Order Big Book Of Alcoholics Anonymous 4th Edition. The original Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous is a substantial book, containing the complete text of the A.A. Conference-approved text of 1939 followed by valuable appendixes and footnotes from members who have developed their own personal understanding of certain sections of the book. It was updated with current information by those members in the following years and published in 1950 as 2nd Edition.
Big Book Of Alcoholics Anonymous is a pocket-sized version of the original Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth Edition. The Fourth Edition was published ahead of A.A.’s 50th anniversary in 1976, at the time when Alcoholics Anonymous was certifying its 1 millionth drunk and becoming known around the world as the most successful self-help group ever devised.
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Big Book 4th Edition PDF
The Big Book 4th Edition is a crucial resource for those seeking support and guidance in overcoming addiction. Written in simple language, this book serves as a guide for individuals going through the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. It provides insights, personal stories, and practical advice on how to navigate the challenging journey to recovery. Through its content, the Big Book instills hope, faith, and determination in those struggling with addiction.
The religious importance of the Big Book lies in its emphasis on spirituality as a key component of the recovery process. The book encourages readers to connect with a higher power and seek strength and guidance through faith. By incorporating spiritual principles into the 12-step program, the Big Book helps individuals find a sense of peace and purpose in their lives. This spiritual aspect is essential in helping individuals cultivate inner strength and resilience to overcome their addiction.
The Big Book offers a unique perspective on the power of community and mutual support in recovery. Through sharing personal experiences and stories of triumph, the book fosters a sense of unity among individuals battling addiction. It emphasizes the importance of seeking help, opening up to others, and forming strong bonds with fellow members of the recovery community. This sense of camaraderie and solidarity plays a crucial role in helping individuals stay committed to their sobriety journey.
In summary, the Big Book 4th Edition is a powerful and transformative resource for individuals struggling with addiction. It offers practical guidance, spiritual insights, and a sense of community support to help individuals overcome their struggles and find hope in recovery. Through its emphasis on spirituality, personal stories, and the importance of community, the Big Book serves as a beacon of light for those seeking healing and transformation in their lives.
Known as the “Big Book,” the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people recover from alcoholism since the first edition appeared in 1939. Chapters describing the A.A. recovery program—the original Twelve Steps—and the personal histories of A.A.’s co-founders remain unchanged since the original, while new stories have been added to the personal histories with each edition.

This is The Big Book.
Rumour has it that at Bills suggestion the first edition was printed on very heavy paper to make it look bigger, thicker and therefore seem to be better value for money! Hence the ‘Big Book’ nickname.
Often described as the basic textbook of our Fellowship the first 164 pages describe our recovery program and have hardly changed since that first edition. The personal stories contained at the back of the book are changed from one edition to the next to reflect changing social situations.
The fourth edition includes twenty-four new stories that provide contemporary sharing for newcomers seeking recovery from alcoholism in A.A. during the early years of the 21st century. Sixteen stories are retained from the third edition, including the “Pioneers of A.A.” section, which helps the reader remain linked to AA’s historic roots, and shows how early members applied this simple but profound program that helps alcoholics get sober today.
AA Big Book pdf Free Download
This fourth edition was approved by the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous, in the hope that many more may be led toward recovery by reading its explanation of the AA program and its varied examples of personal experiences that demonstrate that the AA program works.
Item: 2021
Publisher: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Published Year: 2001
Category: Consumer
Known as the “Big Book,” the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people worldwide get and stay sober since the first edition appeared in 1939. Opening chapters articulate A.A.’s program of recovery from alcoholism—the original Twelve Steps—and recount the personal histories of A.A.’s co-founders, Bill W. and Dr. Bob.
In the pages that follow, more than 40 A.A. members share how they stopped drinking and found a new healthier and more serene way of life through the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Whether reading passages at meetings, reading privately for personal reflection, or working with a sponsor, the Big Book can be a source of inspiration, guidance and comfort on the journey to recovery.
The General Service Conference has approved this Fourth Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous.