Novena prayer to our lady of Candelaria

Novena Prayer To Our Lady Of Candelaria: A blog where you can find the novena prayer to Our Lady of Candelaria and other prayers.

Novena prayer to our lady of candelaria

The novena prayer to Our Lady of Candelaria is a prayer that was written in honor of Our Lady of Candelaria, also known as the Virgin of Candelaria. It is said that this prayer was written after a native woman named Ines Perez de Andrade asked the Virgin Mary to help her heal her son who had been suffering from leprosy.

Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Candelaria

Our Lady of Candelaria, you are the beacon of light in our lives, guiding us through the darkness with your love and grace. As we come before you in prayer, we ask for your intercession and blessings upon our lives. Help us to grow in faith, hope, and love, and lead us closer to your son, Jesus Christ. Through this novena, we seek your powerful prayers for our intentions and needs. May your maternal care surround us always, and may we always feel your presence in our lives. Amen.

Day 1

Dear Mother Mary, you are the gentle and loving mother of all. Help us to imitate your virtues of humility, obedience, and faith. Through your intercession, may we grow in holiness and draw closer to your son, Jesus. Amen.

Day 2

Our Lady of Candelaria, you are the patroness of the Canary Islands and a shining example of faith. Help us to trust in God’s plan for our lives and surrender ourselves to his will. Through your prayers, may we find peace and strength in times of trial. Amen.

Day 3

Blessed Mother, you are the Queen of Heaven and Earth, reigning with your son, Jesus. Intercede for us as we strive to live lives of holiness and virtue. Help us to follow your example of love and compassion towards others. Amen.

Day 4

Our Lady of Candelaria, you are the Star of the Sea, guiding us safely to the harbor of heaven. Help us to navigate the storms of life with courage and trust in God’s providence. Through your prayers, may we find refuge in your maternal embrace. Amen.

Day 5

Most Holy Mother, you are the refuge of sinners and the comfort of the afflicted. Pray for us as we turn to you in our need. Help us to seek forgiveness for our sins and find healing for our wounds. Through your intercession, may we experience the mercy and love of your son, Jesus. Amen.

Day 6

Dear Lady of Candelaria, you are the mirror of justice and the seat of wisdom. Help us to discern God’s will for our lives and follow it faithfully. Through your prayers, may we be guided by the light of truth and walk in the path of righteousness. Amen.

Day 7

Blessed Virgin Mary, you are the cause of our joy and the source of our hope. Intercede for us as we offer our prayers and petitions to God. Help us to trust in his goodness and providence, knowing that he hears our every prayer. Through your maternal care, may we find peace and consolation in times of trouble. Amen.

Day 8

Our Lady of Candelaria, you are the model of purity and the refuge of the oppressed. Pray for us as we seek your help in our time of need. Help us to stand up for justice and defend the rights of the marginalized. Through your intercession, may we be instruments of God’s mercy and love in the world. Amen.

“And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.'” – Luke 1:38

A Prayer for God’s Power

Oh, God, today help us to live with faith. May it not be said of us that our faith is too small, or to help us to look to You, to see in You, Your infinite power. Your infinite glory, and greatness, and grander, and majesty, Your infinite ability. Keep us, oh God, from trusting in our power. Help us to trust in Your power. Help us to pray accordingly as we pray, even right now. God, help us to realize we’re talking to You, the king of the universe that has all authority and all power, who’s sovereignly ruling and reigning over all things. Help us not to underestimate You in our praying. As we pray for others, as we serve others, help us to do that cognizant of Your power.

The novena prayer begins with a simple request, “by your grace and through your intercession, O Mother of Grace: Ask for our needs.” Then it goes on to list specific things that need to be asked for, including: peace for the world, for all people, and for those who are sick; health for those who are sick; any other thing we may ask of you at this time.

It ends with an invocation: “Mother of Grace, bless us with your blessing.”

Dear Lady of Candelaria, I pray to you on this day. I have faith that you will hear my prayer and help me with my problem.

I pray for strength to overcome all obstacles in my life and to be able to trust in your guidance.

I pray for wisdom and understanding of myself, others and the world around me.

I pray for the courage to do what is right, no matter how hard it may seem at the time.

I pray for patience when things don’t go as planned, knowing that all things work together for good if I keep loving God above all else.

I pray for joy in my heart today knowing that whatever happens today will bring about a better tomorrow for myself and others around me who need help from our Lord Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother Mary Immaculate Virgin. In Jesus name! Amen!

Oh, glorious Virgin Mary, Mother of God, through your intercession with Jesus, Our Savior and Lord, we beseech you to bless us with your loving help. We ask you to look with favor on our petition and grant us the favor we desire.

Mother of the Church, pray for us.

Virgin of Candelaria, pray for us.

O great Queen of Heaven and Earth, we come before you today to ask for your guidance and assistance.

We are beset by many difficulties in our lives, and we know that you are the only one who can help us through them. We ask for your protection from all evil, and for your guidance in all things.

O Blessed Mother, please intercede on our behalf with Jesus Christ our Savior. Help us to be faithful to everything that we have been taught by the Church so that we may enter into eternal life with Him forever. Amen

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, to thee who art the Immaculate Conception, I come with humble devotion as a child to his mother.

I thank thee for having delivered me from the power of the enemy and obtained for me pardon from thy divine Son.

O loving Mother, by that grace which thou didst merit at the foot of the cross when thou wast pierced by the swords of thine enemies, obtain for me the pardon of my sins and an increase of faith, hope and charity.

O loving Mother! obtain for me also a true contrition for my sins and a firm resolution to amend my life; that I may enjoy many years in this world in peace and prosperity, and finally die in God’s grace. Amen.

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