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Churches That Need A Pastor

The search for a pastor is a long, arduous process. First, you need to find a church that meets your requirements, and then you have to convince them that you are the right person for the job. This can be difficult because churches have very specific requirements for their pastors. They want someone who will… Read More »Churches That Need A Pastor

The Number 11 In The Bible

The number 11 is a significant number in the bible. It has many meanings, such as representing God’s laws, being part of a covenant, and also representing strength and faithfulness. The first time this number appears in the Bible is in Genesis 5:11 where Adam lived for 930 years. In Genesis 11:11-12, we find out… Read More »The Number 11 In The Bible

Church Service Template

In the beginning, God created the universe. And then he created man and woman, to live together in peace and harmony. But then sin entered the world, and things got complicated. We’ve all been there: you’re walking down the street, minding your own business, when suddenly—BAM!—you get run over by a car. And it’s not… Read More »Church Service Template