Spiritual Meaning of Finding A Blue Jay Feather

How rare is it to find a blue jay feather? The spiritual meaning of finding a blue jay feather is a powerful and auspicious message for anyone who finds one. Also known as a messenger bird, the beautiful and vibrant blue jay has connections to many different aspects of traditional Native American spirituality. For example, in some tribes, the clan name ‘Tecumseh’ translates to ‘Blue Jay’. Their feathers are also used in archery and shamans wear or carry them as part of their ceremonial dress. So what does it mean when you see a blue jay feather?

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on Spiritual meaning of finding a blue jay feather. Read on to learn more. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about Blue Jay feather native American meaning, blue jay feather tattoo, finding a blue feather meaning, amongst others..

Spiritual Meaning of Finding A Blue Jay Feather

Finding a blue jay feather can be a very good sign. If your dream includes a blue jay feather, then it has a very special significance, especially if it falls from the sky while being carried by the wind. This is a priceless symbol that represents affection, love and tenderness. On the other hand, if you see a blue jay feather on your doorstep or in the chimney, it means that you should take care of your relatives and be more compassionate to them since they love you just as much as you do.

Blue jays relate to everything from strength to confidence to communication, depending on the context in which you see them.

For some, these birds have the reputation of being loud, aggressive, and mean. However, certain cultures see them as lucky or a symbol of good things to come. And according to animal spiritualist Jordana Van, seeing a blue jay a lot within a short period of time could indicate it’s coming to you as a force of spiritual guidance.

How Rare Is It To Find A Blue Jay Feather

The spiritual meaning of finding a blue jay feather is that it may be a sign that you are on the right path. Blue jays are known to be very smart, so if you find one, it could be telling you that you’re making good decisions and thinking clearly about what’s happening in your life.

If you see a blue jay feather on the ground, it may mean that there is something in your life that needs to change—such as a relationship or job situation. You might be feeling stuck or unhappy with these things and need to make some changes to improve them.

A blue jay feather symbolizes the coming of spring and new life. It is also a sign that you should be optimistic about your future, as it shows that you will have plenty of opportunities to grow.

If you find a blue jay feather, be sure to use it as an amulet or talisman in your daily life. You can place it in your pocket or on your desk, or even hang it up on the wall if you like. For example:

Use the feather to remind yourself of how far you’ve come and how much more there is for you to do. It will inspire you when things get hard and remind you why you’re working so hard—to achieve your goals!

The blue jay represents freedom and courage, which are two very important traits for anyone who wants to succeed in life. The blue jay is a bird that’s not afraid to take risks or venture out into unknown territory; these birds are known for being extremely territorial and aggressive towards other species, which makes them great symbols for those who want their own space in today’s world (and who aren’t afraid to fight for it).

1. Authentic communication

Van explains that the blue jay’s striking blue color gives it a connection to the throat chakra, which relates to authentic interpersonal and creative self-expression. “Blue jays often arrive to tell us that we are not being honest in our communications because we are afraid that if we were to speak or demonstrate our truth, we would not get what we want or need,” she explains.

The throat is one of the body’s main channels for creativity, and birds in general are representatives of the air element, which is all about communication, she notes.

2. Confidence

Just as blue jays are strong and protective, they encourage us to act with confidence. Van explains that as a spiritual force, blue jay sometimes tells us that we need to “behave more confidently than we actually feel if we want to attain a certain outcome.” She adds that this isn’t about being inauthentic but rather “faking it till we make it.”

3. Loyalty & partnership

Not only do blue jays mate for life and stay with their mate all year round, but they also have strong family bonds and are extremely loyal and protective. If you’ve heard the phrase “true blue,” which means loyal, Van says, consider blue jays to be true blue—literally and figuratively.

If someone new has come into your life and you’ve asked the universe for a sign regarding their loyalty or potential, a blue jay showing up is a sign that they’ll make a good partner, Van says.

However, if you didn’t outright ask, but it’s been weighing on your mind, Van notes that blue jay may actually be encouraging you to examine your beliefs. “Here, the blue jay is telling you that you need to work on healing those wounds so that you can honor your heart, which will tell you what to do to be happy,” she explains.

4. Judgment

Lastly, blue jays can also relate to being judged, both by yourself or others. Van explains that blue jays are often judged because they’re bold and can be aggressive, but “this is a sign of intelligence, strong survival instincts, and family loyalty—not meanness or gluttony.”

In the same way, she says, blue jays can indicate we’re receiving unfair judgment from others. Whether we’re holding strong boundaries or triggering someone else’s ego, a blue jay lets us know we can never be wrong when we’re simply living our truth, even if it bothers or threatens other people.

What To Do If You Keep Seeing Blue Jays

Depending on the above meanings of seeing a blue jay, there are a few things you can do to heed their message and take action.

If you think your blue jay sighting could be related to feeling judged by yourself or others, Van says to release your own inner critic and disregard the judgments of others. “If your mind isn’t speaking to you with patience, affirmation, and love, this is absolutely at the top of the list of things that the blue jay wants you to work on,” she says.

Additionally, she says that there is no need to consider other people’s opinions if you genuinely love what you are doing and the critics are in the minority. “There are always going to be at least a few critics everywhere we go. The universe designed you to be who you are, and the world needs you to be that person, not who you think you need to be to please others,” Van explains, adding, “If you can recognize that this is what’s going on for you right now, the blue jay is very likely here to tell you that no matter how scary it is, it’s time to start being real.”

And lastly, blue jays encourage us to be confident and strong. If you don’t feel you’re being recognized in that way, Van suggests spending some time studying the people in your life who have the respect that you crave for yourself.

“Consider adopting some of their behaviors that resonate with you, but don’t try to force yourself to be someone that you do not inherently want to be—that never works out in the end,” she adds.

If you see a blue jay & cardinal together

To see a blue jay and red cardinal together, Van explains, can mean you may be feeling the effects of some oppressive force that is affecting your expression. (Though not always, she adds, but this is the most common meaning.)

Cardinals (when seen with a blue jay) “often represent feeling oppressed by an authority, most especially a religious authority, institution, or folks who practice that particular religion,” Van says. And the blue jay here means you may feel afraid to be yourself because you’ve been chastised for it in the past by people who had power over your life. 

“When blue jay and cardinal appear in combination, it most often signifies that our self—in whatever ways we wish to express it—feels as though it is being stifled or silenced by either a religious institution or its representatives, or whomever else in our lives that we perceive as setting ‘the rules,'” she explains.

If you find a blue jay feather

According to Van, it’s easy for people to go down the “It’s a sign!” rabbit hole when, in actuality, it may just be that you simply found a feather.

However, she notes, if you’re consistently finding blue jay feathers or you find one in a really dramatic way, then it could be that you need to pay attention.

“Sometimes these experiences really are intended to direct us, and sometimes they’re just the Universe letting us know that we’re tuned in,” she says, adding, “Blue jay’s most frequent message has to do with confident self-expression, so if someone has been feeling the desire or need to speak up and/or otherwise express themselves, they need to do so.”

If a blue jay appears in your dream

Sometimes, animals appear to us in dreams with a message, but Van says interpreting these dreams can be tricky, and you should ask yourself if you have any personal associations with blue jays before going with a standard interpretation.

“Dreams are much more personal than we realize, in which case the symbol is supposed to get us to look at what is going on in our lives and ask ourselves if it mirrors what happened in our lives the last time we experienced that animal in the aforementioned fashion. If so, what issues from that time might still need to be resolved?” Van explains. 

“On the other hand,” she adds, “we could just be experiencing a reminder of a pleasant time in our lives if it was a good memory or a person we loved that was involved.”

What Does It Mean When You See A Blue Jay Feather

The blue jay is a bird known for its bright colors and distinctive call. The blue jay feather is a symbol of luck and protection. It can also be used to help find lost objects or to increase your ability to see into the future.

If you find a blue jay feather, it may mean that you have been given an opportunity to access your inner truths and express them in ways that are meaningful to you. Your thoughts and feelings are important, and they should not be hidden away—they deserve to be heard.

You may also encounter this feather if you’ve lost something important and need help finding it again. Blue jays are known for their ability to find things that have been lost, so if you’re looking for something specific in your life right now—like an old friend or even just a sense of peace—you should try making an offering of food or other items to the blue jay who gave you this feather.

If you find a blue jay feather, it’s a sign from Mother Earth that she is with you and that she wants to help you find balance in your life. It’s also a sign that she wants you to listen to her wisdom—she will speak to you through your intuition and the lessons of nature.

The blue jay is sacred because it represents the sky and its ability to connect us with the divine. It can be found in many Native American teachings and ceremonies, where it symbolizes healing and protection.

If you find a blue jay feather today, take some time to meditate on what it means for you.

Blue Jay Tattoo Meanings

Blue Jay Tattoos: Everything to Think About

Some people know that the blue jay is a very clever and friendly animal. They communicate well with other birds and humans alike. The blue jay can mimic other birds, humans, and almost any other sound they hear. They are amazingly chatty and have a large repertoire of impersonations. Anyone who chooses this bird as their totem probably values communication and has the gift of gab. They mimic large predators to scare other birds away from their nests.

The blue jay is extremely protective of their families, so much so that they could easily symbolize protection and family. They show great determination and creativity in protecting their nests at all costs.

  • They can also symbolize truth and purity—two meanings associated with the color of their feathers.
  • The Native Americans believed the blue jay was a symbol of clarity of thought.
  • The blue jay tattoo may represent someone who is pure of heart, soul, and mind.

And the beautiful shades of blue, black, and white make for a stunning tattoo!

What Does a Blue Jay Tattoo Mean?

  • Protection
  • Family
  • Clarity, Purity, and Truth
  • Faithfulness
  • Fearlessness, Resourcefulness, and Adaptability
  • Intelligence, Cleverness
  • Social skills, Communication
  • Determination

It could represent many positive meanings, but remember, in the end, it symbolizes whatever you want it to.

Blue Jay: An Opportunist

Blue jays are famous for stealing. They’ll steal food, nesting material, and any shiny thing that catches their interest.

In the act of stealing, both blue and stellar jays make a huge screeching clamor that works in their favor by adding an element of chaos.

The louder they are, the more they control the situation.

Design Variations of Blue Jay Tattoos

  • A phrase or note written in ink may be accompanying the blue jay’s singing.
  • It might be flying with wings outstretched or sitting on a branch.
  • It might be inked inside its nest.
  • Some portray the blue jay with flowers or on a tree limb. Flowering trees, like cherry, are a great choice since the pink cherry blossoms go great with the bird’s blue shades.
  • Some people choose to depict a single feather instead of the whole bird. The blue jay feather is gorgeous. You could also incorporate the feather into a dreamcatcher tattoo.

The possibilities are endless.

Mark Twain on Blue Jays

“Now there is more to a bluejay than any other animal. He has got more different kinds of feeling. Whatever a bluejay feels he can put into language, and not mere commonplace language, but straight out and out book talk, and there is such a command of language. You never saw a bluejay get stuck for a word. He is a vocabularized geyser. Now you must call a jay a bird, and so he is in a measure, because he wears feathers and don’t belong to any church, but otherwise he is just as human nature made him.

A blue jay hasn’t any more principle than an ex-congressman, and he will steal, deceive and betray four times out of five; and as for the sacredness of an obligation, you cannot scare him in the detail of principle. He talks the best grammar of all the animals. You may say a cat talks good grammar. Well, a cat does; but you let a cat get excited, you let a cat get at pulling fur with another cat on a shed nights and you will hear grammar. A blue jay is human; he has got all a man’s faculties and a man’s weakness. He likes especially scandal; he knows when he is an ass as well as you do.”


  • Before you choose any tattoo, make sure that you take the time to do your research. Be sure that you completely understand what the design represents and stands for. You don’t want to get inked and find out later that your tattoo represents something different from what you first thought.
  • Don’t rush to get inked! Those who do usually regret it later on down the road.
  • Get it right the first time around. If you have one single-second thought, wait it out until you are completely ready.

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