Prayer To St Vitalis Of Assisi

St Vitalis, heavenly intercessor for those who call to you in our sickness, pray for us. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

In November last year I woke up one day with a host of unpleasant symptoms. A couple of months and a lot of frantic Google searching later, I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, a chronic bladder pain syndrome with no cure. I had read a lot of stories online by this point of people whose symptoms were serious, debilitating and completely life-limiting. As a young woman with so much time ahead of me, it felt like a life sentence.

I turned to prayer, invoking all my usual saints. St Jude and St Joseph were particularly helpful in getting me through the early days, but I felt like I should find someone dedicated to my particular circumstances. I searched for the patron saint of bladder health and first encountered St Vitalis of Assisi.

St. Vitalis, intercede in heaven for those who seek you out in their suffering, please pray for us. Lord, spare us from the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Lord, kindly hear us; the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world. Have compassion on us, Lamb of God, Who atones for the sins of the world.

I awoke one day in November of last year with a number of unpleasant symptoms. After a few months and a lot of frantic Google searching, I was given the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis, a condition that causes persistent bladder pain and has no known treatment. By this time, I had read numerous accounts online of individuals who had severe, crippling, and wholly terminal illnesses. It felt like a life sentence to me as a young woman with so much time ahead of me.

I started praying and prayed to all of my regular saints. While Sts. Jude and Joseph were especially helpful in the beginning, I felt that I needed to find someone committed to my unique situation. I first came across St. Vitalis of Assisi while looking for the patron saint of bladder health.

It turns out this man had an amazing life, repenting from his youth of sexual sin by going on pilgrimages all around Europe and joining a Benedictine community before being given permission to leave and live as a hermit. He became known shortly after his death for his many healing miracles for those with bladder and urinary health problems.

I have been praying for his intercession every day since I learned about him and definitely credit it for all the good, pain-free days I’ve had and the fact that my illness has miraculously remained manageable. On this his feast day (May 31), I’d like to share with you a litany I wrote to him and would encourage you, no matter what your situation, to ask for his powerful prayers to God!

Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, health of the sick, pray for us.

St Vitalis of Assisi, pray for us.

St Vitalis, example of piety, pray for us.

St Vitalis, holy in penance for the sins of your youth, pray for us.

St Vitalis, who made reparation through pilgrimages, pray for us.

St Vitalis, consecrated to God as a Benedictine monk, pray for us.

St Vitalis, who left community life to live as a hermit, pray for us.

St Vitalis, who submitted to live in utter poverty, pray for us.

St Vitalis, of few possessions but many graces, pray for us.

St Vitalis, hope of all those with bladder diseases, pray for us.

St Vitalis, heavenly intercessor for those who call to you in our sickness, pray for us.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

Pray for us, St. Vitalis of Assisi, to the Lord our God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, by the intercession of your holy saint, Vitalis of Assisi, grant that we may be humble servants and pious disciples, that we may be detached from earthly goods and ever cleave to those of heaven, and that we may be gifted protection and healing of both body and soul. Amen.

Another holy saint and martyr by the name of St Vitalis was a citizen of Milan, of noble descent; the entire family were Christians, and his conduct was most exemplary. St Vitalis had served in the army of the emperor, and was consequently on terms of friendship with Paulinus, the consul, trusting to whose favor he assisted the persecuted Christians, succored them in their need, and visited tem in their prisons or in the caverns where they lay concealed.

Paulinus was a great enemy of the Christians, but, not knowing that St Vitalis was one, invited him to travel to Ravenna. On their arrival our saint heard that a certain Christian, named Ursicinus, by profession a physician, had been condemned to torture, and seemed frightened at the approach of death.

Vitalis, leaving the consul, ran to the spot, and finding Ursicinus almost ready to yield, exclaimed:

“How is this, my friend? Thou hast the crown almost within they grasp. Having already suffered so much, wilt thou miserably lose it? To avoid these short pains, wilt thou cast thyself into everlasting torments? Thou hast cured the maladies of others; wilt thou now condemn thyself to eternal death? Enliven thy faith! Have confidence in Jesus Christ! Bravely consummate the sacrifice of thyself.”

Upon this exhortation the constancy of Ursicinus revived, and he gave his life for Jesus; upon which Vitalis carried off his body and respectfully interred it.

According to an account that is doubtlessly spurious, Vitalis was a wealthy citizen of Milan, and perhaps a soldier. He was married Valeria, and they were the parents of SS. Gervase and Protase (which they were not). When he encouraged St. Ursicinus to be steadfast at his execution, the Vitalis was racked and then buried alive. Valeria died as the result of injuries she suffered when attacked by the pagans. They were martyred near Milan probably under Emperor Marcus Aurelius, but all else is suspect. Feast day – April 28th.

Additional Content Provided by Wikipedia

For homonymous saints, see Saint Vitalis (disambiguation).
Saint Vitalis of Milan (Italian: San Vitale) was an early Christian martyr and saint.

His legend relates that Vitalis was a wealthy citizen of Milan, perhaps a soldier. He was married to Valeria of Milan. They are supposed to have been the parents of the (perhaps legendary) Saints Gervasius and Protasius.

According to legend, Vitalis was an officer who accompanied the judge Paulinus from Milan to Ravenna. He encouraged Saint Ursicinus of Ravenna to be steadfast at his execution, and himself gave Ursicinus honorable burial. Vitalis was discovered to be a Christian. Paulinus ordered Vitalis to be racked and then thrown into a deep pit and covered with stones and earth.[1]

The date of his martyrdom is uncertain: some sources say that he was a victim of Nero; others, of Marcus Aurelius. He was martyred in Ravenna, but all else in the story is suspect. “Many scholars believe that the narrative is partly fanciful, recognising in the characters mentioned, other martyrs of the same name venerated both in Milan and Ravenna.”[2]

Saint Vitalis is honoured as the principal patron of the city of Ravenna.[3]

The feast day of Saint Vitalis is 28 April.[4] Churches are dedicated in honor of Saint Vitalis at Assisi, and Rome, in Italy and at Jadera (now Zadar) in Dalmatia (now Croatia), but by far the most famous church bearing his name is the octagonal Basilica of San Vitale at Ravenna, a masterpiece of Byzantine art, erected on the purported site of his martyrdom.[1] He is also the patron saint of Granarolo and Marittima in Italy.

The Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral recognizes Saint Vitalis as its patron. A Mass to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Cebu’s elevation to an archdiocese and the feast day of Vitalis was held on 28 April 2009, with the Archbishop of Cebu Cardinal Ricardo Vidal presiding.

A statue of Vitalis is one of those on the colonnade of St Peter’s Basilica.[5]

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