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Celtic Prayer For Healing

    The Celtic people were known for their skill in the healing arts, and their deep spirituality. The Celts believed that all life was connected, and that the human body was not separate from the world around it. They also believed that there was a soul within each person, which could be affected by external forces.

    The Celts believed that illness could be caused by any number of things, including sin or wrongdoings. In order to heal someone who had been sick because of their wrongdoing, they would need to make amends with the gods through prayer and sacrifice.

    Celtic Prayer For Healing

    The Celtic people were known for their wisdom, and they had a deep spiritual connection with the land. Their prayers reflect that connection. In fact, one of their most famous prayers is called “The Celtic Prayer for Healing.” This prayer is an ancient Celtic prayer that has been passed down through the generations for thousands of years. It was originally written in Gaelic, but it has been translated into many languages over time.

    This prayer is one of the most powerful prayers ever written because it contains all the elements needed to create miracles. Not only does it invoke God’s presence and power, but it also connects us with nature and the earth’s energy field (or aura). This can have a healing effect on any illness or injury you may be experiencing in your life right now!

    The Celtic tradition is rich with prayers for healing, drawing on the spiritual wisdom of ancient Celtic peoples. These prayers often emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings and the healing power of nature. Here are some Celtic prayers for healing that you can use in your own spiritual practice:


    Gracious God, hear my prayer for healing. May your love surround me like a cloak, bringing warmth and comfort to my body and soul. May the healing power of the earth and the sky restore me to wholeness. Amen.


    Spirit of the land, flow through me with your healing energy. May the rivers and mountains, the trees and stones, guide me on the path to wellness. Let me be one with all creation, in body, mind, and spirit. So mote it be.


    Dear God, grant me the strength to endure this time of illness. Help me to find peace and healing in your presence. May your light shine upon me, banishing all darkness and doubt. Amen.


    Source of all life, hear my prayer for healing. May your divine energy fill me with vitality and strength. Heal my body, mind, and spirit, that I may be whole once more. So be it.


    Great Mother, cradle me in your loving arms. Let your nurturing presence bring comfort and healing to my weary soul. May I be renewed in body, mind, and spirit. Blessed be.


    God of mercy, hear my cry for healing. Pour out your grace upon me, that I may be restored to health and wholeness. May your love surround me, now and always. Amen.


    Holy Spirit, guide me on the path to healing. Lead me to the waters of renewal, where I may be cleansed and restored. Fill me with your peace and strength, that I may face each day with courage. So mote it be.


    Divine Physician, hear my plea for healing. Touch me with your healing hand, that I may be made well. Grant me the strength to persevere through this trial, knowing that you are with me always. Amen.

    Celtic Prayer For Healing
    Gracious God, hear my prayer for healing. May your love surround me like a cloak, bringing warmth and comfort to my body and soul. May the healing power of the earth and the sky restore me to wholeness. Amen.
    Spirit of the land, flow through me with your healing energy. May the rivers and mountains, the trees and stones, guide me on the path to wellness. Let me be one with all creation, in body, mind, and spirit. So mote it be.
    Dear God, grant me the strength to endure this time of illness. Help me to find peace and healing in your presence. May your light shine upon me, banishing all darkness and doubt. Amen.

    As the Celtic people believed in the interconnectedness of all beings and the healing power of nature, so too can we draw on these ancient prayers to find solace and healing in times of illness or distress. Let these words be a source of comfort and strength as you navigate your own journey towards wellness.

    “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.” – Jeremiah 17:14

    Celtic Prayers For Today

    A Pilgrim’s Blessing

    May the song of the running stream fill us with the music of God’s creation
    In the beauty of these Celtic lands may the face of God bless us each day as we journey

    May the gentle breeze of the spirit strengthen our love for each other
    May the God of beauty touch our souls with compassion and justice

    In the stillness of our hearts and creation , God give us peace, rest and healing.
    These Celtic people have stretched out their arms to countries far and wide. Bless them!

    May we ponder our deep and personal experiences and take home with us the spirit of Brigid and Patrick.

    Tess, Nance, Agnes, Marg and Phil


    Generous, gracious, Creator God,
    We thank you for bursting into our lives and drawing us together on this
    journey of hope and promise.
    In your Wisdom you have challenged us to work with you in creative,
    responsible ways to nurture the unfolding of this Universe. Your extravagant
    Love holds us all in process.

    We thank you for the gift of the joy and communion we have shared and for
    opening wide our hearts and minds.
    We praise and stand in awe of your magnificent glory in creation and for the
    interconnectedness of the whole universe – from molten rocks to butterfly
    wings, from dinosaurs to birds, from baby cries to symphonies, from the first
    explosion of gases to the air we breathe – the very same air that Jesus

    We saw your glory in sunshine and rain, moonlight and wind, as we travelled
    along the roads.
    We grasped the flame to take with us forever.
    This beautiful country holds deeps in it’s – stones … wells … ruins … fires … and
    crosses… – deep eternal truths which have touched us and called to our souls.

    Together we pray that your never-ending stream of grace may flow over us like
    healing water and shape our lives.
    The yearning in our hearts has grown and been strengthened by the
    continuous, abundant, outpouring of Godself manifesting in so many
    wonderful and diverse ways. Our yearning, our longing, our living will always
    be restless until we rest in the infinite, original spot of universal wholeness –

    Phil, Madeleva, Marcia, Carmel B

    From This Pilgrimage…

    …we bless… we seek God… we look into and through the silence!

    We SEE God…
    The greenness, the newness of life…
    The tapestry of the landscape…
    The diversity of sights, colour, shapes…
    The witnessing of cycles of new life.
           May this be your experience…

    We HEAR God…
    The wind, the water…
    We hear God’s music…
    We hear God through each other…
           May this be your experience…

    We TOUCH & FEEL God
    We smell God on the breath of the wind…
    We smell God in the places & their ancestry
           May this be your experience…

    We TASTE God…
    We taste the abundance, manna from the earth…
    We taste God through community, through each other and through Eucharist, as we are nourished…
           May this be your experience…

    We link to the MYSTERY…
    Through our senses, a pathway into mystery…
    Through BEing open to receive…
    Through our senses we open to grace…
    Our RECEIVING releases our RESISTANCE.
           May this be OUR experience as we go forth..!

    Anne, Susan, April and John

    Celtic Spirit

    O Holy Mystery
    Ever present in the music of the universe
    In the swaying trees,
    In the murmur of the water,
    In the song of birds
    In stories in the heart of stone.

    R       Open our hearts to be present, to listen and to hear your Presence in the silence.

    O Holy Mystery
    All embracing God,
    Heal, comfort and console our broken world through us,
    As we embrace the spirit of Patrick, Brigid and Kevin
    And all our holy ancestors.

    O Holy Mystery
    Triune God
    May we integrate the blessings
    We have received during our time together,
    So that, like the acorn
    We will flourish and bring new life and hope to our wounded world.

    R       We ask your blessing on us pilgrims
    On our families and communities,
    And on all people of this ancient land.

    Bridie, Tricia, Patricia and Phil

    An Encounter With A Restorative God

    Celtic Spirit, alive in this land
    A journey of the senses, through the Irish hand
    In the steps of the saints, on hallowed ground
    Rain misting the hills, whilst all around
    The landscape of Ireland, gifting nature’s sound
    Rippling water, flickering flame, gentle animals abound.

    Grey stone, strong and silent; granite heart aligns with ours
    The imprints of our ancestors
    Our lives journeys, inner strength found.

    Being still in nature’s soundscape –
    The layers of sound
    In the movement of the universe
    Our still souls are found

    The nearness of God’s spirit
    Fire without and within
    The resting of self; the echoes of kin

    Celtic Spirit, alive in this land
    Let us encounter God’s restorative hand

    Still point of the turning world
    Within and without
    Rock of firmness – thanksgiving
    Listening – in our heart
    Seeing – the awe and wonder of creation
    Tasting the freshness of the morning
    Hearing the song of creation in our heart
    Feeling the wind against our being
    Deeper deep within ever new
    Tir na og ( eternal youth)

    Julie, Jenny, Micheal, Imelda


    … in the ground of our BEING
    … in the stillness/silence of our hearts
    … in the murmuring of the stream
    … in the dancing, swaying branches
    … in the never ending ripple of the rivers
    … in the harmony of the bells calling us to prayer
    … ever ANCIENT ever NEW
    … in the nagging tiresome voice within, which pushes/entices us onwards
    … in the magnetic mysticism of High Crosses

    Echoes of God … Echoes of God … Echoes of God … Echoes of God

    Marlene, Gen, Liz, Monica K


    Pilgrims Journey
    Where do we find you
    Longing for silence
    Seeking, searching, solitude

    Running restful waters
    Shimmering leaves
    Whispering wind

    Ancient ruins
    Stories in stones
    Celtic crosses
    Standing strong
    Ancestors remembered

    Journeying forth
    We leave this sacred place
    Souls enriched
    Mystery unfolding
    Knowing we know.

    Lorraine, Ena, Jacinta, Maree and Sally


    We praise you in thankfulness
    For revealing to us the mystery of your creation.

    We feel your breath in the gentle winds and breezes
    And witness your strength in the swift flowing waters
    of your many rivers.

    We experienced the love of God, which inspires and uplifts our spirits,
    through ancient rhythms to sing your praise.
    We go now to take what we have experienced in our hearts
    into the lives of others
    and to the whole of creation.

    O Awesome God, O Awesome God, O Awesome God

    Roger, Bernie, Sue-Ellen, Kathy


    May the God of stillness be with you
    May the power of the rock support you
    May the silence of the Abbey give you peace
    May the riches of the earth revive you
    May the beauty of the landscape widen your heart and expand your spirit
    May you lean on the strength of the oak tree, and drink in the beauty of each new day.
    May the spring waters refresh and heal you.
    May the strength of the cross sustain you in life’s journey
    As the Trinity enfolds you.
    May the lived experience of Brigid, Patrick and Kevin be your inspiration.

    Gerard, Martina, Maggie, Joanna, Monica M

    – God of new beginnings and never endings
    May the blue canopy above us enfold us in its mantle of hope.

    – Haunting reality of wind and rain in dark places
    Encircle our lives with love.

    – Merciful giver of newness within the cracks of life
    Bless us all with silent peace and wonder

    – God give us lasting memory of this wondrous, pilgrim journey.

    Noelene, Denise, Anne, Carmel, Maureen

    Ever Gentle Spirit wherever we place our feet
    We embrace your blessing.

    In the vastness and beauty of the universe
    We know we walk in the footsteps
    Of all that came before us.

    In the solitude we hear the birdsong
    In the opening of the door we see you.

    We feel your heart in ours.
    You are the essence of our being
    There is nowhere you are not.

    Mary Beth, Ann, Gracia, Mary, Adele

    Gracious God of our being,
    You are all around and within us.

    The generous hospitality of nature,
    A witness to your Word,
    Fills our hearts.
    The sun’s rays warm the Earth
    And the birds sing out in joyful praise.

    As the river flows,
    Living waters flow from within us.
    We are One,
    Created of the same stardust.

    May the compassion and strength
    Of Brigid and Patrick
    Burn ever brighter within our hearts,
    That we may rekindle the flame
    In all the world.

    Behold the breath of Life!
    Tihei Mauri Ora!!!

    Lyn, Shane, Helen, Dianne and Margaret


    May the silent loving of the mystery of God surround us and bring us to full potential

    As the egg grows into the splendid swan,
    As the tiny acorn grows into the awesome oak,
    As the simple bulb grows into the tall tulip,
    As the crawling caterpillar grows into the brilliant butterfly

    May the silent loving of self surround me and bring me to my full potential

    As I accept the past is gone,

    The future is out of my control, and
    I can only be present in the moment,
    As I speak gentle and loving worlds to my soul:
    As I let my light shine I step out into the darkness of pathways of difference

    May the silent loving of one another surround us and bring us to full potential
    As the extended hands welcome the solitary stranger
    As the tender touch brings healing to the hurting soul
    As the listening ear brings comfort and consolation
    As the warmth of the strangers smile brings love and lasting joy

    As it take in the breath of the universe,
    I breathe out …. LOVE!

    Chris, Juliana, Mary, Lauretta and Mike


    May the God of the dawn awaken you
    May the God of sunrise stir you up
    May the God of morning bless your work
    May the God of noon renew your strength
    May the God of sunset bring you home
    May the God of dusk soothe your soul
    May the God of night bring you rest.

    And until we meet again may God
    hold you in the palm of his hand.


    May the love and peace of God that we share with our Celtic Ancestors fell on you.
    Like the shower of sunlight that brings life to the river.

    May your life’s journey continue
    With its light and shadows
    With its hopes and dreams

    May the deep valleys and high mountain tops
    Reach out to hold your hands
    When you face difficulties in your life’s journey

    Any may you merge into the rhythm of nature
    Awakened to the gentle whisperings of God in the water, fire, air and earth

    May Mary, Patrick, Brigid and Columba and all other Celtic Saints intercede for you
    As you continue this pilgrimage journey

    And may the Trinity
    Father, Son and Holy Spirit
    Hold you with compassion
    And shield you in loving embrace

    Alice, Jim, Anita, Helen and Maud


    O Devine face in the ruins
    We stand in silence
    Our bodies held captive
    Vibration of voice
    Reverberation of stones

    O abundant mystery
    Our spines tingle
    Our souls stir with longing
    We taste the dark tones of God

    Struck by your love,
    May we continue to pilgrim
    Let your song lighten our footsteps
    And fill us with joy
    As we encourage others in your way.

    Denis, Phil, Anne Marie, Bernadette, Elizabeth

    Ever living, ever faithful, ever present God
    Encircling us, journeying with us, waiting for us
    God, who is both our refuge and our rock
    Help us to remember the stones of our being


    Sacred stone, stone enduring
    Stones of silence, stones of despair
    Stones that speak to us
    Bleak stones, comforting stones
    Stones of sign and symbol
    Stones of generations, cared with intent
    Devotion, love, memory, service


    Stones that form a pathway for the journey ahead
    A journey as yet undefined
    Yet a journey of the spirit
    May we draw deeply from our well
    And open our hearts to light the fire
    And kindle the flame inside
    So that we may be all we are created to be.


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