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Spiritual meaning of kenneth

Spiritual meaning of Kenneth : The name Kenneth is a boy’s name of Scottish derivation. Meaning detailed and spiritual definition of Kenneth :  The name of the Celtic Sun-Deity Cennghall, meaning “handsome, fair”. Below, we will also look into the spiritual meaning of the name Kenneth. So, where is kenneth in the bible? Kenneth is… Read More »Spiritual meaning of kenneth

Spiritual meaning of karen

Where is the name karen found in the bible? The word “karen” has got many spiritual meanings. Karen is derived from two words: “akara”, which means “rejoicing” and “nishana”, which means, “attraction or call. What is the biblical meaning of Karen? Now, let us review the Spiritual meaning of Karen. You’re a spiritual person and… Read More »Spiritual meaning of karen

Spiritual meaning of jacob

Jacob is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible numerous times, and is considered to be the eponymous ancestor of all Jews, Israels, and other descendants of his sons. What does the name jacob mean spiritually? We will now look at the Spiritual meaning of jacob, and spiritual meaning of the name jacob. Jacob’s twelve sons became… Read More »Spiritual meaning of jacob

Spiritual Meaning Of Ivory

The most recurring symbol for Ivory in religion and myth is life or resurrection. Many myths worldwide represent ivory as the flesh of a deity; it expresses a cyclical, organic concept of nature and existence, with parallels in many cultures. White ivory (sometimes considered the purest) is particularly associated with spiritual purification and perfection. Ivory… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of Ivory