prayers that avail much volume 1 pdf free download

In the name of Jesus,

I pray that God would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

I pray that Christ would give you a spirit of power, love and self-control as you learn to abide in Him.

May your heart be filled with thanksgiving for all He has done for you. May your lips praise Him day and night and honor Him through all your words and deeds. May your life be a living sacrifice that brings glory to Jesus.

May He fill you with His power so that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. May His peace guard your mind and heart in Christ Jesus as you face each day’s challenges with courage, hope and faith. May nothing separate us from His love which is more than enough for every need we have!

prayers that avail much daily prayer

Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus. We thank you for this opportunity to pray with one another. We thank you for our families and friends who are here with us today.

We ask that you would help us be open to hearing your Spirit as we pray together. We ask that you would help us see each other with love, as children of God, created in your image. Help us to listen to one another and respond with grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Help us to be aware of each other’s needs so we may be able to offer help when it is needed most.

We ask that you would fill us with your Holy Spirit so we can speak boldly and truthfully in the name of Jesus Christ—your Son—that our words might bring healing and wholeness into this world where so much pain exists already.

We pray these things in Jesus’ name! Amen


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