Sample Spreadsheet For Church Tithes

I am providing with this article a church collection and church accounting sheet which will help you to keep track of your Sunday collections. This sheet is designed to help you count the money that was collected as well as detailing all the expenses you made during the week. A church collection count sheet is a great tool for keeping track of church tithes, offering receipts and counting procedures. If you are a pastor or part-time pastor who often supports your ministry with cash donations, this spreadsheet will help you out in keeping organized.

Johanna is in Florida how do you feel about giving monthly donations to groups like World Vision while in baby step 2 I could definitely use the $33 a month towards debt but I also feel like we made a commitment to help this child well you need to pray through whether or not you have made a commitment or a contract at is there a zero are you committed to do this for the rest of your life is world vision a perpetual commitment no it’s not and so you from you know you committed to how you you sponsored a child but there’s not a timeframe on that to my knowledge and it’s a wonderful thing to do obviously sponsor a child the general guideline is this and you you can you know just pray and and find what God’s Spirit is telling you to do in the middle of this but the general guideline is for those of us that are evangelical Christians our baseline for giving before we do anything else is the tithe a tenth of our income off the top before you do anything going to the local church.

Church collections can be challenging for your church staff and volunteers. It takes several minutes to count and separate cash from bills, plus an extra person always has to get involved. This can take up valuable time that could be spent marketing or serving others in need. The church collection index is a useful tool for keeping track of the financial state of your church and its members. Any church can benefit from having a printed index for collection purposes.

Sample Spreadsheet For Church Tithes

Church congregation collection sheets have been around for a long time. If you are involved in a church where the pastor collects tithes, tithers and offerings, here’s my guide to keeping track of your generous contributions. This free church collection count sheet is designed to help you keep track of your church’s offering, including collections and pledges.

You are getting a newsletter about church collection counting procedures. In this blog post you will find out how to keep track of your church tithes and offerings. There is no better place than this site for all your needs when it comes to church tithes. Here’s a bellow page which shows two church spreadsheet template you can use:

Free Accounting Workbooks

To receive your free accounting software downloads described below, simply fill in the form on my free newsletter page or the form above to subscribe to my free newsletter.

My free spreadsheets are just single entry fund accounting spreadsheets. See this basic accounting page. If your church or nonprofit organization needs to track assets and liabilities, double entry software such as Aplos would the best for your accounting needs.

However, if you are a start up or small church or nonprofit, my free accounting software downloads may be just what you are looking for.

Note: You must have MS Excel or another compatible spreadsheet application like OpenOffice installed on your computer to open up and run these accounting spreadsheets.

Need help setting up an effective accounting system!

Overwhelmed with the accounting part of your ministry?

Have a high turnover of individuals keeping the books?

Hiring a full time in-house bookkeeper not affordable or even a possibility at this time?

We can also set up an accounting system and train you how to use!

Automatic Free Spreadsheets

This workbook (set of spreadsheets) consists of monthly general ledgers that automatically carry all totals to a monthly financial statement and quarterly reports. Then all the totals from the monthly reports automatically generate an annual report.

It includes:

  • 1 Chart of Accounts
  • 1 Budget vs Actual Report
  • 1 Summary by Month Report
  • 12 General Ledgers
  • 12 Monthly Reports
  • 4 Quarterly Reports
  • 1 Annual Report
  • 1 Info Page (it is the first tab…please take a moment to read it first)

Manual Free Spreadsheet

This workbook (set of spreadsheets) consists of a monthly general ledger, monthly report, and an annual report. Unlike my regular accounting free spreadsheets….only the annual report is automatically generated. You will have to manually put in all the totals for the monthly reports.

The general ledger is set up for 1 fund accounts. The monthly report has no formulas (except for set up) and is easy to modify.

Accounting Packages:

The above 1 fund accounting workbook is a bonus for signing up for Free Church Accounting’s newsletter; however, if you need an accounting workbook with 5 funds already set up or a contribution tracking workbook, please see some of the spreadsheets and packages below:

Spreadsheet Package

The Spreadsheet Package includes:

  • Contribution Tracking Workbook
  • 5 Fund Automatic Accounting Workbook 
  • Bank Reconciliation Workbook
  • Collection Count Sheet
  • Mileage Log Workbook 
  • Much more –

PLUS a Word document with 3 examples of contribution statements for cash, non cash, and quid pro quo donations that you can customize for your own use!

Church Accounting Package

A set of 4 ebooks that covers the following topics…

  • Fund Accounting Examples and Explanations
  • Setting up a fund accounting system
  • Donation management
  • Minister compensation and taxes
  • Internal controls and staff reimbursements
  • Much more – 

If you want to DIY your payroll, I highly recommend you look at using Gusto! It is very user friendly and their support is awesome! Plus they know how to set up and maintain payrolls for churches and nonprofit organizations.

Note: I am a “partner” of Gusto, but as I have told you before … I never recommend anything that we or our clients have not tried and love =)

You are getting a newsletter about church collection counting procedures. In this blog post you will find out how to keep track of your church tithes and offerings. There is no better place than this site for all your needs when it comes to church tithes. Here’s a bellow page which shows two church spreadsheet template you can use:

Church collection counting sheet, free church collection count sheet, how to keep track of church giving (tithe), church offering procedures, reading off a cash register.

Church collection count sheet, offer counting procedures for handy billing the church. It will help you to keep track of the collection in detail.

Church collection is one of the most important activities in a church. It brings income and allows us to keep the lights on while providing helping hand to those in need. Church offering counting procedure is a process that helps us achieve above aim by making it simple and easy for us. It also helps us to know how many people have contributed from our meetings and even from outside sources.

The church collection count sheet is a very important piece of paper. It should be used by the church treasurer to keep track of the number of offerings for each church offering. This includes weekly collections, monthly collections, and special collections.

Church collection counting sheets are useful in many situations. For example, when organizing collections at home and at church, or even if you lead a group of people during a service.

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