Prayer To Get Rid Of Bad Neighbors

The world we live in today has turned wicked. The people around you may be the reason for some of the setbacks you’re experiencing in your life.

These people may include your neighbors, colleagues, and friends, or even family relatives. You need strong prayers to fight all evil neighbors working against your success or trying to turn you to the wrong part.

Ephesians 6:12 says “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

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Psalms to Make a Neighbor Move

Prayer 1:

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today to ask for your guidance and strength in dealing with my difficult neighbor. Please help me to find peace and harmony in my community, and grant me the patience to handle this situation with grace. May your love and light shine upon us both, and may our hearts be filled with understanding and compassion. Amen.

Prayer 2:

Lord, I pray that you will soften the heart of my neighbor and help them to see the error of their ways. Grant them the wisdom to recognize the impact of their actions on others, and guide them towards a path of kindness and consideration. Please help me to approach this situation with love and forgiveness, and give me the strength to make amends where needed. Amen.

Prayer 3:

Heavenly Father, I lift up my neighbor to you and ask for your intervention in this challenging situation. Help them to find peace and contentment in their hearts, so that they no longer feel the need to cause discord in our community. Grant me the wisdom to handle this conflict with grace and humility, and help me to be a shining example of your love and forgiveness. Amen.

Prayer 4:

Lord, I pray for the strength to endure the trials and tribulations brought on by my difficult neighbor. Help me to remain steadfast in my faith and to trust in your divine plan for my life. Grant me the courage to stand up for what is right, and the wisdom to know when to seek peace instead of conflict. May your words guide my actions, and may your love inspire me to show kindness and compassion towards those who challenge me. Amen.

Prayer 5:

Dear God, I come to you in times of trouble and ask for your help in dealing with my neighbor. Please give me the grace to forgive them for their transgressions, and the strength to move forward with love and compassion in my heart. Help me to see the good in them, despite their flaws, and to treat them with the same kindness and respect that I would want for myself. May your words guide me in all my interactions, and may your love shine through me in all that I do. Amen.

Prayer 6:

Heavenly Father, I ask for your protection and guidance as I navigate the challenges presented by my neighbor. Please shield me from harm and grant me the wisdom to handle difficult situations with grace and poise. Help me to remain true to my values and beliefs, even when faced with adversity, and give me the strength to stand firm in the face of conflict. May your love and light surround me, and may your words be a beacon of hope in times of darkness. Amen.

Prayer 7:

Lord, I come before you with a heavy heart, burdened by the actions of my neighbor. Please help me to find peace and solace in your presence, and grant me the patience to endure this trial with grace and humility. Guide me towards forgiveness and understanding, and help me to see the good in those who challenge me. Give me the strength to rise above the discord and to be a source of light and love in my community. Amen.

Prayer 8:

Dear God, I pray for the courage to speak up against injustice and conflict, and the wisdom to seek resolution in times of strife. Help me to approach my neighbor with kindness and compassion, even when faced with hostility and discord. Grant me the strength to stand up for what is right, and the humility to admit when I am wrong. May your love guide my actions, and may your words inspire me to be a beacon of hope and forgiveness in times of darkness. Amen.

Related Bible Verse:

“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew 5:44

Prayer To Get Rid Of Bad Neighbors

Greetings, Heavenly Father In the name of Jesus Christ, I come before You now to ask for Your heavenly intervention with regard to my evil neighbors. Lord Jesus, only You are able to see the tears and annoyances I have shed due to their behavior. Kind God, in Your countless knowledge and wisdom, please uproot these wicked neighbors and assist them in moving to a different location.

Please, Holy Spirit, guide me to hold fast to my faith and abstain from wicked deeds. Substitute them with virtuous neighbors who revere You and honor Your name. May the devil’s strongholds be removed from our community via the precious blood of Christ Jesus.

Heavenly Father, I really pray that You would provide prosperity to our community and foster harmony and peace among us. The only thing that will lead to a fair outcome for all parties is Your plan. Thank You, God of Life, for always encouraging me to put my faith in Your kind presence. In the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayers for the Evil House and Wicked Neighbors (Prayer Courtesy of Chosen Generation Ministry)

  1. In the name of Jesus, I pray that every bad neighbor who is keeping an eye on me and my surroundings will be shamed by fire.
  2. In the name of Jesus, I disappoint any man or woman who despises the labors of my hands.
  3. Every malevolent force circling my surroundings, crash! In Jesus’ name.
  4. In the name of Jesus, I ask that any charm strewn on my doorpost be neutralized and used to damage my potential.
  5. In the name of Jesus, Holy Ghost fire, seize any demonic forces in my home that are preventing favor from coming to me.
  6. In the name of Jesus, frustrate every renter who is using charm as a result of me by sending them a Holy Ghost fire.
  7. In the name of Jesus, Father, my Father, show me any evil tenants who are covertly preparing to bring me down.
  8. In the name of Jesus, I give fire to every authority that has sworn to undermine all of my efforts in my home and to perish.
  9. In the name of Jesus, set ablaze every evil tenant who is utilizing an unusual power to thwart my destiny.
  10. In the name of Jesus, no evil neighbor shall have power over my future.

Prayer for Someone to Move Away

  1. Every evil neighbor monitoring my life in my environment, be disgraced by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Any man or woman that hates the works of my hands, be disappointed, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every evil power in my environment flying around, crash!!! In the name of Jesus.
  4. Any charm scattered on my doorpost to destroy my potentials, be neutralized, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Holy Ghost fire, arrest any evil powers in my house blocking favor from reaching me, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Every tenant that is operating on charm because of me, Holy Ghost fire frustrate them, in the name of Jesus.
  7. My Father, my Father, reveal any wicked tenants secretly plotting my downfall, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Every power that has vowed to frustrate all my efforts in my house, receive fire and die, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every wicked tenant using strange power against my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  10. My destiny shall not be in the control of any wicked neighbor, in the name of Jesus.
  11. Any evil neighbor broadcasting my glory to the kingdom of darkness, receive double tragedy, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Every witch and wizard in my environment stealing my blessings, be exposed, in the name of Jesus.
  13. My Father, deliver me from the hands of witchcraft neighbors, in the name of Jesus.
  14. I break every curse of backwardness planted in the foundation of my residence, in the name of Jesus.
  15. I cancel every evil pattern of untimely death in my residence, in the name of Jesus.
  16. I cancel every spirit of late marriage in my household, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Every agent of darkness living in my environment, roast by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  18. Thou that troubleth my life, hear the word of the Lord, you shall be troubled, in the name of Jesus.
  19. Any tree in my environment blowing bad luck to all tenants of my house, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  20. Every power that has killed the works of my hands in my place of residence, receive destruction, in the name of Jesus.
  21. I destroy every spirit of sorrow and mourning in my house, in the name of Jesus.
  22. I destroy every covenant of barrenness in my house, in the name of Jesus.
  23. I destroy every covenant of poverty in my house, in the name of Jesus.
  24. I destroy every covenant of satanic nightmares in my house, in the name of Jesus.
  25. I refuse to be glued to the wrong house, in the name of Jesus.
  26. I refuse to associate myself with evil neighbors, in the name of Jesus.
  27. O God, let anyone standing against my prayers in my environment, be frustrated by fire, in Jesus name.
  28. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.

Psalm for Bad Neighbors

➡ My father! My father! I decree that all eyes of the enemies shall never see me. Their hands shall never touch me in Jesus’ name.

➡ God, my father, I put my life in your hands. I come against any evil neighbors, man or woman, whose intentions are to harm me. I call upon the holy ghost fire to consume them all in all their gatherings against me in Jesus’ name.

➡ Oh God, my creator, is there any neighbor, fake friend, or evil brother who is jealous of my progress and has decided to block my success or work against it. Let all their plans begin to crumble in the mighty name of Jesus.

➡ Everlasting father, as I have never wished any bad to my neighbor, it shall not come to past for any neighbor of mine wishing me badly in Jesus’ name.

➡ All you evil neighbors attacking during the night in the forms of snakes, bats, cats, snails, I command you this moment to be destroyed by the holy ghost fire!

➡ My door of blessings shall not be closed because of evil friends and neighbors. Oh God, my father, fight my battle now and forever in the mighty name of Jesus.

➡ For the Lord is my protector; I fear no evil, and I fear no evil neighbor. I stand on the solid name of Jesus Christ to set ablaze all occultic neighbors working against my progress.

➡ Whether at home, in school, or the workplace, any colleague who sees me as a threat, may God almighty change my story and take me higher in Jesus’ name.

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➡ Any evil neighbor, colleague, or friend, harboring any plan against me, be it a setup or whatever. Let God Almighty scatter these plans and vindicate me in the mighty name of Jesus.

➡ The trap set by my evil neighbors shall catch up with them. They shall be disappointed seeing what I have become in Jesus’ mighty name.

➡ Let the door of success close up for anybody who wants the door of success closed for me in Jesus’ name.

➡ God of impossibilities, bless all those who bless me and fight all those who fight me. Show my neighbors that I serve a living God and that my God doesn’t disappoint like theirs.

➡ I come against all evil uncle’s, aunties, neighbors, and friends manipulating my destiny from now henceforth, all their works shall bring vain in Jesus name.

➡ As I pray this moment, Oh God, let walks of heaven rise and fight every demonic power channeled towards me by my neighbors in Jesus’ name.

➡ Whatever it is that will make me susceptible to my evil neighbors, be it food, money, cloth, and so on, I come against them in the mighty name of Jesus.

➡ Let my neighbors find no reason to mock me Oh Lord, wipe all my tears away and show them that I serve a living God.

➡ Let all ailments, loss, and lack directed to me by my evil neighbors be reversed to the sender in Jesus’ name.

➡ Keep me, safe Father, for I am amid ungodly and wicked fellows in Jesus’ name.

➡ I have no other God but you. My neighbors are against me. Lord, guard me, protect me, preserve me.

➡ All evil colleagues who fight me for no just course shall tender an apology to me in Jesus’ mighty name.

➡ Almighty Father, disconnect me from all close neighbors who secretly plan for my downfall in Jesus’ name.

➡ All you backstabbing colleagues, neighbors, and friends, I come against you in the name of Jesus. Let the evil you plot against me find you in Jesus’ name.

➡ I destroy with the holy ghost fire all my neighbors coming to attack me in the night as witches and wizards in Jesus’ mighty name.

➡ I fight against all friends and neighbors whom the devil has been using to lure me into sin. From today henceforth, I flee from you all in the mighty name of Jesus.

➡ The evil works of wicked neighbors shall not hinder my progress no matter the technique or strategy they use against me in Jesus’ name.

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➡ My neighbors shall not pose an obstacle to my success in any way in Jesus’ name.

➡ Whatever evil plan set to destroy me shall attract good luck to me in Jesus’ name.

➡ Any neighbor who tries to repay my goodness with evil shall face the wrath of God in Jesus’ name.

➡ Any shrine or occultic gathering housing any of my belonging or photograph, be consumed by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.

➡ All works of the enemy, be it evil dreams, nightmares, setbacks, heartbreak, and disappointment, I command you to disappear from me in the mighty name of Jesus.

➡ I am created in the image of God Almighty, no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and so, all my persecutors shall be caught in their net in Jesus’ name.

➡ Everlasting creator, only your plan for me shall come to past. Let all forces working against your plan for me be conquered in Jesus’ mighty name.

➡ I serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He will neither let me down nor let the plans of the wicked neighbors be accomplished in Jesus’ name.

➡ I drop all attacks and problems coming from my evil neighbors at your feet, solve the problems and fight my battle.

➡ I pray Lord for grace to withstand all pressure to join evil acts of my neighbors anytime and anywhere in Jesus’ name.

➡ Do not allow evil people surrounding me to steal my joy, my happiness, and my wealth in any way in Jesus’ name.

➡ Let any charm buried around my building or close to my apartment by my neighbors be nullified and rendered weak in Jesus’ mighty name.

➡ I unbind, unlock and uncage myself from any bondage or yoke acting upon me in the name of Jesus.

➡ Come rain or shine, my testimony shall be loud, no work of any witch or demon shall stop it in Jesus mighty name.

➡ I cry unto you Abba Father, for in your hands lies all solutions. Deliver me from this evil den. Let your shield of protection embalm me that all evil neighbors shall labor in vain in Jesus’ name.

➡ Let all wolves in sheep clothing, backbiters, evil instigators in the forms of my friends, neighbors, and colleagues be revealed shamefully in Jesus’ name.

➡ All those plotting my disgrace and downfall shall have all have a dose of their own medicine in Jesus’ name.

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➡ The devil thrives when the children of God are afraid. I come against all spirit of fear preventing me from confronting, both physically and spiritually, all evil neighbors attacking me.

➡ Even as I give or receive any gift from my neighbors, my God, and my father, may it not be used as a weapon against me in Jesus’ name.

➡ I pray for the light of salvation to shine upon my neighbors who embrace evil than good deeds. Let them come to know you and see e you as their creator in Jesus’ name.

➡ I send all evil witches and wizards hovering around my aboard into the bottomless hole where they shall never be out to carry out their plan in Jesus’ name.

➡ Let every evil human around me attracting demons begin to relocate in the mighty name of Jesus.

➡ I pray against the principalities and powers of all evil ones, demonic alters, and plans of the wicked ones, let they be destroyed and consumed by holy ghost fire.

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