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Is Marriage In The Bible

In the Bible, marriage is a union between two people who are committed to one another for life. Marriage is often seen as a way to bring families together, but it also serves as an important relationship in its own right. Why is marriage in the Bible? It’s a common question asked by those seeking… Read More »Is Marriage In The Bible

Ghana Praise And Worship

Ghana Praise is a collection of praise and worship music available for free download within the African region. Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on praise and worship worship songs, Ghana Praise And Worship, praise and worship worship songs download, and so much more. Take out time to… Read More »Ghana Praise And Worship

German Prayer For The Dead

Everyone has been involved in a situation where a loved one was dying. It’s an incredibly difficult time for anyone. If you’re going through that period, you may have found yourself asking, “What should I pray for the person?” Today, we’re talking about German Prayer For The Dead. We will explore the history of the… Read More »German Prayer For The Dead