Prayer To La Virgen De Guadalupe In Spanish

Padre Nuestro que estais en los cielos, Santificado sea vuestro nombre. Venga a nosotros vuestra realeza Que se haga la vostra voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestra deuda de pan Y perdonanos nuestras deudas Como nosotros perdonamos nuestros deudores Y no nos dejes caer en tentacion Mas libranos del mal. Amén.Ave Maria papa Francisco declaró que este domingo 12 de febrero será una jornada dedicada a La Virgende Guadalupe sobre todo su reconocimiento como patrona universal y defensora de los pobres.

O Maria, Madre de Dios y Madre de los hombres. Te suplicamos por la paz de nuestra Patria(nacion) y por la concordia en cada hogar, para que el dolor sirva a nuestro bien comun. Por el futuro del mundo entero que solo tu puedes realizar. Bendice con bendiciones las manos que te imploramos y envuelvelos con tu amor maternal. Tu sonrisa es para nosotros tu mirada que nos guia hacia el Reino de la Paz y la Esperanza. Amen

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Prayer To La Virgen De Guadalupe In Spanish

La Virgen de Guadalupe holds a special place in the hearts of many believers, especially those of Mexican descent. She is seen as a symbol of hope, protection, and love. Many people turn to her in times of need, offering prayers and seeking her intercession. Here are six prayers to La Virgen de Guadalupe that you can recite:

1. Prayer for Protection

Oh Virgen de Guadalupe, protectora de los desamparados, te pido tu intercesión y protección en estos momentos de dificultad. Cúbrenos con tu manto sagrado y líbranos de todo mal. Amén.

2. Prayer for Guidance

Virgencita de Guadalupe, guía nuestros pasos por el camino de la fe y la esperanza. Ayúdanos a seguir tus enseñanzas y a vivir en armonía con tu amor infinito. Amén.

3. Prayer for Healing

Virgen Santísima de Guadalupe, patrona de los enfermos, te ruego que derrames tu bálsamo sanador sobre aquellos que sufren. Sana sus cuerpos y alivia sus almas, oh madre amorosa. Amén.

4. Prayer for Peace

Dios te salve, Virgen de Guadalupe, reina de la paz. Intercede por nosotros ante tu Hijo Jesús, para que podamos experimentar la paz que solo Él puede dar. Amén.

5. Prayer for Strength

Oh Virgen poderosa, danos la fuerza necesaria para enfrentar los desafíos de la vida con valentía y fe. Que tu ejemplo de fortaleza nos inspire a seguir adelante con esperanza. Amén.

6. Prayer for Thankfulness

Te doy gracias, Virgen de Guadalupe, por tu constante protección y amor incondicional. Que cada día podamos sentir tu presencia en nuestras vidas y ser agradecidos por tus bendiciones. Amén.

Bible Verse:

“And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed.'” – Luke 1:46-48

Virgen de guadalupe quotes in spanish

Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, intercede for the Church, protect the Holy Father, help all who invoke You in their necessities. Since You are the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the True God, obtain for us from Your Most Holy Son the grace of a firm and sure hope amid bitterness of life, as well as an ardent love and the precious gift of final perseverance.

Dearest Lady, fruitful Mother of Holiness, teach me Your ways of gentleness and strength. Hear my prayer, offered with deep felt confidence to beg this favor.

O Mary, conceived without sin, I come to your throne of grace to share the fervent devotion of your faithful Mexican children who call to Thee under the glorious title “Guadalupe” – the Virgin who crushed the serpent.

Queen of Martyrs, whose Immaculate Heart was pierced by seven swords of grief, help me to walk valiantly amid the sharp thorns strewn across my path. Invoke the Holy Spirit of Wisdom to fortify my will to frequent the Sacraments so that, thus enlightened and strengthened, I may prefer God to all creatures and shun every occasion of sin.

Help me, as a living branch of the Vine that is Jesus Christ, to exemplify His divine charity always seeking the good of others. Queen of Apostles, aid me to win souls for the Sacred Heart of my Savior. Keep my apostolate fearless, dynamic, and articulate, to proclaim the loving solitude of Our Father in Heaven so that the wayward may heed His pleading and obtain pardon, through the merits of Your Merciful Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Short Prayer
Hail, O Virgin of Guadalupe. We place under your powerful patronage the purity and integrity
of the Holy Faith in Mexico and in all the American continent, for we are certain that while you
are recognized as Queen and Mother, America and Mexico and our matrimony will be saved.
(one Hail Mary) Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mystical Rose, make intercession for the Holy Roman Church, protect the Sovereign Pontiff, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art the ever-virgin Mary, and Mother of the True God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith, of sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, of burning charity, and the precious gift of final perseverance. Amen. (one Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be in thanksgiving for Guadalupe)

Prayer to the Madonna of the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mystical Rose, make intercession for the Holy Church, protect our Sovereign Pontiff, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary, and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son, the grace of keeping our Faith. You are our sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, burning charity, and the precious gift of final perseverance. Amen.

La Oración a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Santa María de Guadalupe, Mística Rosa, intercede por la Iglesia, protege al Soberano
Pontífice, oye a todos los que te invocan en sus necesidades. Así como pudiste aparecer en el Tepeyac y decirnos: “Soy la siempre Virgen María, Madre del verdadero Dios”, alcánzanos
de tu Divino Hijo la conservación de la Fe. Tu eres nuestra dulce esperanza en las amarguras de esta vida. Danos un amor ardiente y la gracia de la perseverancia final. Amén.

Ave Maria, My Lady of the Roses
Ave Maria, My Lady of the Roses, Holy Mary of Guadalupe, I stand here humbly at thy feet. Make me a Juan Diego, unworthy though I be. Let me carry thy message far and near,
Let me show my love for thee. Ave Maria, My Lady of the Roses,
O Mother of the Americas, Loving Mother, please smile on me!
Loving Mother, please smile on me! Maria!

Morning offering
Immaculate Heart of Mary, heart of my mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, I unite to thy purity,
thy sanctity, thy zeal, and thy love, all my thoughts, words, acts, and sufferings this day, that
there may be nothing in me that does not become through thee a pleasure to Jesus, a gain to
souls, and an act of reparation for the offenses against thy heart.

Closing prayer
Remember, O most gracious Virgin of Guadalupe, that in your apparitions on Mount Tepeyac
you promised to show pity and compassion to all who, loving and trusting you, seek your help
and protection.

Accordingly, listen now to our supplications and grant us consolation and relief. We are full of
hope that, relying on your help, nothing can trouble or affect us. As you have remained with us
through your admirable image, so now obtain for us the graces we need. Amen.

Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen

Hail Mary in Spanish
Ave Maria
Dios te salve, Maria. Llena eres gracia: El Senor es contigo.
Bendita tu eres entre todas las mujeres. Y benito es el fruto de tu vientre: Jesus.
Santa Maria, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores, ahora y en hora nuestra muerte. Amen.

Our Father
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Glory and the Power forever. Amen

Glory Be
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe
This is a very powerful prayer that is to be prayed for 9 days preceeding the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Novena includes an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Golry Be To The Father.

Day One
Mary, Mother of Jesus, hear the prayer of the Church in America, a people rich in promise, a people much in need of God’s mercy. As you first brought faith to these lands, be with us in the jubilee of our redemption.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

Day Two
Mary, Mother of America, hear the many voices of our land, pleading for the mercy of your son, seeking the shepherd’s voice to lead them home. Hear the praise of your sons and daughters and bid your son to free us from the scourges of addiction, selfishness, and want.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

Day Three
Mary, Mother of Compassion, hear the prayer of those most in need of God’s mercy. Hear the little child whose belly hungers, the old man with no one to love, the mother tempted to abandon her child. Pray for them to the author of life, that the fruit of your womb may save and protect them.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

Day Four
Mary, Mother of Conversion, pray to your son for the virtue of hope. Pray him to free us from doubt and to give us the courage of the children of God Pray that the light of the world may dispel the darkness of our fear, remaking our stony hearts in the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus your Son.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

Day Five
Mary, Mother of all Saints, pray for your children in America. Pray for those who seek to imitate your example in humble service to the Gospel of life and the poorest of the poor. Pray that your Son may lead us from the darkness of sin to the light of his eternal glory.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

Day Six
Mary, Mother of Unity, intercede for the Church in America, that we may be gathered together to farm the one people of the New Covenant. Mother of the human race, ask your son to pour Out upon us a spirit of compassion and solidarity.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

Day Seven
Mary, Mother of the Church, help the Church in these lands to follow your example of sublime love and profound humility. With you, may we be obedient to the commandment of love, and give our selves wholeheartedly to seeking the glory of Christ and serving the needs of our brothers and sisters.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

Day Eight
Mary, Mother of all Christians, hear the prayers of all who worship the name of your Son, Jesus, our hope and salvation. Under the protection of your prayers, may the Church in America enjoy unbroken peace.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

Day Nine
God of power and mercy, you blessed the Americas at Tepeyac with the presence of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. By her prayers enable all people to accept each other as brothers and sisters. Instill justice in our hearts that your peace may reign in the world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever.
O Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the Church in America and walk with us in the new millennium of faith.
Pray the “Our Father” . . . “Hail Mary” (3X) . . . and “Glory be”

virgen de guadalupe prayer in english

La Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se celebra el 12 de diciembre. A continuación encontrará oraciones y artículos en honor a Nuestra Señora.

En 1531 Juan Diego, un indígena mexicano, se dirigía a misa cuando se le apareció la Madre Santísima, vestida como princesa azteca. La Virgen le habló a Juan Diego en su idioma materno y le pidió que le transmitiera al obispo de México su deseo de que se le construyera un templo en esa zona. Cuando Juan Diego habló con el obispo, este le pidió una señal de la Virgen que hiciera creíble su historia. La Virgen le dijo a Juan Diego que fuera a recoger rosas a lo alto de una colina. Aunque era invierno y las temperaturas de diciembre eran muy frías, Juan Diego vio que las rosas florecían en ese lugar. Las recogió en su tilma, que es como una capa hecha de fibra de cacto. Cuando el indígena llevó las flores al obispo, este vio que en la tilma de Juan Diego se mostraba una imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated on December 12. Below find prayers and articles in honor of Our Lady.

In 1531 Juan Diego, a native Mexican, was walking to Mass when the Blessed Mother, dressed as an Aztec princess, appeared to him. She spoke to Juan Diego in his native language and sent him to the bishop of Mexico with a request to build a church on the site. When Juan Diego told the bishop, he demanded a sign before he would believe the story. The Blessed Mother told Juan Diego to pick roses on the site. Although it was December and freezing, roses were in full bloom. Juan Diego gathered the roses in his tilma, a cactus-cloth cape. When he shook them out in front of the bishop, an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was imprinted on Juan Diego’s tilma.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, that in thy celestial apparitions on the mount of Tepeyac, thou didst promise to show thy compassion and pity towards all who, loving and trusting thee, seek thy help and call upon thee in their necessities and afflictions.
Thou didst promise to hearken to our supplications, to dry our tears and to give us consolation and relief. Never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, either for the common welfare, or in personal anxieties, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence, we fly unto thee, O Mary, ever Virgin Mother of the True God! Though grieving under the weight of our sins, we come to prostrate ourselves in thy august presence, certain that thou wilt deign to fulfill thy merciful promises. We are full of hope that, standing beneath thy shadow and protection, nothing will trouble or afflict us, nor need we fear illness, or misfortune, or any other sorrow.
Thou hast decided to remain with us through thy admirable image, thou who art our Mother, our health and our life. Placing ourselves beneath thy maternal gaze and having recourse to thee in all our necessities we need do nothing more. O Holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer us.
[Here mention your petition.]

Five Hail Marys.
(in gratitude for the four apparitions to Juan Diego and the one to Juan Bernardino).


Immaculate Heart of Mary, Heart of my Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, I unite to thy purity, thy sanctity, thy zeal and thy love, all my thoughts, words, acts, and sufferings this day, that there may be nothing in me that does not become through thee, a pleasure to Jesus, a gain to souls, and an act of reparation for the offenses against thy Heart.

O Virgin of Guadalupe,
Mother of the Americas,
grant to our homes the grace of loving
and respecting life in its beginnings,
with the same love with which
you conceived in your womb
the life of the Son of God.
Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of Fair Love,
protect our families so that
they may always be united
and bless the upbringing of our children.

Our hope, look upon us with pity,
teach is to go continually to Jesus,
and if we fall
help us to rise again and return to Him
through the confession of our faults
and our sins in the Sacrament of penance,
which gives peace to the soul.

We beg you to grant us a great love
of all the holy Sacraments,
which are, as it were,
the signs that your Son left us on earth.
Thus, Most Holy Mother,
with the peace of God in our consciences,
with our hearts free from evil and hatred,
we will be able to bring to all others
true joy and peace,
which come to us from your Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
who with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
lives and reigns for ever and ever.


  • (Pope John Paul II.)

O our Lady of Guadalupe,
mystical rose,
make intercession for Holy Church,
protect the Sovereign Pontiff,
help all those who invoke thee in their necessities,
and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary
and Mother of the true God,
obtain for us from thy most holy Son
the grace of keeping our faith,
sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life,
burning charity and the precious gift of final perseverance.

The following may be added.

Dearest Lady,
fruitful Mother of Holiness,
teach me Your ways of gentleness and strength.
Hear my prayer,
offered with deep felt confidence to beg this favor…

(State your prayer request here.)

O Mary,
conceived without sin,
I come to your throne of grace
to share the fervent devotion
of your faithful Mexican children
who call to Thee under the glorious title “Guadalupe” –
the Virgin who crushed the serpent.

Queen of Martyrs,
whose Immaculate Heart was pierced
by seven swords of grief,
help me to walk valiantly
amid the sharp thorns strewn across my path.
Invoke the Holy Spirit of Wisdom
to fortify my will to frequent the Sacraments so that,
thus enlightened and strengthened,
I may prefer God to all creatures
and shun every occasion of sin.

Help me,
as a living branch of the Vine
that is Jesus Christ,
to exemplify His divine charity
always seeking the good of others.
Queen of Apostles,
aid me to win souls
for the Sacred Heart of my Savior.
Keep my apostolate fearless,
dynamic, and articulate,
to proclaim the loving solitude of Our Father in Heaven
so that the wayward may heed His pleading
and obtain pardon,
through the merits of Your Merciful Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Dear Mary,
Your Message of love and care on Tepeyac Hill
floated like a lilting lullaby
into the fresh golden dawn.
Softly you called to Juan Diego,
“least of your sons,”
a man of middle years,
but guileless and childlike in spirit.

Through him you invited all your children to come to you,
the ever-virgin Mother of God,
to look to you as a mother
who wanted only to show a mother’s love.
You would give them whatever they needed,
help and protection,
strength and comfort.
As a lasting proof you left us
your own marvelous picture,
unpainted by any human hand.

Today we bring to you
our child N._ (as yet Unborn).
May this little one always know
and love you as holy Mary,
Mother of the true God
in whom we live and have our being.
May this new soul,
fresh breathed forth from the creator,
giving life to the body,
be like the soul of Juan Diego,
simple, pure and good.

Dear Lady of Guadulupe,
touch this petal of our hearts
with the wintry roses of Tepeyac,
so that a fragrant joy and peace
may spread along its path of earthly life,
reminding men of you
and sweetly drawing them to your waiting heart.

Take this child as your own.
Lady lovely and demure,
enfolded in the mantle of your care,
until the day when in a new land,
all your children join with you,
their merciful mother,
endlessly giving praise and thanks
to God the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit.

“I chose this place and made it holy,
in order that my name might be honored,
and my eyes and heart might remain there forever.” – 2 Chr. 7:16

“Who is this that comes forth like the dawn,
as beautiful as the moon, as resplendent as the sun..?” – Song 6:10

Hail Mary…

“I am the Mother of fair love,… and of knowledge, and of holy hope…
My memory is unto everlasting generations” Eccl. 24:24, 28.


O God, You have been pleased to bestow upon us unceasing favors
by having placed us under the special protection
of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Grant us, your humble servants,
who rejoice in honoring her today upon earth,
the happiness of seeing her face to face in heaven.
Through Christ our Lord.



Remember, O most gracious Virgin of Guadalupe,
that in your apparitions on Mount Tepeyac
you promised to show pity and compassion to all who,
loving and trusting you,
seek your help and protection.

Accordingly, listen now to our supplications
and grant us consolation and relief.
We are full of hope that,
relying on your help,
nothing can trouble or affect us.
As you have remained with us through your admirable image,
so now obtain for us the graces we need.


Novena to Our Lady Of Guadalupe
This novena prayer, written by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D., is approved by Bishop Burke for use preceding Consecration / Renewal.
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
According to your message in Mexico
I venerate you as “the Virgin Mother
Of the true God for whom we live,
The Creator of all the world,
Maker of heaven and earth.”
In spirit I kneel before your most holy Image
Which you miraculously imprinted
Upon the cloak of the Indian Juan Diego,
And with the faith
Of the countless numbers of pilgrims
Who visit your shrine,
I beg you for this favor:
To be a generous, self-sacrificing,
Faithful Marian Catechist all the days of my life.

Remember, O Immaculate Virgin,
The words you spoke to your devout client,
“I am a merciful Mother to you
And to all your people
Who love me and trust in me And invoke my help.
I listen to their lamentations and solace
All their sorrows and their sufferings.”
I beg you to be a merciful Mother to me,
Because I sincerely love you and trust in you
And invoke your help.
I entreat you, Our Lady of Guadalupe,
To grant my request,
If this should be the Will of God,
In order that I may
“Bear witness to your love, your compassion,
Your help and protection.”
Do not forsake me in my needs. Amen.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Hail Mary . . . (3 times)

First Day

Dearest Lady of Guadalupe,
Fruitful Mother of holiness,
Teach me your ways
Of gentleness and strength.
Hear my humble prayer
Offered with heartfelt confidence
To beg this favor (State your petition).

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

Second Day

O Mary, conceived without sin,
I come to your throne of grace
To share the fervent devotion
Of your faithful Mexican children
Who call to you
Under the glorious Aztec title of Guadalupe.
Obtain for me a lively faith
To do your Son’s holy will always:
May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

Third Day

O Mary,
Whose Immaculate Heart
Was pierced by seven swords of grief,
Help me to walk valiantly
Amid the sharp thorns
Strewn across my pathway.
Obtain for me the strength
To be a true imitator of you.
This I ask you, my dear Mother.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

Fourth Day

Dearest Mother of Guadalupe,
I beg you for a fortified will
To imitate your divine Son’s charity,
To always seek the good of others in need.
Grant me this, I humbly ask of you.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

Fifth Day

O most holy Mother,
I beg you to obtain for me
Pardon of all my sins,
Abundant graces to serve your Son
More faithfully from now on,
And lastly, the grace to praise Him
With you forever in heaven.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

Sixth Day

Mary, Mother of vocations,
Multiply priestly vocations
And fill the earth with religious houses
Which will be light and warmth for the world,
Safety in stormy nights.
Beg your Son to send us
Any priests and religious.
This we ask of you, O Mother.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

Seventh Day

O Lady of Guadalupe,
We beg you that parents live
A holy life and educate their children
In a Christian manner;
That children obey and follow
The directions of their parents;
That all members of the family
Pray and worship together.
This we ask of you, O Mother.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

Eighth Day

With my heart full
Of the most sincere veneration,
I prostrate myself before you, O Mother,
To ask you to obtain for me
The grace to fulfill the duties
Of my state in life
With faithfulness and constancy.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

Ninth Day

O God, You have been pleased
To bestow upon us unceasing favors
By having placed us
Under the special protection
Of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Grant us, your humble servants,
Who rejoice in honoring her today upon earth,
The happiness of seeing her face to face in heaven.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

The ‘Hail Mary’, or Ave Maria in Latin, is well-known and prayed worldwide. Spanish speaking countries are no exception: in fact, there, the ‘Hail Mary’ and other devotions to the Virgin Mary are recited quite fervently. The ‘Hail Mary’ is said when praying The Rosary, a Chaplet, or simply to express our love and gratitude to Her.

Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe
194 members

Hail Mary in Spanish
“Dios te salve, María,

Llena eres de gracia,

el Señor es contigo.

Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres,

y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.

Santa María, Madre de Dios,

ruega por nosotros, pecadores,

ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte.


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