Prayer To Maximilian Kolbe For Addicts

If you are struggling with addiction, this prayer to St. Maximilian Kolbe for addicts is for you. Addiction has been described as a disease of the brain, but it is not technically a disease. Substance abuse and an addiction to alcohol are complex mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges that do not obey reason, but they can submit to prayer and faith. A prayer to St. Maximilian Kolbe that is written to help those who battle addiction or have someone close to them battling addiction. Prayers are powerful so send this prayer to a loved one experiencing addiction in the hope that they can experience healing and recovery and come out of the grips of their addiction.

Your love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is admirable, my son. And your willingness to place yourself in front of evil is even more so. We must pray that this Pope can be a Maximilian Kolbe for the 21st century, one who is not afraid to confront the evils threatening mankind– especially worldliness within the Church. Now please repeat after me: Our Father,Who art in Heaven(Hallowed be Thy Name)Hallowed be Thy Name,Thy kingdom come,Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,and lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil.

Obtain for us the grace never to withhold our love and understanding, nor to fail in persevering prayer that the enslaving bonds of addiction may be broken and that full health and freedom may be restored to him / her whom we love.

In 1941, a Polish Convent of the Immaculate Conception in Nagasaki, Japan was targeted by a group of fanatical soldiers of the Japanese army. In this convent there were seven Franciscan nuns and one missionary priest – Maximilian Kolbe. On August 15th, 1944, the same Japanese soldiers returned to the convent to arrest these innocent people. The Franciscan nuns and Maximilian Kolbe attempted to run away but were trapped. The leader of the soldiers selected ten people at random from those who were captured so that only one would be spared. He selected Maximilian Kolbe for death. The Mother Superior protested that there were pregnant women among them, but her plea was ignored. Maximilian Kolbe was separated from the group and locked into a small cell.

Prayer To Maximilian Kolbe For Addicts

 St. Maximilian Kolbe, patron saint of the addicted, I come before you seeking your assistance and prayers for all those suffering with addictions, especially (name person).

Pray that God will help (name person) break the chains of addiction that hold him/her bound and set (name person) free to live a life of health, happiness, and hope.

Ask the Lord to look with compassion upon (name person) and in His infinite mercy to fill his/her life with people who will hold him/her accountable for his/her actions and help him/her stay away from that which held him/her bound.

If (name person) must seek help to overcome his/her addiction, pray the Lord will lead him/her to the best help available.

I ask all this in Jesus’ Name.    Amen.

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