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Bible Verse About Evening

    The ‌Bible is⁢ a treasure trove‌ of wisdom ⁤and guidance, offering verses that speak⁢ to⁣ the​ beauty and significance of‍ evening. As the day draws to a‍ close, these verses ⁣remind us of the​ peace​ and reflection that can be found in the quiet ⁤moments of twilight. In Matthew 14:23, we are ⁢reminded⁣ of Jesus’ example​ of seeking solace ⁣in the evening, “After‌ he had dismissed‌ them, he went‌ up on a mountainside‍ by​ himself to ‌pray. Later that⁢ night, he was there alone.”

    In Psalm 113:3, we are reminded to give praise ‌even ‌in​ the evening ⁢hours, “From ‌the⁤ rising of‌ the sun to the ‌place where it sets,⁢ the name of the Lord ⁣is to be ⁤praised.” ​The⁢ evening serves as ‍a time for spiritual⁣ contemplation ⁤and gratitude for⁣ the‍ blessings of the day. As we ⁢turn to Proverbs 3:24, we find‌ comfort in the⁣ promise⁣ of peaceful​ rest, “When you lie down, ‌you ⁢will not ⁤be⁣ afraid; ‍when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” These verses about⁢ evening encourage us to find solace ​and peace in⁢ the twilight hours, embracing the calmness that comes with the setting of the sun.

    Uncovering the Layers: ⁢Detailed insight into⁤ Bible verses about ‌evening

    Genesis 1:5

    God called the light “day”​ and the darkness‍ he⁢ called⁤ “night.” And there ‌was evening, and‍ there was morning⁤ – the first ‍day.

    Psalm 55:17

    Evening,​ morning, and noon⁤ I cry‌ out in distress, ⁢and ⁢He hears my voice.

    Psalm 141:2

    May my prayer‌ be set before ⁤you​ like incense; may ⁤the lifting up of‌ my hands be like the evening sacrifice.

    Proverbs 7:9

    I have covered ⁣my bed ⁢with colored‌ linens from Egypt. ‍I ‍have perfumed ‍my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

    Isaiah 26:9

    My soul yearns for⁣ you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. ‍When your judgments come ‍upon the earth, the ⁤people of the world ⁤learn ​righteousness.

    Matthew 14:23

    After ‌he had dismissed ⁣them, he went up on ‌a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone.

    Mark 1:32

    That⁣ evening ‌after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and⁣ demon-possessed.

    Mark‍ 1:35

    Very early in the ‍morning, while it was still⁢ dark, Jesus ‍got‌ up,⁤ left the house‌ and⁤ went​ off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

    Mark‌ 6:47

    Later that​ night, the boat was⁤ in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land.

    Luke 4:40

    At sunset,⁢ the people brought to Jesus ⁤all who had various kinds of sickness, and​ laying his hands on each one, he‍ healed them.

    Luke 6:12

    One of those‌ days ⁣Jesus went out to a mountainside ‍to pray, and spent the night​ praying to God.

    Acts 16:25

    About‍ midnight Paul and Silas ⁢were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.

    Galatians 3:2

    I would ‍like to learn just one thing from ⁣you: Did you receive the Spirit by ⁢the works‌ of the law, or by⁤ believing ⁢what you heard?

    With ​each⁢ mention of ‌evening‍ in these Bible verses, we see a different⁣ aspect of prayer, reflection, ‌healing, and solitude. The evening‌ represents a time⁤ of closeness to God, a time to ⁤seek‍ His wisdom, comfort,​ and guidance. ​It ⁣is a ⁤time when Jesus‌ himself withdrew to a solitary place⁤ to pray, ⁤setting an example for us⁢ to follow.⁢ Let us take ​time in‍ the evening to connect with God, to offer our prayers, ​and ‌to seek His ‍presence​ in our⁣ lives.

    Incorporating Wisdom into Everyday Life: ⁣Relevance of evening Bible verses in our ‌daily routines

    As we go through the motions ⁤of our daily lives, it⁤ is​ important​ to pause and reflect‍ on the wisdom that ‌can guide us in making decisions and navigating ⁤challenges. ⁤The ⁤Bible is ‍a timeless⁤ source of wisdom and inspiration, offering‍ guidance on⁣ how we can live our lives⁢ with purpose and integrity. By incorporating evening Bible verses into our‍ daily routines, we can find solace, strength, and clarity in the words of God.

    Proverbs 2:6

    For the ⁤Lord gives wisdom; ‍from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

    Ecclesiastes 7:12

    For wisdom‍ is a defense as​ money is a⁣ defense, but the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to ‌those who have it.

    James ​1:5

    If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ‌ask God, who⁣ gives generously to all without finding fault, and⁣ it will be​ given⁣ to you.

    Proverbs 13:20

    Walk with​ the wise and ⁢become wise, for‌ a⁣ companion of fools suffers harm.

    Proverbs 3:13-18

    Blessed are⁣ those who find ‍wisdom, ⁤those who gain understanding, for she is ​more profitable⁢ than silver and yields‌ better ‌returns ‌than ⁤gold. She ​is more precious than ⁢rubies; nothing you‌ desire​ can‌ compare with her. Long ⁤life is in her⁢ right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are⁤ pleasant⁣ ways,‍ and all her ⁤paths are peace. She ⁤is a tree of life to‌ those​ who⁢ take hold of her; those who hold her fast⁤ will be blessed.

    Colossians 3:16

    Let the message ⁣of Christ dwell among ⁣you richly as you teach and admonish one ​another with all wisdom‌ through psalms, hymns,⁢ and songs from​ the Spirit, singing to ‌God ‍with gratitude in your‌ hearts.

    Proverbs 19:20

    Listen to advice‍ and⁢ accept discipline, and ‍at ⁢the‌ end ⁣you will be​ counted among the wise.

    Proverbs 4:7

    The beginning ⁣of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all​ you have, get understanding.

    1 ​Corinthians 1:25

    For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human ⁤strength.

    James ⁤3:17

    But the wisdom that comes from heaven‌ is ⁤first of⁤ all ⁢pure; then ⁣peace-loving, considerate, submissive, ⁣full of mercy and ⁣good fruit, impartial and sincere.

    Job 12:12

    Is not wisdom found among ⁣the⁤ aged? Does not long life bring understanding?

    Proverbs 24:14

    Know also that wisdom is like ‌honey ‌for ⁣you: If you​ find ⁢it, there is a future hope for you, ‍and your hope will⁢ not be cut off.

    Ephesians 5:15-17

    Be very ​careful, ⁤then, how you live–not as ⁢unwise⁣ but ‍as wise, ‌making the most of every opportunity, because⁢ the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but⁢ understand what the Lord’s ⁤will is.

    Incorporating ⁢evening⁣ Bible verses​ into our daily routines ⁢allows us to ​connect⁢ with the wisdom and guidance of God. ‌By reflecting ⁢on these verses and allowing‌ them to shape our thoughts and actions, ⁤we can navigate ​the challenges⁣ of life with grace and purpose. Let us take the time‌ each evening to⁢ seek wisdom‌ in the words of the⁢ Bible, ​knowing that God is always there ‍to guide⁤ us on our journey.

    As the ⁢day draws to a close, may these Bible verses about⁢ evening bring ‍you ⁤comfort and peace. ‍Remember that ​each ⁢night is a ‌gift from God, a time to‌ reflect, recharge, and be grateful‌ for the day that has passed. Let the ⁣words and wisdom of ⁣Scripture⁢ guide you through the quiet moments of the evening, and may you find rest in⁤ the arms ⁢of His love. ⁢Good⁢ night, ⁤and may you awaken to a ⁣new ‌day full of⁤ hope and promise.