Prayer To St Charbel For Healing

Heavenly Father, You have given us St. Charbel the saint of the impossible. Look upon this person and send your grace to aid him or her with healing in body, soul and spirit. May everything work together for good so that his or her life may be enriched through struggle and pain. We ask this through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit now and forever Amen.

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Prayer is something that we learn and it is also a gift from God. It is a combination of our own personal effort and the work of God within us. It establish-es a real communion with God that forms into the relationship intended by him for each one of us.

About St. Charbel

St. Charbel was born as Youssef Antoun Makhlouf in 1828. He had four siblings, and his family lived high in the Lebanese mountains. His father died when St. Charbel was just three years old.

St. Charbel’s mother raised him in a spirit of piety. As a young child, he was drawn to the lives of the saints. He was also exposed to the hermit life early on, as he had two uncles who lived as hermits.

One of St. Charbel’s duties during his youth was to care for his family’s flock of sheep. He often brought the flock to a nearby grotto, and he created a shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary there. St. Charbel often spent his day in prayer there while tending his family’s sheep.

When he was 23, St. Charbel left home and entered the Monastery of Our Lady in Mayfouq. He spent his first year of monastic life here. Then, he moved to the St. Maron monastery in Annaya. He entered the Maronite Order and took his religious name of Charbel after a second century martyr from Antioch.

During his early years as a monk, St. Charbel began studying philosophy and theology in preparation for priestly ordination. For a time, he studied under St. Nimatullah Kassab.

After St. Charbel was ordained, he spent his days living ascetically as a hermit. He almost never left his hermitage, and he sought to imitate the ways of the saintly hermits who lived before him.

St. Charbel lived as a hermit for twenty-three years. When he was seventy years old, he had a stroke while celebrating Mass. He died on Christmas Eve, 1898.

After St. Charbel’s death, many miracles and extraordinary phenomena were associated with him. Dazzling lights were seen near his grave a few months after he died. It was then discovered that his body had been secreting sweat and blood.

His body remained incorrupt, even when his coffin was reopened four times between his death and 1955. Finally in 1976, his body was found to have decomposed.

Many pilgrims have traveled to the Annaya monastery to seek his intercession. And many have received spiritual graces and miraculous recoveries. News of miracles attributed to St. Charbel’s intercession has contributed to rekindling of faith in Lebanon and elsewhere.

Among the many miraculous events attributed to St. Charbel after his death, the most well-known was of a paralyzed 55-year-old woman. When she woke from a dream in which she saw him, it was discovered that she was completely healed and had two wounds on her neck. He appeared to her the next night in a dream and told her that he did surgery on her so that others would return to the Faith.

St. Charbel’s Feast Day:  July 24th

Prayer To St Charbel For Healing

While there is no official patronage for St. Charbel, he can be a great saint to turn to for intercession for many causes.

Since many people have found healing from physical ailments after asking for his prayers, you can pray to him for help in sickness or injury. You can pray to St. Charbel if you’re a resident of Lebanon, or for someone you know in Lebanon.

St. Charbel’s intercession has brought about many miracles that have helped people rekindle their faith, so he can be a great saint to seek intercession from if you’re hoping for a loved one to return to the Faith.

You can pray the St. Charbel Novena for any intention!

St. Charbel Prayer Requests
In 1851, this powerful prayer warrior left home and would become a monk and ultimately become a hermit as well. At this point, he took the name Charbel. He lived a life of devotion to God and would ultimately be recognized as a saint in 1977 by Pope Paul VI. All over the world, there are countless Catholics who make prayer petitions to Saint Charbel for healing.

Prayers to St. Charbel
There are different types of prayer petitions that you can make to Saint Charbel. Here are some examples of the most popular prayers to Saint Charbel for healing and general intercession:

Dear Lord, You, who taught Saint Charbel how to be rooted in monastic vows which he lived in absolute silence and neutrality, conforming his life to Yours, help us to commemorate him and meditate his heroic and extraordinary life by telling him:

Blessed are you Saint Charbel, for you were passionate in prayer, virtue and piety when you were still a child in your far away village in Lebanon amongst your serene family and decent relatives.

Blessed are you, for entering the monastic life, accepting the call of God with full liberty and freedom. Thus, you left your humble and quiet village of Bekaa Kafra, North Lebanon and you never returned again.

Blessed are you for you dedicated your life to monastic vows and to the priesthood, participating daily in mass and looking continuously and tirelessly for the face of God.

Blessed are you for you shined over all the other hermits due to your absolute asceticism and your unnatural silence which astonished all those who knew you even after your death.

And now, my Lord, we ask you through the intercession of Saint Charbel, to keep your Church enriched with all those who have a similar life and who follow the path of our holy priests, hermits and monks who sacrifice themselves for the salvation of the whole world. Amen

O Jesus, You who invited the righteous Saint Charbel to join the monastic life rooting his faith among his Christian family in his village of Bekaa kafra, North Lebanon, give us through his intercession, families reanimated by the firm faith, the domestic virtues and the parental example so that they become source of real Christian vocations. Amen.

O Lord Jesus, you inspired the Saint, Monk and Hermit Charbel to live and die in your path and you gave him the strength to detach himself from the world in order to make triumph, in his hermitage, the monastic virtues. We implore Thee to bestow upon us the grace to love Thee and serve Thee following his example.

God Almighty, who has manifested the power of Saint Charbel’s intercession, by the numerous miracles and favours, grant us our petition(s) by his intercession. Amen.
If you’re interested in developing prayer petitions to Saint Charbel for healing or other prayer intentions, be sure to look through our prayer wall.

st charbel prayer for family

St. Charbel was a humble Maronite hermit who died in 1898 and has since become well known for countless miracles attributed to his intercession. He was a holy priest who was closely united to Jesus on earth and possessed a rich wisdom that was the fruit of deep prayer.

He explains that the devil has always focused his energy on the destruction of the family, as it so closely reflects an image of God.

The family is the basis of the Lord’s plan; and all forces of evil are focusing all their evil on destroying the family because they know that by destroying the family, the foundations of the plan of God will be shaken. The war of the Evil One against the Lord is his war against the family, and the war of the Evil One against the family is the core of his war against the Lord. Because the family is the image of God, from the beginning of the creation of this universe, The Evil one is focusing on destroying the family, the foundation of God’s plan.

One does not have to look far to see evidence of Satan’s plan in our world today, as the family is further fragmented and divided in modern culture.

St. Charbel then gave some advice to families for how they can protect themselves from the assaults of the Enemy.

Guard your families and keep them from the schemes of the evil one through the presence of God in them. Protect and keep them through prayer and dialog, through mutual understanding and forgiveness, through honesty and faithfulness, and most importantly, through listening. Listen to one another with your ears, eyes, hearts, mouths and the palms of your hands, and keep the roaring of the noise of the world away from your homes because it is like raging storms and violent waves; once it enters the home, it will sweep away everything and disperse everyone. Preserve the warmth of the family, because the warmth of the whole world cannot make up for it.

It is interesting to note how St. Charbel highlights the need to “keep the roaring of the noise of the world away from your homes.” Living in the later part of the 19th century, St. Charbel would have never imagined how much noise has invaded homes during the past 50 or 60 years, and how difficult silence is to achieve. Yet, true to his word, the family appears to be deeply wounded from this invasion of noise.

St. Charbel has much wisdom to teach us if we are willing to listen to the words of this humble monk. If we seek to protect our homes from the influence of the devil, let us seek to create a culture of listening, striving to reduce the noise in our homes, maintaining dialogue, understanding and forgiveness.

st charbel oil

The Holy Oil of St Sharbel is a blessed oil that traditionally is used to anoint the sick in the name of the Lord.  Those who are anointed are strong of faith and pray to God through St Sharbel to heal their minds, bodies and souls. 

The Holy Oil is typically applied to the forehead or the part of the body that is sick.  Say a prayer to God and St Sharbel of your intentions and pray with great faith.   If you have applied the Holy Oil from a cotton ball, never throw the cotton ball with oil away.  To properly dispose of the cotton ball, it must be burned. 

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