The books of the New Testament are the second part of the Christian Bible. The first twenty-seven books of the New Testament are known as the “authoritative” or “canonical” books, distinguishing them from other books, apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, which are known to be non-canonical. We review Books of the bible song New Testament, books of the bible song New Testament lyrics and New Testament books of the Bible in order.
The books of the New Testament are the Christian scriptures that make up the second part of the Bible. During the first century A.D., apostles, followers, and other Christians wrote them.
27 Books Of The New Testament Song
The New Testament is made up of 27 books:
Gospels: Four accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry. The four gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Acts: The story of how the early church grew from Jerusalem to Rome. This book is also sometimes called The Acts of the Apostles.
Epistles: Letters from apostles to churches or individuals; there are 21 letters in this category.
Apocalypse: Revelation, which tells about events that will happen in heaven when Jesus returns to earth at the end of time
Books Of The Bible Song New Testament Lyrics
The New Testament of the Bible is a collection of 27 books written by various authors at various times. The first four books, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, are called the Gospels because they tell us about Jesus’ life and teachings. The book of Acts tells us about the early days of Christianity after Christ’s death on the cross. Next come the letters of Paul (Romans through Philemon), who was one of Jesus’ apostles. Then there are letters from other apostles, like Peter (1 Peter through 3 John) and James (James through Jude). There are also two letters from John that were included in this section.
The remaining books are called “General Epistles” because they don’t address any specific problems that churches were facing at the time they were written. They include Hebrews; 1&2 Peter; 1&2 &3 John; and Jude.
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Order of Books in The Bible
There are 39 books in the Old Testament. They are divided into three major sections: Law, History and Prophets. The Law section contains five books: Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy. The History section has 12 books (Joshua through Esther). And finally, the Prophets contain 19 books (Isaiah through Malachi).
How to remember which order these books are in?
- Start with the law like this: D-E-L-J-N
- Then go to history starting with H for Joshua, E for Esther and so forth until you get to Malachi
New Testament books of the bible song
- The song is sung to the tune of Frere Jacques.
- It includes all 27 books, in order.
- The first line of each book is mentioned. For example, “Genesis” becomes “In the beginning” and so on.
- The Apocrypha is not included in this song because it is not part of traditional orthodox Christianity or Catholicism (though many Protestants include them).
Books of the Bible songs are a way to memorize all 66 books by name.
You may be wondering what the point is of learning all 66 books by heart. Well, it’s because people use them for memory songs. Books of the Bible songs have been around for hundreds of years, and children have been learning them since they were very young. In fact, if you start early enough you can teach your kids these songs while they are still in diapers!
Teaching these songs has many benefits:
- It helps children learn to read by sight-reading words they already know from other books or contexts (e.g., “J-E-S-U-S”) instead of sounding out unfamiliar ones.
- It makes memorization easy because the lyrics are already written down in easy chunks (e.g., E is for Eden!). This means kids don’t have to work hard at memorizing long strings like “Genesis 1.” They can just focus on recognizing familiar chunks (“Genesis”).
- It’s fun! Kids love singing about all their favorite Bible characters, like Moses and David, who lived long ago but also Jesus, who lives today!
Luke, John, Acts
When looking at the books of the New Testament, you will find that Luke and Acts were both written by Luke. John is the fourth book of the New Testament and it was written by John, who was an apostle. The third book in the New Testament is called Luke, while Acts is fifth in order. Now that you know this information about these books, consider how they fit into your faith journey and what they mean to you personally!
New Testament Books of The Bible Song Lyrics
Romans, Corinthians One and Two, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
The books of the Old Testament are arranged in a certain order. The order can be remembered by singing this song:
Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel
Hosea through Malachi are also included in this section. These books contain prophecies about Jesus Christ and His coming to earth as a man. They tell us how God’s people should live now that He has come. To read these books is to listen to God’s message for us today!
Thessalonians One and Two and Timothy One and Two
Thessalonians One and Two, as well as Timothy One and Two, are often overlooked in the Bible. This is because most people have never even heard of these books.
However, if you want to know more about your faith or understand more about God’s plan for you, then it would be wise for you to study the New Testament books of Thessalonians One and Two as well as Timothy One and Two.
The reason why these books are not very popular is because they do not contain any stories like Matthew through Revelation does; instead, they provide advice from Paul on how we should live our lives now that we believe in Jesus Christ.
Titus, Philemon, Hebrews
- Titus: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
- Philemon: I hope to visit you soon; meanwhile, I am sending you my brother, whom I love in the Lord so that you may welcome him as you would me.
- Hebrews: For by it the elders gained approval.
Peter One and Two
Peter was a disciple of Jesus and a leader in the early church. He wrote two letters to encourage Christians to continue following Jesus’ teachings, even under persecution from Roman authorities.
John One, Two and Three
The fourth book of the New Testament is the Gospel of John, written by John the Apostle. It differs from the other three gospels in that it’s more like a theological reflection on the meaning of Jesus’s life than an account of his life.
The main difference between John and Matthew, Mark, Luke and Acts is that they were written at different times by different people (Mark being written first). Mark is believed to have been written around 70 AD. Matthew was probably written slightly later, around 80–90 AD, while Luke came next, around 85–95 AD before finally reaching John, who wrote his gospel around 95–105 AD
Jude and Revelation
The books of the New Testament are:
- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (the Gospels)
- Acts of the Apostles
- Paul’s letters to churches in Corinth, Galatia and Rome (1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, and Romans)
- Hebrews is a letter by unknown authorship that was included in the canon by early church fathers due to its importance as an exposition of Christianity’s relationship to Judaism
27 Books of The New Testament Song
This song is about the books of the Bible. The New Testament starts with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Acts follows, then Romans and Corinthians. Then come the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. It’s all leading up to the book of Revelation!
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to read your Bible like a pro, look no further than this episode of [podcast name]. We’ll be covering all the books of the Bible in this series—and we’ll even be singing about them too!
The gospel, according to Matthew
The first book of the New Testament.
It is a book about Jesus, who is the son of God. He was born to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, which is in Judea. John the Baptist anointed him as the messiah. Jesus then begins his ministry by preaching and performing miracles, like healing people. He also goes on to preach against the rich and powerful because they don’t care about the poor or oppressed people.
Herod’s soldiers take him into custody and bring him before Pilate, who decides to have him crucified because he believes Jesus is attempting to overthrow Rome’s government and take over their territory. The soldiers take him outside Jerusalem, where he is crucified on a cross until he dies three days later, when his friends come back for him after dark on Sunday morning (the day before Passover).