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Spiritual Meaning of Arm

What is the spiritual meaning of an arm? Aside from its physical definition, the arm is used in Scripture as a symbol of power in action—either divine or human. The context will, of course, determine whether the word is meant literally or figuratively, and whether its figurative sense is power used for good or for evil.… Read More »Spiritual Meaning of Arm

Spiritual Meaning of Apron

It has been said that if a woman’s apron falls from her body, it foretells bad luck—possibly an unwanted child. Let us review the spiritual meaning of apron, apron dream meaning and sermons on aprons. Another legend claims an apron worn back to front can bring the wearer good luck. Whether we believe these superstitions… Read More »Spiritual Meaning of Apron

Prayer To Bastet

Millions of people adhered to a religion that the ancient Egyptians built their state around. The religion had many different gods and goddesses, but one of the most important ones was Bastet. She is commonly referred to as Bast, the cat-headed goddess. She was considered to be the mother of the sun god Ra and… Read More »Prayer To Bastet