The Ananda religion is a spiritual movement practiced worldwide based on Paramhansa Yogananda and his teachings of God being present in daily life in a tangible and loving reality. Paramahansa Yogananda, also known as Mukunda Lal Ghosh, was a Hindu monk, guru, and yogi of Indian descent.
Our Sunday Service is one of the most important. They have an orthodox Hindu perspective, but welcome people of other faiths to their services. They meet for Sunday Service in most regions.
The Ananda Sunday Service is open to all. It includes readings from the scriptures, singing of hymns and chants, personal prayer, inspirational talks and a talk on the principles of yoga taught by Swami Kriyananda. An important part of the service is exchanging the Self-Realization Satsang Message which provides a spiritual experience that has helped millions find their way to God in their hearts.

Sunday Services at Ananda Church are available free of charge, and are open to everyone. Services begin at 10:00 AM Sunday mornings, and are held in the main sanctuary of our church.
In the large dining hall of the church after our services, there is typically a potluck lunch where you can meet and socialize with other churchgoers. The food is always delicious, and there’s plenty for anyone who misses it during service!
In Ananda, Sundays are a time for communal interaction, spiritual renewal, and finding motivation for the next week. Come worship with us for an uplifting service that will help you feel closer to your higher self.
Sunday Services
Worship Service

The Sunday worship service at Ananda is inspired by the meditation tradition of the East and the ancient teachings of mystical Christianity, with inspirational readings from both the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita.
10:00am – 11:30am each Sunday.
You’ll find Ananda’s Sunday Services on our YouTube Channel.
You may also want to join us for the purification ceremony and meditation at 9am every Sunday.
Ministering to the Sick and Dying
Another significant part of a pastor’s ministry is ministering to the sick and dying. The Bible teaches us that when a person is ill, they are in need of prayer. In fact, it says that “there should be no difference between the healthy and the sick” when it comes to who needs our prayers (James 5:15).
A pastor’s role in this situation is not only to pray with and for those who are ill, but also those around them like their family members or friends. They may have questions about what is happening with their loved one as well as how they can help them through this difficult time.
It is easy for us as Christians to forget about our responsibilities during these times because we sometimes feel uncomfortable or scared by what might happen next for our friend or relative who has fallen ill or worse yet…died! But remember: “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).
Using the Media and Social Media to Preach Your Message
Social media is a powerful tool for preaching your message. You can utilize social media to connect with people, share your message, raise money for your ministry, recruit new members and promote your church and sermons.
Here are some suggestions on how to use social media to preach:
- Connect with people by posting inspirational quotes or stories on Facebook or Twitter. This will let them know that you are thinking about them during their day-to-day lives.
- Share quotes from the Bible that relate to current events in order to help others receive spiritual guidance from God at this time in their lives.
- Use Instagram as another way of sharing your faith by posting pictures of yourself praying or reading scripture verses (like Proverbs 4:20) so followers can see what it looks like when they do it too!
Leading by Example
You are the leader of your church. You have a great responsibility to be a good example to everyone around you, especially those who look up to you. How do you want others to see your life? Do you want them to know what it means for Christ’s purposes to live in this world?
As a pastor, leading by example is essential for two reasons: Firstly, people will learn more from what we do than from what we say; secondly and most importantly, if we don’t model good behavior then how can we expect others to follow our lead?
As a pastor it is important that your personal behavior reflects well on the ministry of the church.
Keeping a Prayerful Attitude
Prayer is the most important part of being a pastor, because it’s the way we communicate with God. Prayer is also a way to show gratitude for God and all that he provides us with. So when we say “thank you” to him, he knows that we appreciate him and his love for us. And when we ask forgiveness from him, it shows how much we care about what he thinks of us as individuals, which is important because if someone doesn’t care about what someone else thinks about them they will never want anything but themselves.
Lastly, prayer can be used as guidance from God if there is something troubling you in your life or if you are unsure what decision should be made at a given time on any matter concerning yourself or others around you
Purification Ceremony

The Ananda Purification Ceremony is an opportunity to offer a personal prayer for freedom and clarity about a personal challenge, or an area of your life you would like to offer up to be purified.
After writing your prayer on a slip of paper and burning it at the alter, you will receive a blessing from one of the ministers who will assist you in calling on God and our line of gurus to help you achieve spiritual freedom.
This ceremony begins with a fire ceremony that includes the chanting of two ancient mantras: the Gayatri Mantra which is for enlightenment and the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra which is for liberation. We end with a period of silent meditation.
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