Midnight Prayers to Get Married

Power Of Prayer: A blog about the different kinds of prayers and how it can help you.

Praying is a way to connect with the divine, which we all know is the source of all things. It’s also a great way to express gratitude for what you have, and to ask for what you want in life. When you pray, you are opening up your heart and soul to God’s light; when that happens, you will find yourself more at peace than ever before.

Midnight Prayer– You can bear with me that prayers are very important in our daily lives. If you must succeed and outlive the evil on earth, you must be a man/woman of prayers. Midnight happens to be the time destiny are been exchanged and a lot of evil goes on at night.

In other to be on the safe side, you should be a man of prayer because you can not navigate through the Endtime storms if you don’t go back to the place of prayers. Whatever makes you who you are, you have to constantly maintain it. Effective midnight prayers are the Key.

Miracle prayer to get married soon

When making some prayers in the mid-night, do you know that there are bible verses for midnight prayers you can make use of when making some prayers? Take your time and go down through this article in other to know how to pray at midnight.

Prayer 1

Dear Lord, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking your guidance and blessings. I pray that you may grant me the desire of my heart to find a loving and faithful partner to marry soon. Please lead me to the right person who will cherish and support me in all aspects of life. I trust in your divine timing and ask for patience as I wait for your perfect plan to unfold. Amen.

Prayer 2

Heavenly Father, I lift up my desire to be married soon into your hands. I trust that you know the desires of my heart and will provide for me according to your will. Help me to remain faithful and hopeful as I wait for the right person to come into my life. Grant me the wisdom to recognize them and the courage to pursue a loving relationship. I believe in your power to work miracles, and I await your divine intervention. Amen.

Prayer 3

Lord God, I surrender my desire to be married soon to you, knowing that your timing is perfect. Help me to grow in patience and trust as I await the fulfillment of this longing in my heart. Lead me to the person you have chosen for me, someone who will love and honor me as you do. Grant me the strength to persevere in faith and hope, knowing that you are always faithful to your promises. May your will be done in my life, O Lord. Amen.

Prayer 4

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heart full of hope and anticipation for a future filled with love and companionship. I pray that you may bless me with a partner who will walk beside me in faith and love, leading me closer to you each day. Help me to prepare myself for marriage by growing in virtue and holiness, so that I may be a worthy spouse to my future husband/wife. Grant me the grace to trust in your plan for my life and to surrender my desires to your loving care. Amen.

Prayer 5

Lord Jesus, I offer up my desire to be married soon as a sacrifice of love to you. Help me to embrace this time of waiting with patience and trust in your providence. Guide me in seeking out ways to grow in selflessness and readiness for marriage, so that I may be a source of love and support to my future spouse. Grant me the grace to discern your will in all things and to follow where you lead me. May your love be the foundation of my future marriage, O Lord. Amen.

Prayer 6

Heavenly Father, I bring before you my longing to be married soon, knowing that you are the source of all good things. I trust in your wisdom and love to provide for me in this area of my life, bringing me a partner who will complement and challenge me in all the right ways. Help me to be open to your guidance and to follow the path that you have set before me. Grant me the grace to be patient and hopeful as I wait for your perfect timing to bring us together. Amen.

Prayer 7

Dear Lord, I entrust my desire to be married soon into your hands, knowing that you are the author of all true love. I pray that you may guide me in seeking out a partner who will respect and cherish me, leading us both closer to you. Help me to cultivate the virtues of patience and kindness as I wait for your plan to unfold in my life. Grant me the courage to take risks in love and the humility to learn and grow from each experience. May your will be done in my life, O Lord. Amen.

Prayer 8

Lord Jesus, I offer up my desire to be married soon as a gift of surrender to your divine will. I trust in your perfect wisdom to lead me to the right person at the right time, so that together we may glorify you in our union. Help me to remain faithful and hopeful in this time of waiting, knowing that you are always working for my good. Grant me the grace to persevere in prayer and in patience, trusting that your plan for me is far greater than anything I could imagine. Amen.

Prayer Bible Verse
Prayer 1 Psalm 37:4 – “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”


Praise God for His heavenly involvement in your situation.

  1. Ask God for mercy and forgiveness after fully confessing all of your transgressions.
  2. In the name of Jesus, please, stir up in me a holy rebellion and holy wrath so that I can pray till I reach the point where I breakthrough today.
  3. (Grasp your head firmly with both hands and offer an intense prayer in this manner) In Jesus’ name, my head, be freed from evil and linked to good.
  4. In the name of Jesus, I —————–, (state your name), renounce bewitchment.
  5. In the name of Jesus, I reject you and release myself from every dream of ———- (choose one from the list below).
    Backwardness, eating in dreams, flying like a bird, getting into odd marriages, swimming in water, and operating a car with flat tires are just a few examples.
    g. dressing in a tattered or unclean bridal gown h. having sex with a ghostly spouse
  6. In the name of Jesus, heavenly sponge, wash and purify my life from negative influences.
  7. In the name of Jesus, axe of God, come upon every demonic padlock that has been used to lock up my marriage.
  8. In the name of Jesus, please, separate me from all demonic agendas and link me to the divine one.
  9. In the name of Jesus, I ask the evil forces of my father’s household to free me. It’s time for me to get married.
  10. In the name of Jesus, bend the finger of God, capture and hang every spiritual dog that is trying to drive my spouse away.
  11. Sing “I have seen, seen the down fall of Satan, glory be to God,” and cry out the blood of Jesus 21 times.
  12. Give thanks to the Lord that He hasn’t delayed helping you; He who has promised will not back down.

A Request for Divine Wisdom – (Proverbs 3:5–6)
A Request for Divine Wisdom – (Proverbs 3:5–6)

Heavenly Father, I give You my yearning for marriage as I come before You at this hour of the night.

Lead me along the route You have planned for me, O Lord.

Point me in the direction of the ideal individual to have as a godly and appropriate life mate.

I rely on You, not on my comprehension.

I acknowledge You in all that I do, trusting that You would straighten my paths. I give You my longing for marriage, trusting that You will lead me in the direction of Your ideal plan.

I ask in the name of Jesus.


An Offering for Spiritual Salvation – (Psalm 147:3)
An Invocation for Somatic Reconciliation – (Psalm 147_3)

Oh God, I bring all of my emotional scars and hurts from previous relationships to You.

Lord, please heal me of whatever hurt or disappointment that remains in my heart.

Please shower me with Your heavenly healing salve, which will restore and complete my emotional state.

Please assist me in letting go of any resentment, guilt, or anxiety that would prevent me from starting a happy, loving marriage.

While I wait for Your ideal timing, fill me with Your joy, serenity, and love.

I ask in the name of Jesus.


Short Midnight Prayer

  1. Father Lord, you are awesome. Thank you for making me see the night
  2. Father lord have mercy on me, cleans me oh lord
  3. Father lord as I close my eyes to sleep, may you guide me.
  4. Father Lord, let no arrow near me and my family
  5. Father Lord, I ask for good health. I will never be sick.
  6. Father lord. let your angels guide me this night
  7. Father Lord, cover me with your wings. I love you lord
  8. Provide all my needs oh lord of the host. Thou are faithful
  9. Lord, I pray for my friends. I shall be well with them.
  10. Lord, I give you my heart. Let this night be covered with the blood of Jesus
  11. I shall do the impossible. Amen Father help me
  12. Lord God, i believe in you. You have shown me so much mercy even when I don’t deserve it
  13. Any evil hand upon me shall die down. In the name of Jesus
  14. Lord, let this midnight bring a financial breakthrough in my life.
  15. Lord, every untimely death I rebuke in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  16. I shall see the end of the enemy.
  17. My God will take me far. So it does not matter
  18. I have tested all your powers. Jesus, you are so good and you are a great God
  19. Thou art mighty in all the work. Thank you, lord
  20. Thank you, lord. You are too much

Midnight Prayer Bible Verses

Mark 1:35

Says ” Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

Psalm 119:148

Which says ” My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.”

Joshua 1:9

And it says ” Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Exodus 14:14

Which says ” The Lord will fight for me and i will hold my peace”

Powerful Midnight Prayer

  1. My God has been so good to me. I can not stop loving him
  2. God is all that matters to me. I love you, Lord God. Thou at mighty
  3. God made a promise and he will keep it
  4. Let the arrow that flies at night never see me
  5. The Lord my provider. He is faithful
  6. Father lord you are too much. thank you
  7. God, I will not end my life this way. Come and be with me
  8. Father Lord let your hands rest upon me. I love you
  9. Father lord. Thank you for everything
  10. Thank you, lord

Prayers for job breakthrough

Have you been looking for a Job? Be rest assured that there is A Prayer for Employment. Take a look below;

  1. Lord, open the doors of breakthrough for my sake.
  2. God, please let me find favor as I go out to search for a job
  3. Father lord. Make me see my desired work amen.
  4. My God will make a way where there is no way
  5. Lord God show me mercy and let my Job come
  6. Lord of heaven, Let my doors be wide open
  7. Lord, you are just so good. I believe you
  8. Lord, please let lines fall in pleasant places for me
  9. Oh how you lift me from grass to the grace
  10. Thank you, lord.


♦. Father Lord, I decree that the arrow that flies by night go back to the sender, in Jesus name.

♦. Father, into your hands I commit my soul body, and spirit tonight.

♦. Lord, I thank you for s successful day and a peaceful night. Amen.

♦. O Lord, I invite you to be my companion as I sleep this night. Amen.

♦. I pray your hands to rest upon me tonight, O Lord, In Jesus name.

♦. Let your promise of a peaceful night be accomplished in my life.

♦. You’ve always been faithful O Lord. Manifest your faithfulness tonight. Amen.

♦. I don’t care what my enemies are planning against me tonight. You’re all that matters to me, Lord.

♦. You’ve always protected me from my foes. Manifest your powerful Self tonight, Lord. Amen.

♦. I decree back to the sender to demonic plans tonight, in Jesus Christ name.

♦. Father, I cast all my cares upon you tonight and always, take charge. Amen.

♦. Father, as I shut my eyes to sleep, I pray for your protection.

♦. I decree that no arrow shall come close to me and my family. Amen.

♦. I declare that the angels of God be on my guard tonight, Amen.

♦. Cover me with your wings tonight, O God, and let no evil come near me. Amen.

♦. I hand over my whole body, spirit, and soul to you, Lord, take control.

♦. Any evil hand upon me O Lord, shall fall down and die, in Jesus name.

♦. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, my night is covered with the blood of Jesus.

♦. I come against every untimely death in the name of Jesus.

♦. I declare tonight that greater is He that is me than they that are in the world. Amen.

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