called anticholinergics, can help reduce sweating by blocking the actions of acetylcholine, a chemical messenger helps to stimulate sweat glands. This usually yields results in about two weeks but can also cause dry mouth, constipation, blurry vision, urinary retention, loss of taste, dizziness and confusion. When excessive sweating is limited to the armpits, surgery to remove the sweat glands may be recommended. This can lead to “compensatory” sweating elsewhere on the body.
What Natural Treatments for Body Odor Does Dr. Weil Recommend?
Since the bacterial breakdown of sweat is what causes most body odor, try these measures to reduce body odor naturally:
- Because stimulants, including coffee and tea, contribute to body odor by increasing the activity of apocrine sweat glands, try eliminating these beverages and any others containing caffeine.
- Splash rubbing alcohol in the armpits to reduce bacteria on the skin.
- Look for deodorants in health-food stores that contain extracts of green tea, which is a safe, natural antibacterial.
Aluminum in deodorant products can be irritating or harmful. Avoid “natural crystals,” which may contain aluminum – even if they say they don’t.
Sweating and body odour are facts of life for most people. Heavy perspiration and body odour can happen when we exercise, when we are too warm, or when we are nervous, anxious or under stress. The physical, biochemical and psychological causes of body odour and foul smells emanating from the human body are widely known to the scientific community. Factors such as food, drink, and diseases can affect body odour. An individual’s body odour is also influenced by lifestyle, genetics and medication.

However, there is another important cause for body odour and foul smells which is unknown to the scientific community: a spiritual cause.
The spiritual cause for bad odours was received as Divine Knowledge by seekers of SSRF with a highly activated sixth sense or extra-sensory perception (ESP). When a person is graced with sixth sense, he is able to access the Universal Mind and Intellect. This sixth sense is due to spiritual practice undertaken in this birth or a previous birth.
Negative energies are known to produce various types of foul odours from the body. Sometimes the foul odour (emanating from the body, bad breath, bad smell from burps, yawns, etc.) is made to spread into the surrounding environment. This is done to increase the distress of not only the affected person but also of those in the vicinity.
2. Synonyms
Body odour can be known medically as bromhidrosis, osmidrosis, ozochrotia, fetid sweat, body smell or malodourous sweating. Bad breath is also called halitosis.
3. What is the cause of body odour?
Sweat itself is odourless by nature. Bacteria that normally cover the surface of the skin break down sweat. The by-product or resulting waste material of this interaction are acid compounds that have an odour which we associate with body odour.
As bacteria breaks down sweat, a couple of different odour compounds are produced. These acids have distinct smells and are typically what constitutes body odour. Two common acid compounds associated with odour include:
- Propionic acid – associated with the smell of vinegar.
- Isovaleric acid – associated with the smell of cheese.
Trimethylaminuria (TMAU), also known as fish odour syndrome or fish malodour syndrome, is a rare metabolic disorder wherein trimethylamine is released in the person’s sweat, urine and breath, giving off a strong fishy odour or strong body odour.
spiritual smells list
4.1. Food
What we eat can play a significant role in not only body odour, but foot odour and bad breath as well. Nutrients and compounds contained in food are essential for day-to-day sustenance. However. some of them, especially when eaten in overabundance, can influence odour. Foods commonly associated with odour issues include red meat, seafood, egg yolks, garlic, onions, yogurt, beans, asparagus, cabbage, and spices such as mustard seed and coriander.
4.2. Medication
A common side effect of many drugs is sweating. Antipsychotic and antidepressant medication can be known to do this, as well as some other medicines. In addition, overuse of aspirin and acetaminophen can also lead to increased sweat production.
4.3. Hormonal Changes
The most common hormonal change associated with body odour is menopause. A common side effect of menopause is hot flashes, which can lead to increased perspiration. As more sweat is produced, more odour compounds are produced as a result of bacteria breaking down the additional sweat.
4.4. Genetics
Human biology and genetics do play a role in how a person smells. People of East Asian descent (such as the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans) tend to have fewer sweat glands in the body. Fewer glands make them less prone to body odour due to the fact that fewer sweat secretions are released. In addition, people of East Asian descent tend to have dry ear wax. In contrast, most people have wet ear wax. This is due to a particular gene prevalent in Japanese, Chinese and Korean ethnicities. Wet ear wax can contribute to auxiliary body odour.
5. Spiritual perspective regarding body odour
In some people the cause of body odour may be spiritual in nature. Since the cause belongs to the subtle-dimension it can be detected only by a person having a highly activated sixth sense who has access to the Universal Mind and Intellect. Medical science may find an absence of apparent pathology in such cases. Medical science would not be able to provide any attributes of the cause of the problem which is at a spiritual level. Also all efforts to treat the same at a physical level tend to fail.
The following information is Divine Knowledge received by a Saint of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation, Her Holiness Mrs. Anjali Gadgil.
5.1. Spiritual cause of body odour emanating from a seeker
The war between good and evil has been going on since times immemorial. Seekers of God who do spiritual practice to increase their Sattva component and reduce Raja-Tama are frequently attacked by negative energies. These attacks are more frequent in the current times as the negative energies are being defeated and soon the Divine Kingdom will be established. Since the negative energies are being defeated, the black energy in the cells of the seeker starts reducing and a foul smell emanates from the body of that person and may also permeate the atmosphere. This is due to the subtle-air released from the waste material of the body.
Subtle-sorcerers (māntriks), who are fighting against the seeker, transmit black energy from every pore of the skin through the medium of sweat in order to increase the pressure in the atmosphere. That is when the process of foul smell emanating from the body begins. The smell is usually caused due to lower level entities. They use the Absolute Earth Principle (Pruthvitattva) to make bad body odour. However, even if there is a subtle-battle with higher-level entities, foul smell can still be released as a by-product of this subtle-war that is taking place.
Process: Skin pigment is used through the medium of the foul smell to launch the black energy attack. By using this pigment, a subtle black sheath containing air is created near the skin. This sheath is activated by the Energy of will of the subtle-sorcerers and it transmits foul smell into the atmosphere through the medium of sweat or subtle black air when needed.
5.2 Table showing the various causes of foul body odour
Physical (%) | Psychological (%) | Spiritual (%) | |
Average person (spiritual level 20%) | 65 | 30 | 5 |
Seeker doing only individual spiritual practice who is at 50% spiritual level | 30 | 50 | 20 |
Seeker doing individual spiritual practice and spiritual practice for spreading spirituality in society who is at 50% spiritual level | 20 | 30 | 50 |
- Bad personal hygiene can be taken advantage of by negative energies and then part of this 65% can be also due to a spiritual root cause.
- Psychological reasons for bad body odour can be due to mental issues such as depression being the initiator and then negative energies affect the person while they are in this weakened state of mind thus causing the body odour or bad breath.
- Could be due to ancestors or even if the Deity of the place where the person resides or the Family Deity is angry.
- Having a spiritual cause for body odour is more in a seeker who is doing spiritual practice for spreading spirituality and Righteousness in society and working towards the establishment of the Divine Kingdom.
5.3. Process of creation of the foul smell in various parts of the body due to distressing energies and their effects
In order to create each type of foul smell, negative energies have to utilise 30 percent of their energy.
Process | effect | |
Body | Disintegration of the outer covering created around the body | Stickiness in the outer covering around the body increases |
Perspiration | Vital energy sheath getting disintegrated | Vital energy reduces |
Breath | Disintegration of the distressing cells | Fluid in the distressing cells increasing proportionately |
Urine | Affected fluid in the cells getting disintegrated and the foul smell created due to this is thrown out through the urine | Distressing fluid in the cells having increased, two by two cells unite. |
Faecal matter | Foul smell created due to the disintegration of the distressing filaments from the food-intake of the body being thrown out through excreta | Intestines getting contracted due to the covering of the distressing filaments inside and outside the intestine |
Semen | Semen getting discharged unawares due to sensual thoughts put in the mind by distressing energy and the semen getting a foul smell due to the subtle-air created by the disintegration of the distressing energy accumulated in the sperm | Tama particles in the person become predominant and thoughts related to sensual pleasure increases |
Menstrual fluid | Destruction of red blood cells in the body | Distressing energy decreasing due to foul air being discharged mostly through perspiration, burps and yawns |
5.4. Odours of various regions of Hell and their effects on the person affected
Level of Hell | Odour similar to | Effect |
1 | Mustard oil | Attack on the vital energy sheath |
2 | Raw cashew oil | Attack on the blood cells in the body |
3 | Sweet oil with foul odour | Attack on skin |
4 | Discharge of semen | Fluid in the bones reducing |
5 | Menstruation odour | Fluid in the cells reducing |
6 | Castor oil | Reduction of Calcium in the body |
7 | Mixed odours | Body lacking lustre due to reduction in the water content in the body |
6. Remedies to reduce foul odours from the body
When the cause of the body odour or bad breath is physical in nature, simple measures such as good personal hygiene (a daily bath with antibacterial soap, use of antiperspirants and deodourants, brushing one’s teeth after every meal, mouthwash, etc.), and a well-balanced diet will help.
However, when the cause of foul odour is spiritual in nature, we can only overcome this by doing more and more spiritual practice according to the basic principles of spirituality. The intensity of spiritual practice to be done will depend on the severity of the attack.
There will also be a time factor involved as per the subtle-battle between positive and negative energies and the extent of it.
Sometimes when there is a subtle-battle where the positivity of a seeker is fighting off the black energy created by a negative energy around a seeker, then a foul body odour may occur.
7. Summary
Foul odour emitted from the body may be due to a physical, psychological or a spiritual cause (attacks by negative energies)
A spiritual cause is usually the case in seekers of God who are doing individual spiritual practice as well as spiritual practice for the spread of spirituality
Intensifying spiritual practice as per the basic principles helps to combat the spiritual cause of foul odours emitted from the body.