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Spiritual Meaning of Concussion

    A concussion is an injury that medical professionals have incorrectly classified as minor. This has created a concussion crisis across North America and the rest of the world. Concussions create tiny cracks inside the head, which allow foreign bodies to enter the body.

    A concussion, also known as a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), is a type of brain injury that changes the way your brain normally works. Concussions usually happen when a sudden hit to the head causes the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull. This stretching and tearing of brain cells causes chemical changes and creates a chemical called quinolinic acid. This can lead to inflammation and brain damage.

    A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that can occur from a physical blow to the head or from a sudden, violent shaking of the head. Symptoms include headaches and confusion, as well as trouble paying attention, concentrating, learning new things, and remembering things.

    Spiritual Meaning of Concussion

    The spiritual meaning of concussion is that it represents an opportunity for growth and learning through reflection. Learning to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings helps you grow in self-awareness and compassion for others.

    A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that occurs when the head receives a sudden blow or jolt.

    The severity of the injury depends on how hard and where the head was hit. A person who suffers a concussion may have difficulty thinking clearly, remembering specific events, concentrating, and/or sleeping. Physical symptoms include headache, nausea/vomiting, dizziness/balance problems, fatigue, confusion/poor concentration/mood changes (e.g., irritability), and double vision or blurred vision; some people experience more than one of these symptoms.

    Concussions are classified by their severity: mild (grade 1), moderate (grade 2), and severe (grade 3). The recovery time for each type varies depending on the severity of the injury and how well an individual responds to treatment.

    Dream About Concussion


    A concussion may occur when the head hits an object or a moving object strikes the head. A concussion is a less severe type of brain injury. It may also be called a traumatic brain injury.

    A concussion can affect how the brain works. The amount of brain injury and how long it will last depends on how severe the concussion is. A concussion may lead to headaches, changes in alertness, loss of consciousness, memory loss, and changes in thinking.


    Alternative Names

    Brain injury: concussion; Traumatic brain injury: concussion; Closed head injury: concussion


    A concussion can result from a fall, sports activities, vehicular accidents, assault, or other direct injury to the skull. A big movement of the brain (called jarring) in any direction can cause a person to lose alertness (become unconscious). How long the person stays unconscious may be a sign of how bad the concussion is.

    Concussions do not always lead to a loss of consciousness. Most people never pass out. They may describe seeing all white, all black, or stars. A person can also have a concussion and not realize it.


    In a severe impact to the head, the brain moves and hits the skull causing injury. During a boxing match, the brain moves from side to side after the impact of a punch. Following a concussion head injury, confusion and disorientation due to temporary distortion of the brain may result.


    Symptoms of a milder concussion can include:

    • Acting somewhat confused, feeling unable to concentrate, or not thinking clearly
    • Being drowsy, hard to wake up, or similar changes
    • Headache
    • Loss of consciousness for a fairly short period of time
    • Memory loss (amnesia) of events before the injury or right after
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Seeing flashing lights
    • Feeling like you have “lost time”
    • Sleep abnormalities

    The following are emergency symptoms of a more severe head injury or concussion. Seek medical care right away if there are:

    • Changes in alertness and consciousness
    • Confusion that does not go away
    • Seizures
    • Muscle weakness on one or both sides of the body
    • Pupils of the eyes that are not equal in size
    • Unusual eye movements
    • Repeated vomiting
    • Walking or balance problems
    • Unconsciousness for a longer period of time or that continues (coma)

    Head injuries that cause a concussion often occur with injuries to the neck and spine. Take special care when moving people who have had a head injury.

    Exams and Tests

    The health care provider will perform a physical exam. The person’s nervous system will be checked. There may be changes in the person’s pupil size, thinking ability, coordination, and reflexes.

    Tests that may be done include:

    • Blood and urine tests
    • EEG (brain wave test) may be needed if seizures continue
    • Head CT (computerized tomography) scan
    • MRI of the brain (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain
    • X-rays


    For a mild head injury, no treatment may be needed. But be aware that the symptoms of a head injury can show up later.

    Your providers will explain what to expect, how to manage any headaches, how to treat your other symptoms, when to return to sports, school, work, and other activities, and signs or symptoms to worry about.

    • Children will need to be watched and make activity changes.
    • Adults also need close observation and activity changes.

    Both adults and children must follow the provider’s instructions about when it will be possible to return to sports.

    You will likely need to stay in the hospital if:

    • Emergency or more severe symptoms of head injury are present
    • There is a skull fracture
    • There is any bleeding under your skull or in the brain

    Outlook (Prognosis)

    Healing or recovering from a concussion takes time. It may take days, weeks, or even months. During that time, you may:

    • Be withdrawn, easily upset, or confused, or have other mood changes
    • Have a hard time with tasks that require memory or concentration
    • Have mild headaches
    • Be less tolerant of noise
    • Be very tired
    • Feel dizzy
    • Have blurry vision at times

    These problems will probably recover slowly. You may want to get help from family or friends for making important decisions.

    In a small number of people, symptoms of the concussion do not go away. The risk for these long-term changes in the brain is higher after more than one concussion.

    Seizures may occur after more severe head injuries. You or your child may need to take anti-seizure medicines for a period of time.

    More severe traumatic brain injuries may result in many brain and nervous system problems.

    When to Contact a Medical Professional

    Call the provider if:

    • A head injury causes changes in alertness.
    • A person has other worrisome symptoms.
    • Symptoms do not go away or are not improving after 2 or 3 weeks.

    Call right away if the following symptoms occur:

    • Increased sleepiness or difficulty waking up
    • Stiff neck
    • Changes in behavior or unusual behavior
    • Changes in speech (slurred, difficult to understand, does not make sense)
    • Confusion or problems thinking straight
    • Double vision or blurred vision
    • Fever
    • Fluid or blood leaking from the nose or ears
    • Headache that is getting worse, lasts a long time, or does not get better with over-the-counter pain relievers
    • Problems walking or talking
    • Seizures (jerking of the arms or legs without control)
    • Vomiting more than three times

    If symptoms do not go away or are not improving a lot after 2 or 3 weeks, talk to your provider.


    Not all head injuries can be prevented. Increase safety for you and your child by following these steps:

    • Always use safety equipment during activities that could cause a head injury. These include seat belts, bicycle or motorcycle helmets, and hard hats.
    • Learn and follow bicycle safety recommendations.

    Do not drink and drive. Do not allow someone who may have been drinking or is otherwise intoxicated to drive you.

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