Prayer To Activate Angels

Angelic assistance is not the preserve of great saints, mystics or religious figures but is available to all of us. Invoking the names of your specific angels can help you through many problems in your life. One particular prayer to invoke the assistance of each angel will protect you from harm in any situation and help with a variety of issues. Whatever you want to manifest when using the power of prayer, the Guide To Praying is the key that will unlock your prayers and unlock your mind to be able to do so. Angelic powers are active in this reality.

You can use this effective guide to ignite those supernatural powers within your beings and activate the good wishes that have been trapped inside. “Prayer is an energy, a force field, a life “force”—these are the words that I read from a famous author Pdf, “Prayer To Activate Angels Pdf” .

Prayer To Activate Angels

Prayer 1:

Lord of Heaven, I humbly come before You to activate Your angels in my life. Surround me with Your heavenly beings, protecting me from harm and guiding me in Your will. Let Your angels watch over me day and night, keeping me safe from all dangers. Amen.

Prayer 2:

God of Angel Armies, send Your angels to fight on my behalf against the forces of darkness. Let them wage war in the spiritual realm, destroying every plan of the enemy against me. Strengthen me with Your heavenly host, empowering me to overcome every obstacle in my path. Amen.

Prayer 3:

Angel of God, who has been assigned to guard and protect me, I thank you for your constant watchfulness. Guide me in the paths of righteousness, leading me away from temptation and sin. Help me to hear your whispers of guidance and follow them faithfully. Amen.

Prayer 4:

Heavenly Father, I ask that You dispatch Your angels to minister to my needs. Send them to bring comfort in times of sorrow, healing in times of sickness, and provision in times of lack. Let Your angels be my constant companions, bringing Your love and grace into every aspect of my life. Amen.

Prayer 5:

Lord Jesus, who was ministered to by angels in the wilderness, I ask for the same heavenly assistance in my own trials. Send Your angels to strengthen me when I am weak, to encourage me when I am discouraged, and to uplift me when I am downcast. Let their presence remind me of Your unfailing love and care for me. Amen.

Prayer 6:

Holy Spirit, who empowers the angels to do Your will, I invite Your supernatural beings into my life. Let them bring Your wisdom and discernment, Your peace and joy, Your strength and courage. Help me to be sensitive to their presence and obedient to their promptings. Amen.

Prayer 7:

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who commanded His angels concerning His chosen ones, I claim that same promise for myself. Let Your angels go before me, making every crooked path straight and every rough way smooth. Protect me from all harm and lead me into Your perfect will for my life. Amen.

Prayer 8:

Almighty God, who never slumbers nor sleeps, I thank You for assigning Your angels to watch over me day and night. Let them encamp around me, forming a shield of protection against all evil. Grant me the faith to trust in Your angelic host, knowing that they are always by my side. Amen.

Prayer 9:

Heavenly Father, Your Word promises that Your angels will guard me in all my ways (Psalm 91:11). I claim that promise for myself today, trusting in Your faithfulness and love. Activate Your angels in my life, O Lord, and let them fulfill Your purposes for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the ministry of angels in my life. It gives me great comfort to
realize that You have given them charge over me in order to keep me at all times. I praise You for
angels, O God.

Thank You, Father, for sending angels (Your ministering spirits) to minister to all believers. I
believe and receive their ministry in my life. Give me a greater appreciation and understanding of the
work of angels in my life, O God. I realize there are thousands of angels, and I thank You that You
are in their midst.

Thank You, Father, that hundreds of thousands of angels are ministering to You, and I thank You
for allowing Your angels to minister to me in so many ways. Thank You for my guardian angels that
continually behold Your face in heaven.

It gives me great comfort and a wonderful sense of security to realize that Your angels are
encamping around me, and to know that they are always ready to deliver me. In the same way You
sent the angel to shut the lion’s mouth in order to protect Daniel, I ask You to let Your angels watch
over and protect me.

Thank You, Father, for the power of Jesus Christ in my life. He is the brightness of Your glory and
the express image of Your person, and He upholds all things by the word of His power. Thank You
for the fact that He has purged me of all my sins, and now sits at Your right hand. The inheritance He
has received permits Him to obtain a more excellent name than even the name of angels. I join with
the angels of heaven, Lord God, in honoring Jesus Christ, because I know that through Him, You
have made Your angels a flame of fire in my life. Thank You for angels, Father. In Jesus’ name I
pray. Amen.

Scripture References: Psalm 91:11-12; Hebrews 1:14; Psalm 68:17; Daniel 7:9-10; Hebrews 1:7;
Matthew 18:10; Psalm 34:7; Daniel 6:22; Hebrews 1:3-7
Bible Prayers for All Your Needs, Victory House, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma, pp.50-51

Prayer To My Guardian Angel For Help

Prayer to Activate Angels

Dear Angels,

I ask that you come to my aid and assist me in attracting abundance in all aspects of my life. I am grateful for the assistance you have provided me in the past and I ask that you continue to show up for me now. I especially ask that you assist in bringing me a new job that offers more money, better hours, and more fulfillment than the one I currently have.

I believe that this kind of work is out there for me and know that it will be easy for me to find once I release my limiting thoughts about what is possible. Instead of worrying about how much money I need or how much time off I should take from work, let’s focus on what makes sense for my health, happiness and peace of mind.

I trust that when the right opportunity comes along for me, it will be clear to both myself and others that this is what’s best for everyone concerned—including myself! In fact, as soon as this opportunity becomes available, it may very well feel like a no-brainer because it will seem like such an easy decision (not one based on desperation).

As always Angels, thank you so much for your help!

Activating Angels

Angels are our servants. We could say that angels are, for lack of a better term, “robots.” In effect, they have been programmed, and the only thing they can do is what they have been programmed to do.

If we push their “on” button, they operate. If we push their “off” button, they stop operating. We can turn that button on, and we can turn that button off.

Your Angel Can Be Active or Dormant in Your Life
In other words, before we can have the ministry of angels working in our lives, we must first understand what it is that causes angels to be “activated.” I use the word “activated” because angels can remain dormant.

Although angels are always with us, they can remain dormant and never even begin to operate and minister for us as God intended.

How do you activate the ministry of angels on your behalf? The answer is found in Psalm 103:20, “Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, HEARKENING UNTO THE VOICE OF HIS WORD.”

We understand from this verse of Scripture that angels hearken unto the commands of the Lord—unto God’s Word. Angels still do this today. God gives angels their instructions, and they listen and obey.

That also means that when we say what God’s Word says—when we speak God’s Word—we loose or release angels to work on our behalf. But when we speak words contrary to what God has said, we bind or hinder our angels from working for us.

How To Speak With the ‘Voice of God’
It is important for us to know that angels hearken unto the voice of God. It is also important to know how God’s voice is manifested. God’s voice is not only manifested by God’s speaking from His throne or through the Holy Ghost—the voice of God is manifested when believers speak in line with His Word!

When we speak God’s Word, we are speaking with the “voice of God!”

You see, the Bible is God speaking to you and me. And God said in Isaiah 55:11 that His Word will not return to Him void. In other words, when a believer speaks the Word of God, it is identical to God the Father speaking it, and the angels respond to the believer’s speaking of the Word of God in the same way that they do when God Himself issues a command from His throne.

We can command our angels to minister for us by speaking on the authority of God’s word.

Prayer Points To Activate Angels

5 Ways To Put Your Angels To Work


When you are abiding in God—obeying His Word, seeking Him with all your heart, loving Him and others—you have the right to utilize the ministry of angels God has provided. It’s part of your salvation package! He provided these powerful beings to aid you on the earth, to bless you, and to minister to you. If you haven’t been tapping into this powerful, supernatural resource, begin today with these five ways to put your angels to work.

1. Speak the Word. 

When you find yourself in a situation—one of possible physical danger, one where you need deliverance, or one where you require material or financial help—speak the Word only. And do so in faith. This allows your angels to minister to you on your behalf—to work for you, to intervene. When you speak against the Word of God, their hands are tied—they can’t move an inch to help you.

Gloria Copeland shares how she does this: “Whatever happens in my life—if I’m in danger—I don’t panic. I stay calm, and I start reciting Psalm 91. I say, ‘God is my refuge, God is my deliverance.’ It has saved my life before.”

Years ago, when she and Kenneth were getting ready to travel to South Africa, many people encouraged them to take security with them because it was volatile there at the time. Gloria responded, “I don’t go anywhere without security. Glory to God. Every time I go to the grocery store, I have security. The Bible says angels encamp around those who fear Him” (Psalm 34:7).

2.Command your angels. 

Can you really do this? In short, yes. Keep in mind that you aren’t commanding them in the same way you are commanding and rebuking the devil. You are releasing them to do the work they’ve been assigned to perform on your behalf. 

You have been given the authority of Jesus Christ, as an heir, and you can command your angels to move on your behalf to carry out the Word (Psalm 103:20). Kenneth Copeland advises saying something like this: “In the Name of Jesus, ministering spirits, I assign you according to Hebrews 1:13–14 to see to it that I have protection in this car, in this airplane, in this building. I claim this right as an heir to salvation.”

3. Pray for angels.

When you ask God to deploy your angels, He will do so. Jesus said God would have sent 12 legions of angels to His rescue had He asked for them. Prayer will release angels on your behalf (Matthew 26:51-53). Every time you leave your house, ask that angels protect you in every vehicle you ride in, every building you walk in, and every situation. 

4. Call on the Name of Jesus.

The Name of Jesus catches the attention of God’s angels. They will respond to the Name above all names and come to your rescue (Hebrews 1:6). The Name of Jesus is powerful! When you’re in a situation where you need help, call on His Name. He’ll send help your way!

5. Thank God for His help.

When you trust and believe that God will send His angels to help you (Psalm 91:11), you are receiving their intervention by faith. Thank Him and praise Him because He has given His angels charge over you. Thank Him for providing you with an entire army to enforce what is rightfully yours.

Isn’t it good to know you don’t have to depend on your own abilities for protection and deliverance? Get your angels involved in your life. God’s will is for you to enjoy everything He provided through Jesus on the cross, and He’s provided all the help you’ll ever need!

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