Did you know that children don’t know the difference between Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans’ Day and Mother’s Day? I had another friend tell me that their preschooler was telling them not to forget to thank a veteran for his service on Veterans’ Day. May is such a busy month for them, with every holiday within a week of each other! So we decided to write this blog post about Veterans’ Day and the simple ways we can teach our children about this important day of remembrance. Every year, we set aside the day to honor veterans and those who served in the Armed Forces of our country. Veterans Day is a great opportunity for parents to teach our children about America’s history, how early military conflicts resulted in the creation of our country, and the sacrifice that was made by so many to make sure that we could enjoy this freedom. Children are active listeners, and they love to hear stories. A children’s sermon about Veterans Day will help them understand the meaning of this day and its significance to the country. It can be used in a school setting or at home. Share any of these ideas with a child today! On Veterans Day, children have a chance to show gratitude for their country’s military men and women. We know that giving thanks to these special men and women can be hard for children. They might feel nervous about saying the words out loud or getting everything in order. If you are looking for some great ideas to help your kids talk about Veterans Day here are some fun ways they can share their gratitude.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on CHILDREN’S SERMON ABOUT VETERANS DAY. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about CHILDREN’S SERMON ABOUT VETERANS DAY.
Children’s Sermon About Veterans Day
Use this Veterans Day children’s sermon to teach kids that we honor those who fought to bring peace.
Scripture: Matthew 5:9
Needed: picture of soldiers at peace, such as during the Christmas Truce
Children’s Sermon
Ask, Do any of you know what holiday we’re going to celebrate tomorrow? (Veterans Day!)
And what is a veteran? (Someone who served in the military.)
Do any of you know someone who was in the military? Who was it?
(Briefly share about anyone you know who served in the military.)
Why do you think we’re going to celebrate Veterans Day tomorrow? Why not celebrate it some other day?
We celebrate Veterans Day tomorrow because it’s the anniversary of when World War I ended. The two sides of the war stopped fighting and made peace with each other. (Show your picture of soldiers at peace.) The best part about a war is when it’s over, and everyone can be at peace again.
But, sometimes, the only way to have peace is to fight first. As Christians, we don’t like to fight, but we know that sometimes, we have to fight to keep other armies from doing bad things. If one country’s army is trying to attack us or another country, we have to fight to stop them. We fight to keep ourselves or other people safe. And then, after the war is over, we thank the soldiers for doing such a great job and bringing peace. The soldiers risk their lives to bring peace.
Jesus talked about how important making peace is. He said…
(Read Matthew 5:9.)
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers,” the people who make peace. Our soldiers help make peace all over the world, and that’s why we thank them on Veteran’s Day. No good soldier wants to fight, but they do it to make peace.
Closing Prayer
Lord, we pray for the day when we won’t need to have wars, armies or soldiers. We pray for the time when everyone will do what is right. But until that time, we thank You for the men and women who are brave enough to fight so that they can make peace. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.
A Closer Look at Veterans Day
“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3
It was the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month in 1918 when the world celebrated as a treaty was signed ending what was to be “the war to end all “wars”—World War I.
One year later, on what came to be known as Armistice Day, Americans came together to remember and honor the sacrifices of the men and women who served during the war. Speeches and ceremonies honoring the soldiers who survived the war and recognized their contribution to global peace marched in parades.
Congress declared Armistice Day a national holiday in 1938. By this time, with unrest in much of the world, Americans realized World War I would not be the last war. After the Second World War, which was even bloodier than the first, Armistice Day continued to be observed. In 1954, Congress changed the name of the holiday to Veterans Day to include veterans of all United States wars.
Today, Americans honor the service and sacrifice of our armed forces in the past as well as the present on Veterans Day. The official national ceremony takes place at Arlington National Cemetery at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. A color guard representing all the branches of the military executes “Present Arms” at the tomb, a Presidential wreath is placed on the graves, and a bugler plays “taps.”
In communities across the county, there are parades, ceremonies and speeches. At 11:00 in the morning, Americans are encouraged to observe a moment of silence to remember those who fought for freedom.
A Closer Look
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! ~~ Patrick Henry March 23, 1775
I’ll be honest with you: it is quite uncomfortable for me to take a closer look at Veterans Day. I am ashamed to admit that it wasn’t until recently that I began to understand and appreciate the great freedom we enjoy as citizens of the United States. I am even more ashamed to admit that I had little appreciation for its cost.
I grew up in an era when military service was not valued by a very vocal segment of our nation—much less honored. As a child, I witnessed night after night of students and others protesting the controversial Vietnam War on the evening news. Veterans who had put their lives on the line in service to their country were not welcomed home as heroes but as outcasts.
It was a time when I found it hard to imagine why anyone would voluntarily choose to enter the military. Looking back, the only word for our nation’s treatment of our veterans during this period is appalling.
Outside the Cocoon
It wasn’t until the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, that I began to peek outside of my comfortable cocoon in the United States at life in countries with little freedom. I saw the cruel treatment of women in many Middle Eastern countries as they were beaten for appearing on the street without male escorts, even if their only reason for venturing out was to purchase food for their children. I saw how girls in these countries are denied access to education and have no choice in their marriage partners.
In Sudan, I learned of people—even children—being tortured and murdered because they refused to deny their faith in Jesus. In China, pregnant women are forced to abort their unborn children to comply with laws on family size.
In Central American countries, those who publicly disagree with governmental policies often “mysteriously” disappear, never to be seen again. The list of human rights violations and atrocities outside of the United States is extensive.
Yet, here I sit—in the wealthiest nation on earth—free to attend the church of my choice, to own as many Bibles as I can afford, to choose my own husband (or choose not to marry), to vote for the leaders of my government and even to write a letter to the editor of the newspaper when I disagree with the decisions they make.
And why can’t I enjoy these freedoms? Because the men and women in our armed forces understand that freedom has a cost. And since the birth of our nation, brave men and women have stepped forward, weighed the cost and chosen to lay down their lives in service to their fellow countrymen.
Thank you just isn’t enough. We need to pass these truths on to future generations, and Veterans Day is a great place to start.
“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13