Prayer To Saints Jacinta And Francisco Marto

Prayer is something that we learn and it is also a gift from God. It is a combination of our own personal effort and the work of God within us. It establish-es a real communion with God that forms into the relationship intended by him for each one of us.   

Jacinta, Saint, instruct us in the ways of loving one another, especially the wretched. So help us God as we pray and offer sacrifices for those who grievously offend Our Lord. Saint Francisco, teach us how you loved the Holy Eucharist so much that it hurt the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Prayer To Saints Jacinta And Francisco Marto

Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto were siblings who witnessed the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. These young children were chosen by Our Lady to spread her message of love, repentance, and prayer to the world. Their lives were marked by devotion to prayer, sacrifice, and humility, making them powerful intercessors for those seeking their help.

Prayer for Faith and Trust

Dear Saints Jacinta and Francisco, you trusted in the words of Our Lady and followed her call to pray for sinners. Help us to have the same faith and trust in God’s plan for our lives. Intercede for us, that we may always seek to do His will with a pure and open heart. Amen.

Prayer for Peace in the World

Saints Jacinta and Francisco, you witnessed the horrors of war and prayed fervently for peace. We ask for your intercession in bringing peace to our world, especially in those places torn apart by violence and conflict. Help us to be instruments of God’s peace and love wherever we go. Amen.

Prayer for Families

Dear Saints Jacinta and Francisco, you loved your family dearly and always sought to bring them closer to God. Intercede for our families, that they may be filled with love, forgiveness, and unity. Help us to imitate your example of selflessness and service to others. Amen.

Prayer for the Sick

Saints Jacinta and Francisco, you suffered greatly from illness and offered up your pain for the conversion of sinners. Please pray for all those who are sick and suffering, that they may find comfort and healing in God’s loving embrace. Help them to unite their sufferings with the Cross of Christ for the redemption of souls. Amen.

Prayer for Children

Dear Saints Jacinta and Francisco, you were young and innocent souls who had a deep love for Jesus and Mary. Intercede for all children, that they may grow in holiness and virtue, and always remain close to God. Protect them from harm and lead them on the path of salvation. Amen.

Prayer for Conversion

Saints Jacinta and Francisco, you witnessed the conversion of many hearts through your prayers and sacrifices. Pray for all those who are far from God, that they may turn to Him with contrite and humble hearts. Help us to be instruments of God’s mercy and forgiveness in the world. Amen.

Prayer for the Church

Dear Saints Jacinta and Francisco, you had a deep love for the Church and always followed her teachings with obedience and humility. Pray for the Church, that she may continue to proclaim the Gospel with courage and conviction. Help us to be faithful and committed members of the Body of Christ. Amen.

As it is written in 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, “pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Let us follow the example of Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto in constant prayer and trust in God’s providence.

Prayer To Saints Jacinta And Francisco Marto For This Time

St Jacinta and St Francisco (Jacinta 1908 – 1919, Francisco 1910 – 1920) were born to poor parents at Aljustrel near Fatima, Portugal. Typically of the region at that time, both were illiterate and their daily work consisted of household chores and herding the family’s sheep.

Photograph of Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta
Jacinta and Francisco, along with their cousin Lucia Santos, were witnesses to several visions by the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Fatima. The scenes of the visions are world renowned and, being relatively recent, well documented and scrutinised.

Being a visionary was not an easy burden to carry for the children and their families. Many initially disbelieved and ridiculed their stories.

Jacinta and Francisco are remembered for their simple unwavering devotion to the apparitions, a prayerful life and regular self-imposed penance. They died painful deaths at the young ages of 9 and 10yrs, from the great influenza epidemic.

Jacinta once said, “Tell everybody that God grants us graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; that people are to ask her for them; and that the Heart of Jesus wants the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be venerated at his side. Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God entrusted it to her”.

Jacinta and Francisco’s Feast Day is 20th February. Their patronage includes the sick and those ridiculed for their piety.

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